If you kill your enemies, they win

If you kill your enemies, they win.

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Monster is garbage.

70+ episodes later Johan turns 360 degrees and walks away as if nothing happened.

And he's right, literally nothing worthwhile happened in the entire series.


>Memehan escaped and will likely keep killing, proving the story accomplished literally nothing

No, if you kill your enemies, they're fucking dead and you have one less person to worry about taking your life.

I think you missed the point of the series.



>turns 360 degrees

who /lunge/ here?

If your wife fucks random men behind your back, you win.

>360 degrees

Still better than your favorite anime.

>multiple newfags in the first dozen posts
Pluto was Urasawa's best work, because he had to follow the lead of an author who actually knew how to write a tightly wound plot.

>not understanding Canadian war theory

Saved the series for me.

>canadian war theory

I've always been a loser, my enemies had nothing to do with that.

It's Sup Forums shit, just hide and ignore.


did he actually say this?

Ah but that's just it, sweet sweet user. Anyone can beat someone in a fight. If you manage to scrap away and lick your wounds you're just going to come back more resolved than ever and if you kill them outright, well that's simply no fun at all. A hollow victory that earns only material rewards that you'll quickly grow tired of or burn through.

No if you want to really win, if you want walk away satisfied with a true victory you need to make you enemy break their own vows and morals. You need to take from them what they hold most dear, their inflated sense of self righteousness.

If your enemy kills you then you know for certain that nothing will ever undo the horrible act and nothing will ever clear their conscious because while you may cease to be on this green earth they will live every day wracked with the guilt knowing that you where right.

It's entertaining to watch but never really gives any kind of lasting impression.
It's generic but good.

yes. he basically made canada bankrupt aswell with giving away money to every single country other than canada. no wonder canadians are the worse posters, they are depressed

can someone give me a quick rundown on leafposters?

monster was a good manga/anime
fight me

It was a hilariously bad wording of the usual "don't stoop to the enemy's level" type thing. There are things to hate on Trudeau about bit this isn't one of them, it's just Sup Forums meming about everything possible as usual.

>Australians bow to Canadians
>in contact with aliens
>rumored to be able to shitpost using psychic abilities
>control Sup Forums with an iron fist
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (New Toronto will be the first city)
>In the process of terraforming Alaska into their own private dumping grounds
>First designer babies will be Trudeau babies
>All posters said to have a 400+ IQ

but who ARE they?

Where you guys watch animes? My internet isn't good, so i don't want to download.

>doesn't want to download anime because his internet is shit
>thinks he'll be able to stream anime with shit internet
Fuck off thirdworlder.

Alright, where you download your animes?

Thats all I remembered and I'm too tired/lazy and not creative enough to look up the rest

Just download the 480p versions if you have to. If your internet wasn't good, you wouldn't be able to stream at all.

I used to get 300kB/s down and this is what I did.
>Wait 20 minutes to download the first episode in an anime I want to watch
>Queue up next episode to download while I watch episode 1
>Episode 2 downloads just in time

I should really do that...
Where you download?

It was. It's just pretty much anti-thesis of modern anime and its audience.

You could probably ask /wsr/ and they'd be glad to tell you. I'd tell you, but I have to maintain Sup Forums's no spoonfeeding policy. Especially since you asked out of nowhere in the middle of someone else's shitpost thread.

cuckoldry, a cucknada tradition that's all

no wonder it gets so much salt on Sup Forums (moe general)

if you mean its slow and boring, I guess

thanks for letting me know to never watch this series.

Bullshit kiddo, Australians don't bow to anyone and if they do, they don't do it seriously. Basically it's all a game, banter, to them. Canadians are actually serious and that is what makes them pathetic.

Welcome newfriends

I couldn't find a source. It might be made up.

Well then.
I guess everybodies a winner today.

Nothing suggest he is even evil or has anything. The more you go back to his origins, the more you find out there was nothing to kickstart his intents until the very last moment of the show. And it all comes down to one thing, why is he doing anything? Even with the explanation for his mother corrupting him, it makes no sense initially
The answer is that he's trying to get someone to kill him. Because he's bored and above humanity. Like he says, he's just messing with the line of ants to see what happens. Humanity bores him. Creating chaos is interesting to him because he sees no purpose in life. Johan attained the top at a very young age and felt that there was nothing more to life. He had his own criminal underground organization of money laundry. He learned multiple languages. He traveled the world. He understands human nature perfect. To Johan, there is nothing left to do.

Because of this, he sees only the cruel and ugly nature of humans. He only sees the world as being ugly. So he figured out a way to make the world pretty. To do so, he would fight fate and destiny itself.
One of the key aspects of Johan that you need to pay attention is whenever he talks to children. He is very open about his true feelings and what he thinks to children much more than adult. This is because Johan feels he never really became an adult.

In one episode, he tells children to go fight on the roof. To both stare at each other and tempt fate. If one falls, then you defeated 'his' fate. And once you succeed, you see the world differently. That kid that fell and the kid that won both saw the world in a different light. Essentially, this is what Johan does. He temps and fights fate by trying to see if he can make people try and kill him.

This is essentially why he went to kill that person in front of Tenma at the beginning of the show, 10 years after the operation. Simply to tempt Tenma to spend his life searching him. Johan would have continued that game of cat and mouse, to tempt fate, but unlocking his past memories made him change his tune.
This is also why he went to see his sister on her 20th birthday. He had absolutely no reason to do that but he did it just to fuck with her.

Johan seeks joy in seeing if he can fuck with a person so badly that he can corner himself with that person, then use as little energy as possible to get out of the situation.
He's playing the biggest game of dare imaginable. This is why he points at his forehead.

And the brilliance of this is that no one can understand this about him. Even the characters in the show never figure it out. Johan is essentially lying completely by making it seem as though he has motives or passions or connections when he absolutely doesn't. The Nazi think he even loves his sister when he doesn't. The only reason he cares and protects her is simply to make sure she can corner him to see if he can get out of cornering himself.

Johan simply lies and lies the entire time.
It's the whole ''the monster inside of me is growing'' bit that shows that insight.
He's fucking with people so they can seek him out. Like the psychologist explained, psychopath love to taunt people into thinking there is something they can't control and Johan does this the entire time.
Johan's past becomes the drive for wanting to seek and stop him and he's letting everyone try and find him by purposefully leaving as little clues as possible.

And so we come to the ending.
The brilliance of the ending of Monster is that Johan is doing the opposite of what he's been doing with people. After he finds out about his mother's past, he understand that he finally has a purpose in life.

When Johan is wearing a wig, dressed as his sister, and is talking to the kid who later went to the Red light district, Johan is talking about life being meaningless, not having a place in the world and not being wanted, Johan is talking to himself about himself. That's how he sees himself, meaningless, like the world as a whole, to him.

So, in the end, Johan creates a perfect scenario that leaves a village killing itself and forces Tenma's hand to kill. Unlike in the past where Johan was playing with fate to see how far he could go before getting caught, Johan is testing to see if he can plan a perfect suicide and wonder if fate can save him somehow.

And as it turns out, it happened. Something outside of Johan's calculation ironically saves his life, with Tenma saving him.

So by the end, Tenma figures out everything about Johan through his mother and understands the way Johan was born and thinks he understands everything. And that's where Johan reveals the bomb that it was all because of his mother. He was never evil, it was all his mother's fault.

Because of that doubt, Tenma doesn't know if Johan is evil or it's really all because of his mother's impossible decision. The genius is that Johan is again lying. He's creating a fake explanation for his actions, just like 511 and the Rose Mansion. They're all just bullshit explanation for Johan to put doubt in Tenma's head so that he can run away.

And, in the end, we see Johan's bed empty. Johan is off to get more people to try and kill him to start the process all over again. No matter how many times you try, evil's still out there.

I mean there was the time Australians just let the US and UK roll over their sovereignty

find a anime you want to watch on youtube, and type the URL in there.

there was a time where australia was a bunch of random people in loincloths walking around with sticks

there was a time when the roman empire had britain under their daddy fist

the US is just random mong english people

whats ur point

It's on an image macro, it must be real.

>Sup Forums meming about everything possible as usual
wew, what else is new?

loved your replies, my man
very enlightening
but I also like to think of another possibility. Johan finally turned out good in the end after seeing that no matter the many horrible things he did, the man he thought would kill him in the end after being consumed by the guilt of sending him into the world, Tenma that is, actually did the same thing that he considered his biggest mistake in the beggining of the series: saving Johan's life again
In that moment Tenma was representing the unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness of God that is mentioned in the bible

Someone please remind me how Johnan poisoned the director of the hospital


But how did he know the director would be an asshole and decide to steal candy from a kid?
How did he know which candy he was going to eat?
DId he poison all candy?If so, where did he get so much posion and free time to unwrap all cady, poisoning them and wrapping them again?

he genius
he place it in desk
director sees and wants
director pompous and conceited sure to want it
he genius

I'm glad I never bothered with this anime/manga.