Mamika is an autist who can't into a middleground and nukes people to make them see her way.
Say no to mahou terroritso.
Mamika is an autist who can't into a middleground and nukes people to make them see her way.
Say no to mahou terroritso.
Other urls found in this thread:
Mamika deserves every mindbreak and rape doujins.
If Mamika is retarded, it is her Creator's fault. Therefore she is justified in wanting to go after her Creator.
Meguca's world sounds pretty damn happy already. She wants her creator to make her world even happier?
Remove Mahou Shoujo
Mamika please leave us alone.
Slowpoke. There's been a thread already
There's another thread.
Check the catalog faggot.
Mamika just needs time to adjust can you autistic faggots shut up about her already
Maybe she really wants to save the other worlds that aren't as happy as hers.
Mamika's creator is probably a corporate production committee. Good luck convincing them of anything.
The irony is that if the creators made the worlds as happy as they want, the work would become boring, nobody would buy them, the series would be cancelled, and their worlds would just come to a screeching halt
>wanting to nuke red
Actually. I could kind of let it slide the first episode since it was night, they were far away. And even with poor recorded footage it'd be like trying to claim that Big Foot or the Loch Ness Monster exists. Everyone would just take them for crazy.
But how long until MAGICAL BEINGS HAVE INVADED OUR WORLD becomes international news?
Go to /vg/ if you want to be part of a general so desperately.
Literally happening next episode. So many people saw the shit going on between Red and Magical Terrorist Meguca.
General is pretty much encouraged on Sup Forums these days. Where have you been?
It's painfully obvious they're both generals anyway, if you really want to prove yourself right then make a thread that doesn't have a general-tier opening post like the two threads up right now. Sup Forums is overrun with them nowadays.
Post Meteora. I need images for my folder.
Already a thread
Okay, why?
We made a horrible mistake when we stopped mocking people for giving threads titles
The other thread was made first so I won't say that there is much purpose to this thread.
But these are not "generals". General threads are threads of a general topic, as in an overbearing one.
These threads are talkback threads. Talkback threads are not of a general topic, they're explicitly about the talkback discussion of something that recently aired.
Chained threads != general threads.
There isn't even anything that says that general threads need to be chained threads. They just often are. And chained threads most certainly do not need to be general threads.
It was always just called to condense your threads.
Generals are long-term recurring threads for a specific topic. There is no other definition, regardless of your opinion.
Threads for an airing anime aren't generals.
what would happen if these guys show up, would they even realize its not the 90's anymore?
They are just generals though, the only threads on the catalog about the anime are made with the same old title, and always contain discussion into one thread. When there's another thread up about an anime from the current season up it's usually just about the season itself. All Re;Creators threads up right now:
All the signs are there you just don't want to believe it.
You're apparently under the impression that I participate in the threads or even watch the anime, and as such have some personal bias towards it. That is another point you are incorrent on.
how is she?
>meaty aura
Is this a harem?
>ask God why suffering exists
>tells you it's good enough so you shouldn't care
I should make my own creation and it would be about cute magical girls. Even if I am know a little about girls. When they are become red it would interesting to watch about.
>Generals are ... for a specific topic
The irony.
They'd demand their creator rewrite it so that street racers do get girlfriends.
She has the moral compass of a little girl stuck in a world where shit always works out in her favor and there are no lasting consequences.
>General is pretty much encouraged on Sup Forums these days. Where have you been?
Fucking new fags. No its not.
> The irony is that if the creators made the worlds as happy as they want, the work would become boring, nobody would buy them, the series would be cancelled, and their worlds would just come to a screeching halt
What about various plotless sol about retarded girls doing retarded things?
Is this anime a deconstruction of the popular genres?
I just don't want to get cucked again.
Stop misusing the word deconstruction. It is a subversion though, I guess.
I want to see this guy reprimand and spank the shit out of the magical girl.
>new fags
It's not subversion either, as the tackled concepts stay as they are, yet they come to realize their own workings from an outsider's perspective.
Lancer is gong to push his shit hard before that happens.
>I just don't want to get cucked again.
I don't know how this anime has any relation to your wife bearing another man's child.
Since Mamika now realize that her world isn't all that bad compare to everyone else, I wonder if she'll switch over to MC/Red's side.
She's in denial right now, I don't think it will happen anytime soon. I do think that we're bound to have an UNDERSTANDING ending with all the characters, but there's a long way until then.
She got tricked by the evil Hime, it's not her fault.
caught up and just watched both epiosde, then read the threads.
I feel sick. This is still fucking with my head.
Can you make more Mamika webm?
>Aniplex original with Hiroyuki Sawano OST and that one female vocalist
So this goes to shit on episode 4 like A/Z?
>UNDERSTANDING ending with all the characters
Both of the fights we've seen seems pretty serious and destructive though, I keep feeling like atleast one of the character is going to die.
Any specific scene you want?
Wait this guy ?the seiyuu of Lancer in F/SN are the same?
I meant they have the same VA?
>Any specific scene you want?
The one where she gets raped and mindbroken, please.
Lancer is a catch-all-term for characters who have shit luck and use a spear
the "lancer" in this instance is a woman who comes from a grimdark medieval setting.
They are talking about the blond knight. She has a lance so she's been called Lancer so far.
Her final attack please.
No idea. But there is a female lancer knight that will fight him soon. And most likely will win because justice beats evil and all that mumbo jumbo.
>lancer winning
You'll have to wait for the doujin for that.
She was just trying to befriend her
>You'll have to wait for the doujin for that.
Excuses STALKER. You know you suck.
Well, she is not the kind of lancer that usually jobs (faggy build with a stick spear), she is a mounted unit and also armored as fuck.
What if nazi loli created MC and his world?
>Sudoku-chan created the whole MC's world then killed herself to get isekai'd into it
That's more about the luck.
this is clearly the red haired girl with her hair died black and wearing glasses and normal clothing. same bust height, hair style/length and build
It would certainly explain why she's seemingly planeswalker levels of powerful & knowledgeable.
Cant wait for that one episode where they discover rule 34.
I actually though it was gonna happen when they started snooping around his room.
So what happens when these characters start writing light novels and manga. They seem perfectly capable of that
It's turtles all the way down.
Maybe the other worlds are powered by the people in ours, so that only works with large or passionate followings become real.
There will be no fanservice in this show.
what about mamika ass
Is this a joji refernce?
Can we please stop this meme?
nope persona reference
This show's pretty fantastic so far. Animations pretty good obviously, but I feel like there's an actual director on hand for shot composition and that jazz.
I gotta figure out this webm jazz, it's hard chopping gifs to size
Google "webm for retards".
Go over to the Kemono Friends thread, tell them off for their threads becoming generals, and then see what happens.
it's a shaman king reference
And here I thought I'd have to learn command line codes and such, thanks.
You jojofags need to die.
As far as I can tell no, thy all interact with MC-kun, but none have shown any 'affection', from MC-kun or Cliche-chans, they're too busy actually trying to figure out what the fuck is going on and beating the hell out of each other.
It's good for simple stuff, and supports avisynth if you want to do anything more complicated which is great.
I'm trying to find a good guide and I'm surprised there honestly is absolutely none, so here's a quick overview:
In encoding, you always want to be using variable: this use the amount of bits needed to make any given frame look good. Enable high quality mode enables two pass encoding, again this should always be ticked. This probably won't have too much effect on file sizes but should allow it to again assign bitrate where it's needed rather than where it isn't.
CRF and Tolerance are scales from 0-63, 0 being highest quality and 63 being lowest.
Tolerance I always shove to 63, the encoder is pretty smart at assigning bits, at least to anime, so this shouldn't be an issue, feel free to tone it down if you see some degradation but it shouldn't really happen.
CRF is what is gonna affect your filesize the most, 30 is a half decent starting point for TV quality 720p. Try it out, check the quality, and lower it if it looks like shit. The lower you make the resolution, the higher the CRF can go and still look good, and vice versa for higher resolution.
That's a basic overview for it.
Hime just won't bring such characters here.
I need my weekly dose of chunnihime
im having withdrawals already
Not happening, if bad guys are weaker there will be no tension. Team nice guys is getting fucked next ep.
I'd be okay with all of them doing ordinary stuff irl
That paizuri window just does funny things to my dick
>yfw this becomes SOL heavy
Every character design on the planet would be instantly improved if you added a paizuri window. Prove me wrong.
>Background darkens to signal the change in tone
It's the little things.