It's time

It's time.

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Never have I felt so homo


you're doing it wrong, senpai

Do you guys remember this? I had the urge to read it again last week, it was nice.

Is the homo worth cringing at the CGI everytime a character moves or tries to emote?

As far as cgi anime goes, it's really not that bad.

Fuck, I really can't cope with CGI. But now I watched the PV and I can't deny I'm intrigued.
Fuck you user.

>This is your date for tonight.
What are your plans?

>tfw I like autistic bro more than autistic alien

Tickle those obliques, then see where that leads us.

You will never touch that silky-smooth hair.

I expect a decent amount of armpit fanservice.

Nina is definitely /ourgirl/

He probably fucks on the first date so probably that.

Please do not sexualize Space Jesus.

Yes but does he fuck or get fucked?

>CGI fujobait

With a fuckboy VA, he's there to be the human homobait

>space jesus
More like inferior Shiroba.
Or Kaworu knockoff. Also Mika expy. Komaeda lookalike.
Seriously, it's like they wanted to be extra sure he'd appeal to fujos. Sure, I like my white haired boys, but can we please move on already?

Cute. How homo is it?

Reminds me to catch up. S1 threads were fun. Is the semen demon still best boy?

I want him to say that he was born to meet me to me.

I think I have a fetish for his feet.

He's still the punching bag of the show. I kind of wish that he'd stay as a side character rather than as a new main though. It's weird to have no duo like Favaro and Kaisar carrying the story.

He's literally a Space Jesus, though. He even feeds like 300 people by multiplying one piece of bread.

I read it but I didn't really like it as much as I thought I would.

Both at the same time with a guy and girl

Still waiting for space Jesus to smile like he does in the official art. I hope he doesn't stay as an autistic husk during the whole series.

Oh hey, it's Merlin.


He's smiling slightly in the ep3 preview.

Doesn't apply to aliens.

I'm with you on that. The autistic alien is a little overdesigned for my tastes.

It's like my early 2000s fujobait all over again

About to pick up S1 of this, good idea or not?

>fapping to homo on Easter Sunday

What doujins are worth /fire and brimstone/?

It's decent. Pick it up for the boys, and FAVAROOOOOOOOOOOOO

It's fun. You'll like it. It has a good amount of manservice in episode one too. Favaro and Kaiser are a great duo.

At least we get more of him.

Where are my SEM boys at?

>fucked my dude and ate ass on Easter

Am I going to Hell?

Nah, but you should go back to your /blog/.

Have you considered lamb as a healthier alternative?

So long as you thought about Jesus while doing it, you're good

Yes 3DPD is disgusting. Now fuck off attention whore.

The new season is looking even better in terms of manservice. I can't wait for next ep and more Cheerios.

Would you hold hands with an alien?

Off to finish off the second half of s1 then.
The only thing I'm watching this season is Uchuten Kazoku for the comfy and softness. I guess its time for a manservice show and then DIVE in the summer.

Right here homodachi, Jiro is my husbando.



Okay so I just marathoned the 3 episodes and I must say I didn't expect to like this so much.
Kind hearted bureaucrats, company rescuing, First Contact, cute and socially ankward alien. That's one werd mix, but it works for me.

Is Utapri old and busted yet? I heard there was some drama recently.

Senseis a best.

>oh look another Kaworu-clone
Can't they invent something new already?

There was some drama about making a musical other than that it's been quiet. Sixth live event next month.

Looking forward to them.

>not taking on the form of the most popular alien in japan to negociate with japan
He's just being practical. Nobody would listen to him or watch his show if he were a fat old man.

When is Heavens going into the games. It's been years an I can't see why they won't.

Also, how did this show get popular? The first season was abysmal.

It was already popular because of the umpteen games.

I think it's easier to stomach when they're not switching between the CGI and traditional very often.

My only real problem with the show is I'm having trouble liking the MC, but all the characters are sucking his dick hard.

I wonder how P will look like.

Good taste.
When Side M airs it'll be banned from here and tell to fuck off to their containment threads, an horrible fagbase is imminent. So have fun in the main time.

Idolshit don't really get active threads on Sup Forums.

I smell a spiritual successor here.




Check the usual place.

Thank you for convincing me to watch that user, I haven't seen something so comfy and happy in a very long time. And god I love the music.

I don't know who this is but he is perfect in every way.

Latest chapter is out homodachis


You're welcome. There's some interesting stuff in this anime. The Jesus imagery (the bread, the king, the light), the sweet alien (benevolent commodore Perry knockoff version, negociation. Also I wonder if Shindou is meant to be the dog in pic related? Or is humanity as a whole the dog?
I suspect the whole series will be about advancing the level of technology of humanity so they can sell some kind of earth exclusive product to the aliens. Much like what happened in episode 0, only on a much bigger scale.

I'm pretty sure they haven't fucked yet. I'll re-read it though. It's been awhile.

He's most likely to be SideM's Producer for the anime. If he really is, will this be the first time a boy idol anime had the main MC self-insert be a guy?

No confirmation on P-chan yet.
Never watched it but did Shonen Hollywood have a male Producer?

Sounds based as hell.

Hanamori is Shindou's dog.

>ywn win the Teshimabowl

That would be interesting at least.

Her chibis are so fucking cute.

Does he know kung fu?

pretty sure you can make a whole set of reaction images of this qt by now.

I want a whole set of kijima chibi plushie myself. 3cute5me

Shindou and Hanamori double-teaming zaShunina fanart when?

>did Shonen Hollywood have a male Producer?
I don't think he showed up IIRC.

>that pink fro

Oh wow, thanks for the giggle.

Ooh, pretty. Picked up.

Been reading this. Boys are cute but its not BL. Homo boy won't win the MC bowl but its okay.

What a shameless whore.

Pixiv ID on the original?

All of HighxJoker excluding Hayato are sluts, Shiki being the biggest one out of all of 315.

Thanks. Always nice to see some softness and tum.

Killua is cute!

I want to anally rape Killua with no lube then punch him in the back of the head as hard as I can while pulling out as fast as I can so he prolapses then use a red hot knife to cut off his prolapsed rectum and cauterize the wound at the same time then feed him his own severed rectum in a sandwich!


What a qt. Best villain.

Reminder if you aren't watching Uchuten Kazoku, you are missing out on AOTS again.


Don't reply retard.

She slapped both cheeks? What did he do wrong?