Precure Thread
Bestest Series
Precure Thread
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I love this anime :)
real comfy atmo
>average comfyshitter
Precure hasn't been good since Doki, and hasn't been Precure since Maho.
Cure a la mode...Decoration!
Quick /pc/, choose two and mazemaze!
HC bros, were we at?
Fucking heartcasuals ruin everything
episode 11 of kirakira when?
>Virgin blood
Fuck off. God damn why can't mahofags make a correct op for once.
As I asked before the last thread died. When do we get a proper incestuous couple?
Fuck off Pablo, I thought i told you to kys.
Precure sure is dead.
Only because you can't like kira. Just go make a maho thread and have fun on your own.
>mahou in 3rd
By which I mean trolly.
>legendary witches
>legendary pattisiers
It's dead
There's a problem when even Doki has better fights.
Yeah. I hope they eventually come up with something fun to replace it with.
Idols are fun.
Smug dog.
>Precure 2018: Pripara with monsters
I used to say I'd never stoop to watching idol shows. But when Kira began I lost all interest in Precure and picked up PriPara. It was actually really fun.
PriPara is shit though and the only really worthwhile parts are the ones with Garuru in them. Kirakira is better
Pripara is already filled with monsters.
>Precure in 2019: Pripara
It's all good until they're worse than Suite. Or SS.
I sure hope not.
I'd put suite just a little above doki with the action.
It's already confirmed for 2020, though.
Doki loses a lot of points for that kyoryuger tier ending. Like all of a sudden Mana doesn't need her cure batteries anymore and just fights kj.
Maho was so bad itaoka gave it the greatest transformation in the franchise out of pity. ruby style
We need more thicc idols!
But the best transformation is Scarlet
I like scarlet's transformation but there really isn't anything better than ruby style now and the funny thing is that the rest of maho's transformations were kinda bad. Dia was still frames with popping sounds, sapphire was choppy frames/QUALITY and topaz was okay looking.
>[user] KiraKira Precure À La Mode - 11 [1280x720].mkv
The best henshin is Suite quartet.
Ace's was better.
I'm afraid of magic words becoming a thing every season now. Cure up rapapapa was already annoying on episode 1 and kira kira kirarun is getting annoying
It's not.
No transformation looks better than this and I fucking hate maho
I think it's only going to get worse. The most popular aspects of Aikatsu and Pripara are their nonsense catchphrases to the point where most of the dialogue in later seasons is consumed by it. KiraKira already has more than one, not just "kira kira kirarun" but also "let's la mazemaze" and "dekiagari." Now imagine if every character had one they used all the time in place of real dialogue.
I can blame maho for this too
>killed all stars
>killed legendary warriors
>killed the action
>killed having decent villains
>introduced annoying catchphrases forever
>Introduced fairies turning into not cures again just so they can steal the show
/pc/, why do you hate Aikatsu even though you love Pripara?
Fuck off
Delete Precure.
Maho didn't kill All Stars? What are you talking about?
All stars died while maho was airing. It's their fault.
HaCha flopping is what showed Toei that nostalgia pandering doesn't make money. Blame HaCha.
When will PreCure get good again?
We'll never go back to the fw-y5 era. I'd even prefer the hc-doki timeline over this shit now.
It was never good to begin with. You'd better wait for the next season of Cardcaptor Sakura in 2018.
Oh it's this fag again
Nana mizuki and heartcatch did more damage to the franchise over the long term
The second season of Sailor Moon Crystal was better than any other magical girl last year. Kind of surprising.
Them doing this sequence before having a full team was the most infuriating thing.
Precure is dying because it doesn't have enough diversity.
Fuck off
Corner Reika
I miss the style of the older shows.
I gained a big appreciation for the older seasons when I watched them last.
Im currently going though smile right now. I hope this scene is dope
So instead of best transformation which team has the best group pose?
Me too, but Maho and Heartcatch still have the best art styles in the franchise.
It's da bomb.
>coco w/mullet
>More Rage
Futari wa has the best posing period
>Let's pose before we stop this cargo ship from exploding
Kira Kira is so bad, there is no way it is selling well. I hope Toei finally gives up on Precure and makes a Doremi reboot instead.
Would Nagisa and Honoka be able to erase close? Even dark king thinks you shouldn't fuck with this.
Doesn't this man own any normal clothing?
in pripara maybe, but you can't have watched aikatsu if you think it was nothing but catchphrases.
I want proper Shiho.
>he doesnt gi 247
kirakira is saving precure after gopri and maho flopped.
Maho sold more than GoPri, it was saving Precure.
>Maho sold more than GoPri
Wait, really? Based Chinese girls with good taste. Fucking mahohaters here make it seem like Precure is dying.
The fatso's my favourite.
/pc/ has said precure is dying everyday since heartcatch
Maho was the first series that sold more than its predecessor since Smile.
Himari's gonna get fat by the end of the season at this rate.
I hope they don't summon the candy rods every time they use the finisher. It'll get old fast.
I might have blended in a little too much on the left side.
Have you ever tried to make any of the sweets shown in this series?
Yes. Some succeeded and some ... well let's hope that sweets aren't sentient.