Virgins and right wing politics

are there a lot of virgins or near-virgins that identify with the right?

It doesn't even matter. The future of the entire world depends on the efforts of good men everywhere, that they may come together to battle great evils which seek to destroy and corrupt all that is good. And you're worrying about little nitpicky shit like this?

What did he mean by this?

positive correlations are always worth investigating, that's how we got this world

>Mom, dad, this is the real me!


individuals with some but little experience

Men that can't even interact with a woman without dropping the spaghetti are not good men

I've noticed that many who identify as involuntary celibate also harbor right-wing views. You'd be hard pressed to find a leftist in that community

>being a virgin is a bad thing
this meme has to die

By your argument, a rapist is a good man.

What movie is that Peter Weller from?

Rape is the biggest spaghetti drop possible, so no


tons of fags and pedophiles too

it's no biggie

bloody taffs are weird

How? You just said that men who can't interact with women aren't good men. A rapist can interact with a woman so well he doesn't even need to woo her to have sex with her.

where did I ever say that?

I guess I have to tell you now. It's the from the Lou Grant television show. The whole episode is on YouTube and I grabbed and enhanced these


>is there any correlation between the left wing and mentally ill complete losers with broken bodies and minds like caddle?
I dont even identify with any political wing but I got eyes you dumb disgusting faggot goy.

Which one are you, friend?

Rape is extremely socially awkward bro

Large numbers of unmarried men have always been a destabilizing and radicalizing factor in any society. Especially now since they can't be just killed off in usual wars.

it's actually his first appearance anywhere, he plays a jew neonazi

The right-wing is filled with them

Since when? Rape, for the vast majority of human history, was the preferred mating method. It's only very recently that the concepts your spewing out without any thought were even imagined.

Nice. Thanks. Was hoping this was from a directors cut of Buckaroo Bonzai.

so are we perhaps creating a war, like an "every man needs his war" thing?

If you're referring to getting your ass gapped as a kid like you and many others on the left, then yes, rightys are "near-virgins."

Buckaroo Bonzai Acoss The Third Reich

>I grabbed and enhanced these

lol at that. Keep up the good work

Authoritarian and strong appearing ideologies generally attract those who have no power of their own. That is why you see societal rejects cling to a supposed past glory because they have absolutely none of their own in life.


they're shit but I don't think there's an HD because it's such an obscure title, it was a spinoff that didn't do very well

Nothing says authoritarian like big government and the seizing of guns. Keep projecting, moron.

Dunnoh but in my counrry it was the leftist greens the refugee loving church which had all the child scandals.
Might it be..
That you are biased to a degree that takes away your ability to make a point?

it does seem as though that pre trump and brexfest, aligning with such ideologies was an underdog position as stated

Does the same hold true for EU federalists I wonder?
But yes virgos often tend to seek some meaning in a political quest as girlfriends are a stabilising factor and keep your attention. We might be incel autists but our socities produce no better patriots anymore so its a just outcome.

>big government
>seizing of guns
Sorry? You responded in the wrong thread it seems.

Hah! Very clever German lad.

I basically posted the exact same thread, got banned for 3 days. However I didn't specify identifying as white but it was implied.

>Does the same hold true for EU federalists I wonder?

In what ways can one attain "glory" today? Saving up enough money for a Mercedes? Getting promoted? Getting some chicks phone number? None of those are really that glorious

maybe it's because I purposely tried to make it seem less hostile than I could have, no shaming here

Im just raising a counterpoint really and you dont even guve examples.
I mean I could give you an example of rightwing pederasts who preyed on childs of the quasi paramilitary wikingyouth in germany but these groups at least broke over that besides other failures and pretended to want to hang all pedos otherwise.

The greens and left went together with homolobbys and called for the legalisation of pedosexuality in the open during the 70s with some figures involved in that attempt being active past the 2010s.

You want some more impulses to educate yourself on the web before spewing shit you dont know shit about?

Yeah I didn't mean to make it sound hostile but anyways my ban was lifted no real harm done.

Achieving something, rising above the rest.
Just look at the self proclaimed NatSocs, commies, or whoever. How many of them are sensible and presentable people? Very few.
These people are clinging to their Hitlers and Stalins because they want to get back at the percieved injustices the successful world has done to them.

it's a tricky subject, but it has so much to do with the war on degeneracy, I have a feeling many of us would be comfortable with loose women had we been on the receiving end of some of that whoredom

The exception to the virgin rule might be clannish structures I guess that managed to become such circlejerks that the need to find females gets quenched.
Our legit nazis are such outsiders that some formed wacky polit-cultist tier clans that shag like rabbits in bio-farmer or welfare-marauder communities.
If they continue like this we might end up with a minority of ayran gypsies in hundred years with an own mytholgy of historical wewuz revisionism.

>a minority of ayran gypsies in hundred years with an own mytholgy of historical wewuz revisionism
only they'll be right

Well what can I say, being a gypsie is the most sucessful reproduction strategy in western europe at the moment.

>they'll be right
In the same way the Holocaustians(TM) are.

>implying there's anything wrong with virginity
Take your sex positive D'Annunzio-esque shit elsewhere. The West could very well collapse because of sexual liberation. It's objectively bad, and even in a secular framework, sex should be kept within marriage.

>virginity isn't a binary! It's a spectrum
Dear god, it's infecting everything.

well, I would call it a hard and fast dividing line; you're a virgin or not, but the definition has recently been a little confused, so I thought I could bait some normalfags who've gone four whole months or something

faggot, where in the OP did I imply it was wrong?

We only see 6 gorillion shitposts similar in spirit on a daily basis. Plus, every time I see a Fascist flag here, the poster is some sex positive degenerate, much like their counterparts from yesteryear.

To be honest, I was a popular good looking guy and in my mid teens to early twenties slept with many women.
However I had a religious awakening and even before that I kind of felt like it was not fufilling to just fuck some bitch and then move on.
I'm now reclusive and anti-social in that i don't enjoy being around people. I quit drinking and drugs too which obviously puts a end to certain ways of life and types of people.

meme flags mean nothing, they're how we shitposted when you were on Ebaum's World looking at image macros, but if it makes you feel better...

>he unironically used flags Sup Forums.

Does the fascist flag represent your views though? Just curious.

yeah, and it was high quality af, not a Logan Paul circlejerk, fucking Sup Forums horseshit. I miss using my rainbow before the_d took it literally

no, the flags mean nothing, they never have. I'm no oldfag, in fact almost no one is, but I'm pre gg, and it was just what you picked before you posted

>measuring time in pre-gg
>not pre-Zimmerman

the true way

>that numale open face
I learned that chads don't give a fuck about politics. They are busy managing their own tribe, or more specifically the politics they care about are primal, locally tibal ones. They are the alpha of their group of friends (which typically have other alphas that are subdued, or maybe it's a feudal style where one alpha is prima inter pares while the other alphas are lords of their own social group but still recognize themselves together with king-chad as a separate class).

Sup Forums has alot of /r9k/

Sup Forums has more /r9k/ than /r9k/

34 year old virgin living in mums basement. No job or education. I believe people like me form the core of the alt right.

why do you insist on using a geo-flag then? Did you just get used to it?

Do you think the ideology is a result of the worlds rejection of you?
Or seeking a sense of belonging?
Or because it made logical sense?

>banged many chicks
>tired of degenerate behaviour
>became natsoc

I think it’s the opposite OP btw stop being a faggot

I'm sure, despite being a leaf, you're not a bad person. You're just using whatever tool available to dismantle a flawed system

In short form answer, yes. YES.

There is probably a stronger correlation between the alt-right and virginity (or age that virginity was lost) than the correlation between being poor and voting republican.

I think there's a polarisation. Many men who were naturally more alpha and attracted to nat-soc because of its strength who probably have been laid a fair bit. with the other half being men who turned nat-soc because everything else failed them, they're more likely virgin.

The world hasn't rejected me. I rejected it. The society I live in now is objectively worst than the one I grew up in. Not because we have accepted various deviances and self destructive habits as equal to the norm, but because we now promote them as superior.

having spent a great deal of time in Appalachia, I know they vote republican not out of poverty directly, but more so against the left's hate-boner for coal. If the left was smart enough to promise coal jobs, they'd have Kentucky and West Virginia on top of the US metropolitan stronghold

No just low sex partner count... leftist are notoriously the biggest sluts...

Why so obsessed? Worry about your own dick m8.

No. The far left and the far right are filled with virgins (youth) but most right wing people have families.

you were concerned enough to reply, one way or another it means something to you

I would guess even the moderate left has a lower virgin count than the moderate right, given that they're mostly female and men with access to them. I think, while possibly not one personally, you are among more virgins than you imagine, made evident by the hostility towards the question

almost as if even "traditionalists" view virginity as a negative, really forces on to ponder...

*one to ponder, fuck!

It's just the default. Back in the days of memeflags, I just didn't have a flag.

Honestly, my response was borne out of frustration for r/t_D moderates making me re-argue for abstinence over and over again. There was a clear consensus here (aside from spergy lolbertarians) regarding promiscuity as being degenerate, and non-virgin women as being trash. Thanks to the Magapedes, I have to do this tedious nonsense over and over again.

This board turned to shit halfway through the election.

Can confirm, I'm 39 (aka oldfag), about to become the 40-year old handless and kissless virgin who never had a gf. Former libtard but typical in youth before 25 years old.

I hope so. as it should be our mission to undo the over sexualisation of the population and to shame those degenerates that have sex out of wedlock. Don't fall for the (((their))) tricks. A virgin has nothing to be ashamed of.


>promiscuity as being degenerate
I caught myself thinking this way, but realized I was coping. I'm not assigning that to you, but that's my story. As far as the pedes, I can say confidently I never reddit, and I simply don't understand them, I was barely a newfriend when everything went to hell, so I got catapulted over to hotwheels and basically stayed. I still don't fit in here, but I've always found sticking to the correct mix of fun and discussion to be good enough. I needed to lurk moar then lost everybody who I was supposed to emulate

there's nothing wrong with that

I think a lot of women chooses to partner with low hanging fruit beta males because they will get a free pass to carry themselves completely unhinged without criticism.

This secures the women continous resources part from state handouts and they are free to get fucked by chads on the side.

Right-wingers generally have more spine and self-respect and hell even better physical looks, and as a woman this wouldn't bode well for a thot-lifestyle.

>involuntary celibate meme.
The right also has more married individuals like myself.

>I caught myself thinking this way, but realized I was coping. I'm not assigning that to you, but that's my story.
I've actually been seeing that a lot lately. Truthfully, I think that's more reflective of the individual than the position itself. Granted, I come at this from a somewhat different angle than most on Sup Forums. It seems like everyone here, at one point, was a liberal of some sort, classical or otherwise. I never really was.

Regarding sex specifically, I was raised in a pretty run-of-the-mill religious family so anti-sex teaching were drilled into my head pretty early. I ended up getting sick of the Church and leaving throughout High School, but I never really adopted "sex positive" views. I had a really romanticized notion of the whole thing, and I spent a good deal of that time dating a girl who was a pretty devout Christian. At risk of blogposting, by the time I got into College and that relationship ended, I got involved in Far-Right politics, and stumbled across the coherent, secular arguments for abstinence. I suppose it helps that I'm just far more comfortable with and interested in long-term relationships and marriage as well.

Overall though, when looking at the data, psych papers, and anthropological studies, I'm honestly more concerned about sexual permissiveness and its toll on society than racial demographics.

Don't fucking respond to leafs you dumb nigger, something about the high altitude and sucking dog dick all day makes them retarded as shit.

Becuz wemun dont tuch my peepee xdddd

You're describing beta nu-male pussies which are left wing pussies.

T. Never been to 9th of may celebration

>The right also has more married individuals like myself.
and thus we identify the purpose of the thread, to support or debunk by answering questions

I knew something was fishy racially from anecdotal evidence, grew up in a very black area, and was already lurking around amren and SBPDL while browsing Sup Forums and /s/, totally unaware there was a board discussing these subjects until Ferguson shit hit the fan, but I'm in the camp of women always being whores, which is why we built those barriers to protect them from themselves

I'd say many earnest responses and testimonials beg to differ. Not all right-wingers are virgins, but many virgins are right-wing

also, I'm curious as to how many of our married individuals were here early on, or came in the past few years due to post-fappening hysteria and whatnot. The older oldfags are fairly celibate, but I'd be glad to learn otherwise

I know t_D has it's reputation for dumping its share of boomers on us, how true is this?