Name one good reason trans people are bad for society

Name one good reason trans people are bad for society.

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that's not trans for one that's a crossdresser with fake tits

If the dick is cute who am i to judge.

Not a reason.

They're delusional liars

I guess

mental illness is bad m'kay

They're throwing their mental disorder in my face.

Getting fake tits and taking hormones to look like a girl might get you free money and attention from horny degenerates while you’re young, but I’d hate to imagine what somebody like that will look like in their 60’s

Having shit on your dick is bad for society.

I don't need to give you a reason merchant

Giving in to the delusion instead of living in reality sounds real helpful. Like how it's ok for a schizo boi to kill some people with no punishment because feels over reals.

High suicide rates, diseases, corrupts youth, faggot flamboyant behaviour, ruins women sport competition, child molesters

*injects 10 year old girl with testerone cause transparent confused her

dang ol' retard man dang ol'
talkin bout' gotdang you'll like it too

Got a source?


sage, op is faggot also, all gender labels stay away from my personal space, if you respond and dont sage u are also a faggot

The Jews pedal them onto other societies but their own.
Is that a good enough reason?

>Name one good reason trans people are bad for society.
They don't reproduce, they drain public funding having their insanity subsidized, and they normalize degeneracy. Evolutionary dead ends, enjoy white genocide.

They make traps look bad, and give traps a bad name. Gas them all.

only loser alt right soy boys refuse to date beautiful transwomen


Traps are gay, accept it, move on.

Transpeople can charge their surgeries back to the US Military, and ultimately the US taxpayer.
Also, higher suicide rates among transpeople means they pay less into the system, yet take more out of it

>Pic related

Typical civic nationalist.


bullshit asshole no one likes the Tuna here.

>no dick no care

ever suck on a trans girls cock? its so smooth and clean. Juicy af. u gotta try it user





Without trains people our public transportation system would be a complete mess, not to mention cargo movement




>MRW user thinks Jews invented trannies


Elagalabus, transsexual emperor, helped in ushering degeneracy that destroyed Rome.

Invented? No, no... Most-commonly noted proponents thereof in the modern era? Most assuredly.

Because Trans people are traps to otherwise morally upstanding straight people who just want to have a normal hetero relationship.

I will not even think about dating a trans, regardless of look, because in my mind, and according to science, it'll still be the wrong gender.


>Also, higher suicide rates among transpeople means they pay less into the system, yet take more out of it
Most people pay most into the system when they are under 50 and take the most out of it during as an elder specifically during end of life care, though.

I just got back from jerking off to traps on /gif/

And now it's on Sup Forums ?

Lol I swear someone is brainwashing us to like dudes with tits and crossdressers

No such thing as transgender , just mentally challenged people who are so crazy they think a penis in a g string and wearing womens clothes makes them a real woman

News flash , even I wank to them and think it's crazy

Stop. please

trannies should be publicly executed

No. Look into the abyss. Only in the struggle against it will your will become iron.

Because they're fake and gay just like OP

it's not a mental illness

you'd kill this?

Fuck outta here, faggot. Chopping your dick off is most certainly a mental illness.

Yes it is.


Stop being a faggot. Lift some weights. Fuck a woman. Have kids. Be happy.
Don't be a faggot.

is that johnny maziel?


What gif site were u using user I like trap gifs

Seen it, it's worse than you imagine.

it's not a mental illness

i'd slaughter it mercilessly with my bare hands you fucking faggot

They are used as a political club against institutions that make society good and functional.

To any man who would seek trannies, I can say only that you are either a homosexual, a faggot... Or else, you are just very misguided.
Change your ways.

To a faggot tranny, however, I have only this to say:
You're sick.
You need help. Instead of cutting off your dick or sewing your cunt shut, why don't you try, I don't know, taking some of the appropriate hormonal augmentation as per what you ARE, as opposed to what you FEEL LIKE as a direct result of your PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER.

Why is that trans people are so keen on altering their bodies instead of altering their minds?
Is it that you're afraid you won't be 'you' anymore once the problem is fixed, once your sickness is cured?
You don't have to be afraid.

Your whole argument falls apart from there - its not about changing your bodies to suit your mind, you should try changing your mind to suit your body.

We have technology.
You don't have to be sick anymore user.
We can help you, without any surgery at all.

You are sick.
You FEEL like something that you are NOT, and will NEVER be, BECAUSE YOU ARE SICK.
Instead of STAYING SICK and surgically/hormonally altering yourself to FEED INTO YOUR SICKNESS, you should get WELL, by taking hormonal augmentation that will OVERCOME YOUR SICKNESS and let you FEEL like what you ARE.

Face it OP...
You're just upset that people don't support you mutilating yourself for the sake of your psychological disorder, and instead urge you to take medication that will FIX THE PROBLEM.
(Its because you don't want to admit you have a problem. Like a fucking addict.)


it's not a mental illness

Yes it is.

Bro. There is a direct correlation between transgenderism and a multitude of mental illness and STDs.

The vast majority of trans people additionally suffer from Gender dysphoria (DSM V). Ergo, trans is a mental illness.

Yes it is.

You were saying?

Go look at the catalog you little soyboy

This is really the rub, and what makes people like this
truly horrifying.

Someone who is into trannies?
They don't give a FUCK about the person. Not a single solitary fuck. They don't care that they're sick, they don't care that they could get better, they don't care that its bad for them and will likely result in the tranny killing itself.

All they care about is their very-particular flavor of cummies, their ability to get their degenerate whims met. Truly, TRULY, this is some evil, foul, utterly disgusting shit.

I find people who are into tranny shit more detestable than the sick faggots themselves, because they're either lying to themselves about the reality these misbegotten creatures experience, or they don't care at all, and the latter is easily more detestable than the latter.

I can still see your manly ass jawline.

trans have an array of mental disorders, most common is suicide
they are bad for society as they are a negative force on public funds.
for thousands of years mankinds has had faggots. and they had their ups "greeks" and downs "victorians"
the day is coming when you push ordinary people too far, and are yet again cast aside.
be careful

See , this bitch doesn't even try , has long hair and a dress on

I need full blown makeup and some nice clothes to get turned on . They have to be more feminine or else I'm like ew, that's a dude , you can see this one's five o'clock shadow ffs. These kinda traps NEED TO BE TOLD THEY ARE ASS UGLY AS A WOMAN.

Ban ugly traps from Sup Forums !

i click on that image 100% of the time

You're a homosexual. Stop.

Wood treat on a nice date and let meet friends. Very cute and fem, won't be good after its late mid twenties though unless go full bimbo

That's a tranny? Goddammit.

>I need full blown makeup and some nice clothes to get turned on.
>I need
Dude, you're gay. kill yourself.

Na cause you're fucking hideous man

I wouldn't even consider fucking a man man

That's gross
Men are fucking annoying, and especially gay men , queens the lot of them

contain yourself faggot

Na bro I'm fucking a 21 year old biological female who let's me put any kind of toy in her ass and full bondage

Stop being a faggot.

They promote selfishness. Most of them don't want their feminine penises which is just a part of them as anything else on or inside of their bodies. By frank((((steining))) them into abominable gaping wounds they are denying so many men the wonderful joys have having a girly cock thrusted down their throats and up their booty holes. I don't know about you, user, but I for one don't consider such toxic self absorption should be deemed an inherit value in the society of today or of the future.

Totes not gay bromo , only fucked two traps on the low , I never sucked a dick and liked it. And also not attracted to men whatsoever

awwwww luv this.

>i fuck a girl hole too, that means im not gay right?
You're gay, nigger. Stop being a faggot.


>only fucked traps
So you fucked a man. You're a fag. Done.
Stop being a faggot.

>Totes not gay bromo , only fucked two dudes on the low

For real. Trans is degenerate.

it's not a mental illness

So I'm bisexual basically and you are mad that I can be comfortable enough with my personality and BODY to stick my dick in something that makes me orgasm?

I think you are more concerned about what I do , because you have zero life or even the slightest bit of self confidence to even fuck a blow up doll pal . Let me guess x you're a Christian right haha ?

Yeah it is loony toon. It's in the DSM-5.

Yes it is.

Well come with some evidence then, faggot. Otherwise, go pretend to be a woman somewhere else.

>im bisexual
That's called being a faggot.
Stop being a faggot, faggot.
Jesus was a Jew, but at least he wasn't a faggot.

Ew, stop posting pics of this faggot

They aren't bad for society. They're bad for themselves.

it's not a mental illness


And acceptance of those espousing that which is bad for themselves is bad for society.

The more you say it, the less true it becomes.

I'll fuck this faggot until he's straight

Faggot is such a broad term and I'm just not convinced I'm a faggot dude. Sorry

I thought being gay was more than insertion but obviously you have a degree from Harvard in "faggots" and what makes someone a "faggot"