How do you deal with secondhand embarrassment when you watch anime?
How do you deal with secondhand embarrassment when you watch anime?
It's called "hiding your powerlevel".
I just close my eyes.
A couple of paces around my room and it usually works.
>when you watch anime
Don't watch anime.
I hold my hands around my throat and tighten the grip whenever something embarrassing happens. It works surprisingly well.
>How do you deal with secondhand embarrassment when you watch anime?
I don't know what you mean by this
It has never happened to me.
Pause the episode for a bit to catch my breath
I don't feel it at all.
I have become mostly desensitized to it.
Pause and do something else quickly to make me ashamed that I paused.
I don't have this problem, however I do have a problem with inconsistency like in Digimon 02, the Digimon Kaiser was know for a being a genius kid and was visually shown to do Judo and be really athletic yet at the end of his arc he gets his ass kicked by that pussy bitch Takeru.
Stuff like this really grinds me wrong it just completely utterly blows away any sort of immersion.
I cover my eyes and turn my head a little while I still listen through my headphones and try to cope with the pain
I pause, jump to my bed and roll around for a moment.
Still hard to continue after, though. Have to avoid series with high amounts of MISUNDERSTANDINGS and PUBLIC SHAMING
Mute the audio and just peek slightly till the scene is over.
How is it autistic to NOT have a sperg meltdown while watching cartoons alone?
Get real
>How is it autistic to NOT have a sperg meltdown while watching cartoons alone?
one of the defining traits of autism is lack of empathy.
I only get it when there are speeches.
Shows a lack of empathy? A sure sign of autism.
I close my eyes and mute the player
Anime is mainstream now, every normalfag loves it these days.
Cringe and bear with it. Or pause the show and go make some food or talk with friends before getting back to it.
I haven't felt secondhand embarrassment for fictional characters since I was a teen. I guess you just grow out of it.
>watching Japanese cartoons
You guys are warped, do you not have real friends?
It's just Sup Forumsedditors
>real friends
>Sup Forums
are you me?
By not being a "le ironic weeb xxDDD" normalfag
The ones posting their epic lolautism shit are straight from Sup Forums
I pause the show and try to suffer through it bit by bit.
Watamote took me ten hours to watch.
I just mute it and power through
Of course not. Real life people are all terrible.
>secondhand embarrassment
It is called a "cringe".
Depends on the level, i vary from continue watching or pause, close eyes, lurk imageboards and return when i finally get the courage
Good thing anime is somewhat acceptable here publically
lurk moar
By not being a faggot.
How can you be autistic enough to do this but not autistic enough to not feel embarrassment?
Facepalm and keep going
There is still one reason to avoid watching cartoons and anime in public. So some fucking normalfag faggot doesn't take pictures of you enjoying something and post it on whatever shitty site they go to for le cringe.
This is my secondhand embarrasment anime of the season. Gotta pause and alt+tab a few times per episode thanks to all the awkward shit.
Enjoying it immensely
Because you can't just call everything autism and hope it'll make sense.
I remember when I was still in college, there was this girl in university library that would read hentai manga on the school computers in full view of everyone, no one noticed, or if they did , didn't do or say anything about it.
If you're too stupid to understand the thread, don't answer next time.
I can't watch romantic anime/manga anymore.
See, it's so debilitating for me I would have to drop the series, even if it is good.
I might be. It sucks because it locks me off form some "good" series because I just can't stand it.
Not worth it to go through all that shit, personally.
you're mean
What's with all the retards thinking OP is talking about showing your powerlevel or being seen watching anime?
Most of the times a quick pause does it. Sometimes I need to pause for quite a bit longer or even alt tab for a while. Sometimes when it's pretty bad I walk away from the computer and do something else. I remember it took me over an hour to finish one of the watamote episodes, don't remember which one it was though.
Crossboarders and newfags.
well you cant do any of this pace around stuff if you are watching in public without embarassing yourself
I don't really feel secondhand embarrassment from fictional characters but sometimes a character will do/say something that would seem totally innocuous to anyone else but happens to remind me of some autistic shit I did in the past and it will usually take me out of the scene and wish I was dead for a minute or two.
You're dumb
embarrassment =/= secondhand embarrassment
I saw this one loser one time watching love live on his laptop. I gave him a look of disgust and he closed it like a pathetic beta
You should have learnt how to eliminate your sense of shame by now user.
>this thread
thank god I'm not alone in this shit
It's not mean. How hard is it to google "secondhand embarrassment" if you don't understand the meaning?
Lazy posters are the worst.
pausing cartoon and f5 Sup Forums
then why dont you just say fremdschämen like a normal person?
How can you enjoy a show if you don't fully immerse yourself in it
Flip the table inside my mind. Because I'm too lazy or too weak to flip the table. This rarely happen to me though.
Third world ESLs and people who don't lurk.
Threads like this remind me that there's many people more retarded au autistic than me
Tkey make me feel better
I learned how to not give a shit when it comes to embarrassing myself. How can you except me to do it for someone else?
I skimmed it tobeqhnesto.
I'm too busy feeling schadenfreude from you, you Kraut.
Go away ahmed
I hate all these normies on my Sup Forums, fuck off.
Depending on how much I still want to watch the anime seriously I try to bear with it or I partially or totally cover my vision to lessen the impact.
spotted one (1) normalfag
Sup Forums always used normie, newfriend
I dont
Its the reason why I dont watch anime anymore
Shitpost on Sup Forums for 2 minutes
I pause it. Breathe. Then continue.
There's person like this who reads doujins on his laptop and shit during lectures.
Difference is that it's not a girl, but a bit fat load with a floppy stomach and an acnefilled face.
He once asked me for help because he was busy doing that instead of taking notes and he then threw an autistic shitfit over me being a dick.
No, you piece of shit.
Pause. Browse Sup Forums. Continue slowly.
You guys are absolute morons.
What moments made you feel secondhand embarrassment the most, Sup Forums?
HARD MODE: No Watamote or other shows about social rejects.
Try to understand why I'm watching this
Don't understand
a couple times in monster musume
Any Akko moment from LWA.
MC having no balls and being a faggot.
None. I'm not an autist like you guys.
But the germans have some pretty good words for this kind of shit.
This fucking thread.
Literally had to turn off chu2 because of secondhand embarrassment.
That scene in Evangelion where Shinji fell on Rei and grabbed her tit.
Oddly enough, I don't feel embarrassed for Shinji, but for Rei.
I hadn't felt second hand embarrassment in years until this happened.
That's just not true though. Did you mean to say reddit?
Eh? Nandatte?
I dropped the show immediately. It rarely happened to me though. Last time was Re:Zero because Subaru is just so fucking retarded.