How dose Sup Forums feel about the rising popularity an gayrus in anime an manga?

How dose Sup Forums feel about the rising popularity an gayrus in anime an manga?

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pretty good


Left looks more like ganguro than gyaru.
But yeah, it feels good.


What a bizarrely-distributed survey.
>all-age males only
>all-age females only
>separate age-groups with both genders

There's no singular point of data to be gleaned from that.

Ganguro is a subset of gyaru

Feels fucking good, my man.

>include gyaru in the list
>not lolita's, gothic or otherwise

Fuck these charts

Which means that pic is likely a meme. This also makes sense because at the top of each chart is "tomboy" and "loli". This is obviously memery.

>Christmas cake rises in popularity with age

I find it disturbing that LOLI popularity rises with age.

Not sure if bait. Lolis are 2nd overall. Unless you have some kind of differentiation between loli and lolita.

Loli = little girls
Lolita = girls who basically dress as folls

>'realistic' versus fantasy

The ultimate life form is a short, older tomboy?

>girls like traps


Just look at this increase

Will someone make storytime of galko?

Why do retards like you love to make up trends out of one or two shows like that?
Is it because two shows are more than 10% of everything you've ever watched?

I hate it

Something something Freud. Something something penis envy.

>ganguros back then
>gyarus now

Ganguro =/= Gyaru

There's a difference.

You retard. Loli is short for lolita.

>read all translated gyaru romance manga
>need my fill but there aren't any more

This is suffering

Hajimete no Gal anime soon, brother?
And all three major gal manga (Hajimete no Gal, Galko, Gal Gohan) are still ongoing.