Yuri is like a disease

Yuri is like a disease.

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That's not Yuri, that's Yuu.

How can one girl be so perfect?


Yu has a funky ass left index finger there

>Persona 4
N-no thanks

And I'm the cure.

If you're going to post Persona fanart at least use a pic from an actually good game.

No that's Larry user

I wish they introduced Haru and Lavenza earlier

>persona 4
No thanks

Haru yeah, Lavenza worked where she came in.

Persona 4 is dead now. Yukiko dub voice actor is a crazy bitch.

no it's not, it's like poison

Whats wrong with their hand?

One of the cutest characters ever created

Persona 4 has the shittiest waifus ever. I'm glad they stepped their game back up in 5.

Why the fuck would you kiss Larry?

Okay but why are his and Haru's clothes switched?


>like a disease
It is a disease.

Well let me tell you something.

I've got a fever.

And the only prescription... is more yuri.

>Ai gets no fanart despite probably have the best S.Link of any female in 4.
Worst of all She has no weight gain/bbw art despite her past as a fatty

You're one of those same people who like to pretend Ann isn't just blessed with a God-tier metabolism, aren't you?

Is this the new meme?


Sincerely surprised there is not more of this.

I want more of this.

Yukiko is garbage. GARBAGE. Her laugh is annoying, she has no personality. Even Chie and Naoto are cuter and they're basically men. Rise is best Persona 4.

There's not a lot of Persona 2 fanart.


Don't talk shit about my imouto like that.

I'm gonna fuck your imouto and there's nothing you can do about it.

Shut up Goro, you're dead.

You want more trash?

Fatlus will bring him back to cash in on the fujobux don't you worry.

If they wanted to capitalize on fujobux, they'd give us more Yusuke.

Nah they love Goro.
They voted his ass to number one in the P5 character poll.

I... sincerely cannot comprehend why that would be.

Ever point I can think which would appeal to a fujo with Goro, applies to Yusuke too.
And Yusuke's just a thousand times more enjoyable a character.

Goro really got played like a fiddle by the PT

>implying the FeMC wasn't the superior choice in P3


Yusuke is too goofy. He's almost a joke character. Goro is that prettyface, sympathetic villain badboy with trust issues. I can see chicks digging that. Gap moe, an easy target that needs love, and "fixing" the evil personality. Tons to work with, left to the imagination.
I prefer Tae and Futaba though. I'm not sure if I'll two-time them yet.

Really wish FemJoker had been an option.

Shame user.

Maybe we'll see more variety with such options in P6.

>that right foot
And Chie is better, anyway.

>no porn of futaba's sweaty smelly neet feet

She was really a bad character.
Her blushing face was ugly as well
I'm not surprised she wasn't the main love interest for brotag
Well Yuu was too based to have a love interest anyways

What did she do?

Yukiko's design was nice but she has the personality of cardboard.

Dojima should have been a party member.
His Persona could be Kohryu.

>stereotypical hime-cut waifu material
>still a pretty bland design
>really shitty facial impressions
Her looks were terrible as well

I not sure Atlus making a FemJoker simultaneously would have been a good thing, but I'd be happy if it happened for the eventual Persona 5 something Edition.

Naoto had the best facial expressions.

The current meme seems to be "Persona 5: The Crimson"

As expected of the best girl.


Exactly my point.
I've got that one set as my Steam Avatar.

i don't care what anyone thinks
naoto is best girl and you know it

>Going through Mementos
>Yusuke brings up that someone asked him to draw "Doujinshi"
>Has no clue what it is
>Futaba offers to instruct him in the art of comics
What kind of story would she have him draw?

Yuri is the light side, yaoi is the dark one.
You cannot refute this.


Fuckin hell why isn't Marie metioned here? Is she the shit-tier waifu?

Not even Aigis.

Or Nanako

Jesus Christ, that hand

What's wrong with Aigis?

she got the right body but her entire character was the worst out of the entire cast

She's a little full of herself.

Yuyushiki is one of my favourite annie maes ever.

Persona 5 was pretty damn good, but come on. Persona 4 was a masterpiece.

Not even Hana Kana could save her.

>Hana Kana
>save her.

>Futabas mom
Why are the prettiest girls not confidants

>Futaba's Mom
Is dead.
Fair point.

>futaba mom
No. And they not the prettiest. Tae is

Him being an adult in a group of teenagers aside, he also has a job as a policeman and can't afford to go inside the TV whenever Yuu gathers the gang.

If yuri is a disease I don't wanna be cured.