Afro American Female Uses Dirty Rags, Spits, Bleeds on White People's Orders

She Brags In Private Social Media Groups That She Does It Because Of People's Race & Political Views

>works at Starcucks
>from Atlanta or close to it
>hates working for white people

Can we help her rid herself of this job waiting on whitey? even if she lied about doing this stuff and doesn't even work at starbucks, her statements are enough to get her fired from her job, regardless of where she works.

saw [pic related] posted other places earlier but didnt get to see how far it went. used binsearch to look for links to any grill w/ same name who lives nearby

Found crime blotter saying a "K. Shanell Rivers", 24(in 2016), of Madison(Morgan County, GA), was arrested for reckless driving
also found this

Sup Forums knows what to do

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump. Let this ape have the ride of its life.

who to report it to?
how to find which starbucks?
maybe just report it to police in her town, madison, GA
>[email protected]
>[email protected]
lead detective
>[email protected]

general report incidents

main page

I live in Georgia.

disregard the general report of incidents link for "cityofmadion" i copied the link to the wrong one. all the rest are correct

this is the correct link for general incident reports for Madison, GA
here's their FB if any1 still has a FB account

keep getn hit with spam errors when posting links to FB. just change it back yourself, you can figure it out
>jew book com/madisonpdga/

Bump this needs to blow up. This is now in our hands.

Lucky for me I've never had a starbucks coffee before in my life. Fuck you faggots

most of us haven't. that's not the point. nice try though, nigger.

This is bullshit. They are impossible to do in a Starbucks without your colleagues noticing. Or CCTV over the register. Or the queue of people in line noticing something. Pit bull shit? Oh come on. So fake.

Pretentious cunt. It's pathetic.

to be honest If you are working at Starcucks you are probably a women's studies graduate, so they wouldn't care.

fake news you idiot

again, not the point. it's a real chicks FB profile from there. no matter if she's lying, she'll still lose her job.

Dumb niggers

haha fucking americans lmao

She also mentioned a coworker jizzing on orders as well, think they give a fuck? They knew.

>pit bull shit
I also have a problem with this bonganon. For that to be true then the sheboon first of all has dried up pit bull turds readily accessible, then she picks one up and crushes it (mortar and pestle?), pours it into a receptacle, smuggles the receptacle full of shit powder into work, pulls it out and dumps it while in uniform on the clock with co-workers busily running about, then serves it up with a smile.

Plus all the other shit. The racist side of me kind of wants it to be true, but it seems a bit fantastical.

This actually holds more truth in it than people know how to handle

Only a reddit cuck is afraid of saying niggers

The nigger picked up week old pitbull shit and put in her apron. Grabbed a small chunk and disintegrated it using her fingers.

Bumping before (((mods))) delete

Okay but who goes to work with a turd in their pocket, that is almost as bad as what she did to her victim. I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying that that plus everything else she claimed plus Cuckbucks denying they've ever heard of her is asking me to accept a lot

It's clearly larping and lieing.

Still doesn't mean she shouldn't be fucking fired for saying it.

Starbucks needs to be notified in her area. Get on it.

- Australian

White people do nasty things to, except they are far more creative and NEVER tell this to random strangers.

But the best part is, Niggers are in fact Retarded just the other night somebody who I work with was telling everybody about this girl who stole some ones Credit card and baught shoes and bling for herself and her friends, got caught... She was like God what a dumb hoe.... Meanwhile she is like, I have a boyfriend, we see each other every week.... Dont live together broke as shit =) oh and she thought I was laughing about her story... I was actually laughing at her =)

99% of blacks are just pure entertainment =)

Well...let's say it happened. It could only have happened in a niggerhood with no white onlookers. If that's the case, then any self respecting white wouldn't go there in the first place and those who do, deserve everything they get.

Normally I'd agree but she/it claims to have put shit into a child's drink. Nice digits btw

in America saying you committed a crime is the same thing as committing the crime

A vengeful, low life, dirty nog. Have you never seen nigger living conditions?

we used to use a few day old dog shit as slingshot ammo as kids and nail people's houses with it, and it would smash against the siding and stick, sometimes out of reach for someone to clean it. I mean it's only shit, looking back it was a bit gross but meh theres worse out there

>Never drink starbucks.
>Sees bitch contamination Starbucks.
>Smile when I know normies eating shit and spit.
>Drink water, probably has toxins in it.
>paranoia engage.

She admitted to stealing from the company, she should be fired just for that.

I'm not saying don't report the boon, but those whytu piggus fucking deserve it for even humouring the neigh gross.

Its true, any one here who has worked around blacks will know, they lack organization, a complete lack of willpower to clean after themselves, most of them leave work without doing any tyding up after themselves, most are lazy, always thinking of how to avoid doing overtime and will create whatever story's amongs each other to try and see if they can skip work.

If they treat their workplace like this, Oh You all better believe it, this is how the really are to everything and every body in everything else.

Did I mention how they love to screw each other left and right and Im not talking about sexy times...... and who do they blame?.....

This user has the right of it.

Stop acting like white people never fuck each other over.

the more people who report her, the more likely she loses her job, no matter if she lied, she'll still get fired. remember, the police dept is wrong in the following link, the right one is above in 3506

White people have a great deal of empathy, towards animals blacks whites whatever, but there are some types of work environments and social situations that clearly have a predictable pattern of people getting screwed.
The only difference is, some people have a high enough natural intelligence to see it.

Of course there are endless white people who are mentally challenged,, but on a grand scale, its a small% of people compared to a very high % of blacks and a horribly disproportionally high number of pure blacks.

Blacks evolved in different circumstances over a very long period of time, they simply do not fit into White made society of building grand things, colonization of space and ability to resist consumerism.

Go back to Africa, go create Your own Utopia, dont look at the Asians or whites...

Blacks fit in with other blacks only, Whites, Chinese and Indians fit in with everybody, because we are just less hostile more intelligent and even the Chinese have a patarn if empathy, the Vast Majority of blacks have none of the basic traits required for creating a technologically advanced society, You have to go and find Your own advantages and capitalize on that, Stop trying to be like us.

that's not real name ya twat

White people won't ever understand the the effects of Taking a people from Their homeland and cutting them off from all of their history,lauange,and traditions all for profit. Also on the retared subject you know that is also because of white people. What do you think happens to a people when you breed them like livestock for a century. So many things y'all never take into account.

anons, check, this probs her own fb profile

Nig nog filthy trap needs a bump!


Blacks invented Slavery, a very early and crude form of government.

Religion was the next step, Judaism and Islam, both seem to have taken parts of African culture and put it on Paper and mass distributed its content.

With time religion Math from India and Engineering/Chemistry from Asia found its way into what is now Europe, While Religion found its way into Africa, this created Trade of goods and Idea's over a Large mass of Land and of course created a desire for endless Black creativity (Slavery).

White people, No You need to look at Great britain and its history, all white people dont come from a Place that has a seriously long list of shit they did to people all over the world.

Indians, China Africa themselves....

Jesus fuck that pic. Don't they realise that's racist as fuck??

Anyone eating or drinking Starbucks deserves it to be honest



That pic is older than Sup Forums

how new r u

damage control

Black people like to use their middle name as their first and their mother's maiden name as their last when they post shit online.

It's worth noting Facebook's "real names" policy is fucking trash. There's little to suggest this person is posting with her real name.

Now, go to the store and look at the employees on shift or up on the wall as "our great Baristas" and start comparing faces ... well, you might find something interesting.

Bumping for their new poo latte with some extra dogshit topping!

You talk about white privilege!!

listen, i know pitbull doo doo when i taste it.


Enlighten me, I've never been to starcucks
hipsters, soyboys and tumblerinas vehemently posting on their iphones/ipads taking pics of food and one coffee costing more than a dinner for two successfully prevented me from entering

You, my dear Sir, are certainly a real gourmet with a passion for turd cuisine, oui?

Starcucks is proud to offer you some extra free trap nigga blood at your convenience.

It varies among locations, but most have a pinboard for announcements, flyers, and "totally candid" photos of employees. It's possible you could figure out who the mystery woman is based on those pictures.

In fact, I'd recommend someone go out RIGHT NOW to the location and see if they're still up. This whole thing must have Corporate spooked.

fat guy eating nuggets at fancy restaurant.gif

try looking at other replies. it came from a profile from a girl with that name. it said she works at a food store. she'll still get fired no matter if its a lie or not.

Doxxing is immoral, even though she is a cunt.


Sorry I sometimes hate my principles too. However I hope Karma smacks her in the hips eventually.

We Wuz böood magicians



Lol that's actually racist as fuck. Their faces make it so funny though.

are you fucking retarded you little imbrain monkey faggot? Stop spreading Fake News Fucker. Starbucks sells coffee for $2 a pop and its the highest quality coffee you can get on te road. So you rather pay 1 dollar and get coffee at gas station? Starbucks uses only the highest quality filters in their water, Gas stations do not.

So next time think about your fucking way of life, go to starbucks, its nice and pleasant anyways.

The thing to do is collate as many of these reports as possible then spread them to raise awareness that white people stop buying food from such people, business lose business, scum lose jobs, normies get RPd
everyone's a winner

>muh slavery
Get over it nigger

Got shares have you


Highest quality filters eh?


Oh yeah, ebil wite peeple

I have never asked for any niggerservice - nigger are lazy , they produce niggerproblems wherever they are . BUT : if I see a problematic nigger in a public space ( without CCTV ) I will break his legs

Ok point taken. Maybe in rare occasions. Like the bikelock guy...

Her actions are very awful too.

#2 is extremely illegal
The spread of bloodborn pathogens (even if it's not aids/HIV) is considered a form of assault and can lead to jail time

this is why i avoid fast food places that are staffed overwhelmingly with niggers, the more mestizo the fast food joint is the better

How does it even get that bad? Do they just never use the shower?

There would be a long list. Even Jesse Jackson admitted to spitting into white people’s food. They especially go out of the way to contaminate the food of law enforcement, and there have been a few lawsuits regarding that.

Don't worry, their Jewish lawyer will likely contort the tort to make it seem as though it's not applicable as long as there's no (((intent))). It's happening often lately - sentencing which only requires that you completed certain actions to a certain result is now hemmed and hawed away in a foam of "they didn't MEAN to do it."

her friends IG she models for apparently: shopangelicfever

And some wonder why there are so many epidemics among niggers...

Not in the state of California anymore even if it is aids. Beware. Google it.

Doxxing is justificable if someone has committed a crime. Bikelock fag qualifies, and what this girl is claiming to have done also does.

try again, Asian masculinity propagandist

only in the eu

Important reminder for you mates!

Bumping for great justice!

really? really? Posting a fucking meme from Parks and Rec a lame ass fucking tv show created to replace the office, and fucking post a meme from this left leaning bullshit show.

Dude, men do what the fuck they want, not listen to some fictional character from a lefty show.

>so many smilies

What the fuck is wrong with you?


Have to agree on the pit bull shit being fake. You expect me to believe a nigger, the laziest animal after the sloth, put the time and effort into doing that? No.

This is one of the excuses I like the most. Because the only logical conclusion is, if it is true, that blacks are not salvageable.

I know you are just baiting. But if the bait were actually true and we were to act without our feefees controlling us, the only rational thing to do would be to exterminate them.

And, no, I do not buy your bait.

>the highest quality coffee you can get on *the road
Sure yankee, sure...

Some white people are dumb as shit too

They are currently attempting damage control. Has any user been able to find the tranny's legal name yet?

Who here lives near the starbucks?

now employees at Starbucks are "partners"? Meaning they fuck them, or what?