Would you have sex with Tomoko?
Would you have sex with Tomoko?
If she was clean, shaven and didn't smell.
If she had a bath first, sure.
I would fill her unused socially inept cunt if you know what I mean.
But those are literally the best parts about her.
Not even joking here, just a fucking degenerate here.
Maybe in a few years. She's way too young right now.
>not taking a bath together, cleaning and shaving her yourself.
>meme answer
>not liking dat woman stink
The better question is - would Tomoko have sex with user?
It's like someone drew that image specifically to bully me about my fetishes.
Post the devianart account, I need a laugh.
>Not liking a woman's natural sent.
Would you head pat her?
So hard I'll break her
In a heart beat
the opposite of this
>using mp3 player
>has a smartphone
0/10 unfuckable
That is sad in so many ways
>having so little music that you can fit it on your smartphone
>using data to stream automated playlists instead of actively developing your own taste.
vagoos who hasn't been cleaned recently enough smells like cats breath
I ain't ever going near that shit
I want millennials to leave.
Can I trust her to not rat me out to the police?
Not having a dedicated music player
>implying she wouldn't blackmail you with going to the police
You played yourself
You mean the bacteria and fungis dat cause dat smell
I'd get her pregnant.
Why is the proper terminology have "sex" and not "do" sex?
In this context have is something you experience whereas do is something you perform. Since you can't 'do sex' solo (that would be masturbation) it comprises of two or more things 'doing sex' at each other and thus results in an experience (of combined elements/actions). Therefore you have it rather than do it.
See also having a meal, having a game of sportsball, having a party, even having a bath (since the tub and water plays more of a role than you alone), having a retarded fucking conversation on the internet, and so on.
That would remove half the kink out.
>not wanting to kneel before her
>wrap your arms around her
>grope her small, but supple ass to your heart's content
>bury your face into her crotch so that your cheeks are touching her thighs
>inhale her scent with all your might
>getting high on the intensity, but still sniffing
>motorboating the thighs
>wrestle her down to the the floor
>turn her around and bury your face in her butt
>force her arms up, sniff and suck on her hairy armpits
>then shove your tongue in her dirty ears, licking them clean
But in all of those examples you cited, you are having some kind of noun.
A meal, a game, a party, etc. They're all nouns that you would need to add "a" or "an" before.
Sex, in this context, doesn't seem to be a noun.
Not him, but you get tired of hauling so many gadgets on you eventually.
Dedicated player is fine for bigass headphones and FLAC, where you can actually tell the difference compared to earbuds and mp3.
Cowon D2 is still sitting on the desk, but I'm just using my phone for many years now.
>you can't 'do sex' solo
Thanks for a reminder.
Reminder that Tomoko has clean hygiene.
I'm sorry you're so weak that carrying less than a pound of gadgets is physically demanding.
They take space, space you might not have in your pockets, smartphone with eardrops solves that.
Dedicated music player only makes sense with big, expensive headphones that are bulkier than all the shit mentioned above combined and are uncomfortable on both hot and cold days when you've got to wear a hat.
I keep my phone and my music player as seperate things.
Personally I use my MP3 player a lot when driving or while working. Having a smartphone and an MP3 player is not lot of devices to have in your clothes; sans wallet. Unless you're wearing such tight clothes than you have no space in which case go back to /fa/ or Sup Forums. Don't listen to music on huge headphones in public because you can't hear your surroundings.
>Don't listen to music on huge headphones
But then there is no fucking difference.
I used dedicated player and big expensive headphones until I got tired to carry the latter with me.
And I can't tell the difference in quality with eardrops anyway=no point in extra gadget if you can't tell the difference.
>Sex, in this context, doesn't seem to be a noun.
It is. Just because you don't add "a" or "an" beforehand doesn't change that. The "a" or "an" in this case denotes an indefinite article, which is to say something vague belonging to a class/group (for example a meal could be a NEET alone with pizza or a huge banquet with hundreds of guests, yet both are called a meal). Not applying that to the word sex is just one of those quirks of the English language. At a guess I'd say it's likely left over from polite society days where sex would have been viewed as a singular, definite thing (done in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation).
Why is using a MP3 player, one that can't play FLAC, about quality of music and not quantity while on the go? If you have the files from actually owning CDs why stream over a smartphone constantly eating your data? Why pay hundreds of dollars more for a bigger phone harddrive just so you can have 20 albums in FLAC?
You fucking lost me.
>Dedicated player +64GB SD +bigass headphones + FLAC
>got tired of bulky headphones
>can't tell the difference between flac and mp3 with droplets
So now is
>Smartphone +32GB SDHC + droplets +mp3
if someone refuses to have sex with tomo is probably a Chad desu
That's pretty cool yours played FLAC, my old ones from years ago didn't. It seems to me your major problem with Players is your headphones. Why just just rely on 5.1 or car stereo for your 64gb?
Imagine all the music you can carry if you just didn't fill it with FLAC. my old 80gb has like 14,000 songs on it. If I want to use FLAC I use my 5.1 or car stereo.
I just go with PC soundcard and headphones at home.
>car stereo
Can't have car stereo with no car.
>Imagine all the music you can carry
32gb phone card is enough for mp3 now.
Current playlist is kind of short.
I went on autistic extermination fit and completely deleted 48GB one few years back , like went over with shredding tools on top of it.
I'd fill up 32gb too quickly. even my 80gb isn't enough for all the music stored on my harddrives. Soundcards are a great piece to have in your computer. I'll use headphones if i don't feel like waking the neighbors at 4am. Typically the 5.1 is enough. Depending on the country not having a car is normal though.
Why would you delete 48gb of music? That stuff is important.
makes sense desu
>Soundcards are a great piece to have in your computer.
Used to hoard the tracks back in the day, but not anymore.
About ~300 tracks are enough right now.
Don't even have monitors at home: didn't bother replacing once they broke.
>no car
Most just use subway that blows up occasionally here.
Helmet can hold stereo, but you don't have concentration to spare riding a motorcycle.
>delete 48gb of music
I warned you about autistic fit.
Tracklist mostly consisted of anime OST and shit like vocaloid or doujin, most of those have female vocal.
Being weeb no-lifer with pent-up libido I noticed that this shit gets me all sad and soggy about not having a gf after I went a month without it on a trip.
So I deleted it and sticked to instrumental or male vocal tracks ever since, occasionally classic music and new-age.
Because it allows for better quality than built-in audio, also adds interfaces like stereo, 5.1, coaxial, optics etc.
Sometimes the built in soundports on your mobo don't transmit data in high quality to Surround Sound. Especially if you have a sub-woofer. If you don't have quality equipment your built in mobo speaker ports are more than enough.
Don't hide who you are or what you like.
Just replace the monitors, it sounds like you don't even use your computer any more. OSTs make things fun.
Prefer using my player over a phone when I go running
>don't hide what you like
Nah, few friends that I have know exactly what a weeb degenerate I am and don't care.
Colleagues however will never ever know that I'm a weeb, I can do without all the normalfag prejudice.
Just figured out female vocal makes me sad and removed it, like a harmful habit.
>don't even use computer
Plugged in those bigass headphones, It's fine.
>uncomfortable on both hot and cold days when you've got to wear a hat.
Big headphones make for pretty fucking good earmuffs.
>Thread about Tomoko's sex appeal turns into Music player discussion
For -30°C you'd want a hat or a hood.
Frame on one pair actually cracked due to temperature difference after I got outside one winter day.
They're also disgusting at hot day.
Hey, Tomoko likes her trash-talk yandere audio, okay?
It's not her fault music players are more popular
Maybe you shouldn't buy shitty headphones that break from being cold then. I've had the same pair of crappy $30 bluetooth headphones for when it's cold out, still working 3 years after I bought them.
They weren't shitty though: I bought same model after that and still content with them.
They're not hi-fi, but ain't no one got money for pocket signal amplifiers to get those to work with portable player.
How do you use a computer with no monitors?
Now-a-days even normalfags are slightly nerdy. Personally I don't mind people knowing. I'll blast Miku in my brotastic mustang all I want.
Fuck me, how did i fuck spoilers up.
-30c is -22f. not a lot of tech survives that level of cold. Or at least it doesn't block out the cold winds from -22f the same way a full ear'd hat would from your frostbitten prone ears.
I live in northern Canada, I know what -30c is. My headphones work just fine at -30 and my ears haven't fallen off yet.
>no monitors
Meant no audio stereo monitors, obviously I have displays to watch anime, read novels and browse Sup Forums.
ESL so don't know how to word it better.
Nah, I wouldn't bet on it.
Job is job, hobbies are hobbies - better keep them separated.
Colleagues are not classmates that you can just ignore if they're assholes, you've got shit to do that involves interacting with them.
Second thought people have after hearing that you watch anime is "Do you watch hentai too?", more shameless ones actually voice it.
It's very uncomfortable question because the honest answer is definitive yes and I don't like lying.
So you walk in -30°C outside with just headphones on your head?
That's dumb even if you're a girl with thick heap of hair.
Putting headphones over your hat is retarded, uncomfortable and impedes the quality of the sound.
Earbuds under the hat\hood is much better alternative.
Nigger if it's -30 and I'm outside, I don't give a fuck about how good my chinese cartoon music sounds or how uncomfortable the top of my head is.
This is some advanced autism, and I regret even getting drawn into it.
>> yfw you are ignored in your own thred
So you will stop advise using headphones as a sole headgear for protecting head from -30°C cold now?
You said that your headphones and ears are both okay, so I concluded you don't wear a hat in winter outside and only use headphones to protect your head from cold.
That's retarded.
You dumb faggots
Well what else do you want to discuss?
It's obvious most anons would do Tomoko and the rest of them would wash her before, but still do her later.
This much is already known.
>Colleagues are not classmates
That it true. You typically don't want to reveal your power level until you've shown your competent first.
Work is work, personally I never talk about anything but work at work. It is difficult to side track even if other people want to talk about a show or something since I'm busy. Even if they don't like anime they don't really care that much since I'm good at what I do and it isn't like I talk about it at work.
Those are both me, dumb shit.
I wear a cap and headphones. Unless you're literally bald, at -30 you aren't going to be outside long enough for your poor little noggin to get chilly through your hair and any hat.
>tfw no snugly, damp, after-shower sex with Tomoko
I would love to, but she is a small japanese girl and I am very tremendous, so I am afraid I may hurt her.
>Her "friends" were just pranking her
>Tomoko sudokus
>you aren't going to be outside long enough
Why'd I use my headphones if I'm not long outside?
And what value your argument about ears and headphones being okay when exposed to extreme cold weather now have?
You just told me you avoid prolonged exposure to such weather.
>Unless you're literally bald
Author is not that kind of person.
You knew what you were getting into when you started reading title about socially awkward weeb.
>small japanese girl
>tremendous male
>bbm on loli
Only if she agrees to marry me.
Looks like Tomoko is gonna get a gf soon.
Come on now, that's asking a lot.
She may bathe regularly, but she still gets so sweaty during the day that she stinks regardless.
No. I had a opportunity to do so with an IRL Tomoko-like female thing (bigger boobs tho), but decided against it (but the boobs were nice).
True story. Socially anxious people sweat a lot when around people, which is her case at school.
No matter how hard and frequently they clean themselves that stinky sweat only fear can cause shows up again immediately, which prevents others from interacting with you. This is one of the many reasons social anxiety is a self perpetuating problem.
Unconditional yes
Why the fuck would you want to even hear your surroundings anyway?
I'm at the point of my life where I'd fuck almost anything
Not him, but car honk would be first on priority.
Second - other people shouting to warn you about some emergency.
Humans also rely on hearing co regulate their walking, so not hearing the shit actually throws off your walking pace and footing.
So that's a no then.
>be thief
>see some fag wearing giant earphones
>use a complex mathematical equation to determine the probability that there is an expensive device along with it
>it seems likely
Also what this guy said.
Filthy, perverted, gross, smegma-lubed mating press with Tomoko-chan!
Yes and no, mainly because dick doesn't fit so you end up killing the beast.
Though if it had an appropriate pussy, yes.
>Maybe in a few years. I'm too gay right now.
Already have.
>dick doesn't fit
I'd advise you to try a bigger cat, but you might not survive the attempt.