What happened to shounen anime?
And why is it all really gay slife of life animes now with girls and stuff?
What happened to shounen anime?
your gay
What are you talking about? they're still there.
Ao no exorcist, hero academia, sousei onmyouji, that cliche vampire shota etc
Nope. Absolute shit.
I'd rather jerk off to manly men then sissy faggots like that Sword Art Online shit.
maybe it's Sup Forums that is out of touch..
Is jojo's good or is to gay from part 5 onwards
>tumblr image
yeah, Sup Forums is out of touch.
sorry new fag took me a minute to even find out how to reply to you specifically
>No manly men
You're joking, right.
If you want muscular guy fighting in ridiculous set of story there's Dragonball.
Can't really go all out with the violence anymore and the tall dude with huge muscles aren't as popular anymore. Even DB has toned it down a bunch.
Which is fine, I'm still enjoying the hell out of MHA
>using a image from tumblr
>using "newfag"
I've been here for 3 years, YOU are the new one. Please lurk more.
>tfw I've always considered myself a newfag and I've been here for more than twice as long as you
I feel like dying.
HxH > FotNS
Luffy can kick Kenshiro's ass
sousei onmyouji is so fucking bad how can you even mention that
>he likes barashit
Check JoJo's Memetic Adventures.
Marathoned it until episode 30 before lost my interest, now i just want to know how its end. Its good watch while you do something else.
Though not as muscular you have to admit the writing of shounen nowadays is better than the days of Kenshiro.
Astro boy happened
I want a good martial arts anime focusing on girls.
>hero academia
Glad somebody else said it. There was literally no point to the manga after Raoh. It's fucking insane how stretched out, hyper-convenient and pointless everything became after that.
>lol there's a land where everybody is as strong as the average general in this land
>oh and also, this is where kenshiro and his brothers are from; except Jagi, because I forgot about him
>oh and Raoh had a brother who was super strong that he never told us about, and he's even stronger than Raoh
>oh and Hokuto Shinken isn't the REAL Hokuto; you have to go talk to a statue to learn that
>oh and Raoh had a son and he needs to be relevant for some reason
>"hey, I know: let's write the worst arc of all time by having everyone pass the love interest around like a football and spamming amnesia; that'll be cool"
I recently read the manga, and I could not believe this shit. After only hearing purely good stuff about the manga for the better part of a decade, I pick it up, and we've got some of the most poorly-motivated nonsense ever put to paper. Raoh's death, even, held a certain humor. Really? He just goes "I can die on my own", shoves his fist in the air, and a fucking massive laser shoots out of nowhere and blasts into the cosmos. What the fuck was that?
You can't both post that image and say "tl;dr"; they're contradictory.
Is good.