Just dumping some things
ITT:Sup Forums from 2011
ooga booga me send you message over smoke signal ooga booga
silly user, Sup Forums didn't exist on 2011
your welcome to contribute
Might use some IS girls to night
the hell it did
Sup moot
>tfw people used to call you newfag for coming in 2010
>now you can finally be considered oldfag
Feels good.
>you will never see kaiji win then fail again
>that user who put this on a shirt and sold them but didn't pay the user who made the pic
This image used to be posted all time back then, I miss it.
There was a Saber version too if I remember correctly
New season of KoreanDeskCar never...
2011 Sup Forums was a better time.
I'm a newfag so my folder only goes back to 2012.
Never forget.
>it became a banner
>it's been almost 6years since future diary aired
I can't not think of Henzemi when watching Maidragon.
Be careful user, you might revive accelspammer
That last minute goal vs /ck/ was hype as fuck.
Plz no that bot is dead right... right?