
A little over a week until the new spinoff is here. What do you expect from Drills-chan? Will this be easy-going or another trip into darkness?


>her drills pierce the heavens

>filename isn't misaka.png or maika.png
you fucked up

Probably gonna be another bitch who falls for Touma dick, then does something to save him but realizes she can't have him, blah blah.

Just like every other story.

I just hope there's no Touma. I hate that so many girls have to link back to him just because he's a main character in the main plotline despite them having their own respective spheres in the City.

I do expect Misaki to be bullying her though.

Touma isn't even around during this arc.

I can't believe Miki is this CUUTEE

I'm hoping for easy-going, but you never know, Darkness might surprise me

mfw, she is one of the Misaki waifus!

I've never really felt like this was particularly intrusive. The only time it happens is Misaki, right? Every other character was introduced in Index before doing their own thing.

That said, I don't think Touma should have some past connection to drills or anything like that, but I wouldn't mind him showing up once or twice if this goes on long enough for him to get back.

Doesn't he not come back until after WWIII? It would be weird if drills of all adaptations is the first to reach NT. Then again the fact that this damn thing exists in the first place is already weird.

There's no connection whatsoever. If there was she would have reacted to him when they all met up at Tokiwadai.
There's a dozen different things that could go on in Astral Body and all anyone talks about is Touma. The guy shouldn't even be in AC at this point in time.

Drills are a sign of a slut anyway.
Just look at Oriana.

She's pure you monster

You, sir, are retarded.

Are Kuroko and Kongou the worst girls to ever exist?

Just Kuroko

A pure slut

What exactly does bringing about a new Aeon entail? I don't remember if it was fully discussed in any volume, but I remember Aleister's vague explanation to Fiamma at the end of OT22.

Why is Aleister so cute?

We don't have the full details, but the era of Christianity will come to an end, Aleister will presumably become the God of Thelema, and that will become the new world order. The Imaginary Number District should become artificial heaven, and there would be tons of more artificial angels like Kazakiri.

The new Aeon is already in effect. Its rules already exist. All Aleister needs to do is make it a core part of the (pure) world, which is essentially the same thing Fiamma was going to do with "Heaven" in OT22. He will need to remake the elements that make up the world by introducing his own angels that represent them.

>yet another spinoff

Seriously, this needs to stop. It's not funny anymore. At this rate, the world is going to drown in raildex, all the forests mowed down to produce the paper to print this trash

I'd drill her.

I'd tell her she's not living her life correctly and punch her in the face.

I actually don't know, it depends on whether Railgun actually skipped battle royale. The Frenda part would indicate that it did, but Misaka talking about oversleeping (a result of bust upper) in the next chapter would indicate that the former was just a flash forward and battle royale is next. Meaning Touma would be back in AC in a couple of days, correct me if I'm wrong.
I know, and I agree that he doesn't need a major role, especially in the first arc. I just don't think he should be excluded from the manga completely, especially if Aogami is going to show up.
>There's a dozen different things that could go on in Astral Body and all anyone talks about is Touma.
I imagine that this is because he'e the most popular character with no new visual material to work with, combined with the fact that we have nothing to go off except for Aogami apparently showing up. We'll get more varied discussion when chapters start coming out..

Hopefully he has Touma break actual-not-magic-God's illusions, tells everyone to do as they wilt then fucks off to space in the WB to make more semen cookies. I doubt he wants to rule over the new Aeon himself, seems pretty counter to the Law and general Thelema teachings.

If it's around Dream Ranker and Aogami is confirmed to show up, it's probably just an extension of Blau and the cards, which ties directly into Railgun. Which means it's probably short and not meant to stand on its own.

misaka is cute

Yeah. A cute boy.

Just you watch, user.

The Virtual-On spinoff will be a surprising smash hit, prompting Kamachi to reboot Index and retool Touma as a mecha pilot on a more permanent basis.

Pretty cute for a corpse

He has HO for that.

Wasn't it confirmed that it would be extremely lewd, doing errands for Misaki?


Finally, a superior female Raildex manga protagonist.

High Priest did nothing wrong

No, this is Drills-tan territory, Misaka. You have no power here.

This is going to reach EVA levels of mindfuck, isn't it? Academy City is going to become Neo Tokyo and/or get wiped off the map.

That was fake. We got no hints on what it's going to be about, just that her name would be revealed.

>be easy-going
Has Kamachi ever done a genuine SoL work before? I'm trying to think of one, and I can't seem to recall where there isn't some sort of twist somewhere down the line.

Cute autist.

We've already witnessed EVA shenanigans

It's not written by Kamachi, but a guest author. Drill-chan's spin-off will be handled by Junji Ito.

Anybody who thinks this is going to be a simple and fun SoL is delusional. Shit will get crazy sooner or later.

>yfw first chapter has Drills-tan meet a certain talking golden retriever
>Drills-tan: "What a nice doggy."
>Noukan: "Now this is what I call romance."


Only someone very stupid would like them.

>more Noukan
Yes please.

>trying to summon mobileposter on Easter
don't bother, his mormon overlords confiscated his phone

>implying drills-tan isn't a kihara.


pic not big enought for me to collect.

>Drill-chan was the one that suggested piercing the heavens with a drill to kill HP

I want to drill drills-chan

>we get drills OVA before Index 3

Drills a shit, should have been Nanami-chan


Im expecting a lot of porn of Drills

Maybe Mahaya will make a doujin of her

Why doesn't Touma just replace Mikoto with a potato for electric versatility?

He wouldn't be able to keep himself from eating the potato.

>implying top chef Kamijou would allow himself to eat a raw potato

Index would eat the potato and complain the fridge is empty

Does it matter how I watch this?

Some places say watch Railgun / Railgun S first, then Index, or do I stick with broadcast order and start with Index?

Broadcast order is the best.

superior drills

I like how they're complete opposites, with Oriana being the biggest slut in the series while Drills-chan is the purest.

It's funny how half of Mikoto's issues could be solved so easily if Touma were around. The other half are harder to solve, but he's still the only one who can solve them in the first place.

Mikoto doesn't need Touma's help there. She just needs to convince Kuribot that she's cute and can be a real human.

Touma would be able to accomplish that in less than twelve hours.

It's only been a couple hours max since Kuribot escaped from the lab and the arc is almost over.

I see an Index LN cover

>the cover with the mysterious 6 behind the 8

There's actually a lot more.

2 Index covers + HO1

I wonder if it's subtle foreshadowing for a certain season that's upcoming.

You see SAO, Toradora and OT1

>Two of the infamous cover with a 6 behind the 8
I would have flipped my shit if there were three of them.

I'll break that stupid illusion of yours

Thats because NT18 is the third

>it's Easter
>no bunny girls whatsoever in this thread
You have all failed Hamazura.

I wanna fuck frenda

Which half?

Literally who?

Which hole?


with cute dick


Who is this Semen demon?

Oh I thought it was going to be that purple haired qt in misaki's crew.

That's Miki-san


>The bottom half of Frenda's body is cut off

Here you go.

Same. I'm upset every single time Mikoto can't be in full potential in her own story mostly because of him or muh friendship characters around her.

I'm not sure if Drills has actually ever left the School Garden, and Touma doesn't show up there until NT7, so probably not.


Why do I love this useless fucking slut so much?
