
Really Sup Forums. Fucking chromosomes. You want people's gender to be decided, not by their gender identity, not by their external appearance, not even by any outward biology whatsoever, but purely based on a genetic code related to chromosomes which can't even be seen by the naked eye.
And yet you insist 'THIS' is what should make you a man or a woman.
Why do you assume that all people with XY chromosomes must be men? I don't see it as being relevant outside of fertilisation.
This is a belief which is created on purpose to make it impossible for people to transition. It is a belief INVENTED to persecute a specific group of people.
You invent this belief which makes it impossible for an XY person to become a woman- and then call them MENTALLY ILL for believing they can become a woman. Well of course they can't if you specifically design the criteria to be impossible...
Is there anything more twisted and dishonest than the antitrans crowd?

Other urls found in this thread:

do whatever makes you happy m8

Take some drugs and swap your parts.
Don't let me stand in your way.
It's totally going to work.

Sounds like you need a psychiatrist

Yeah the t
lgbt community is far more dishonest; praying on the mentally ill.



Grow a pair

Go ahead mate, chop that donger off, you'll feel better about yourself!!

>can't be seen by the naked eye

The health effects of purposely damaging your endocrine system will lead to mental illness and body function troubles. You know eunuchs have many health problems.

No it's determined by their biology. The chromosomes only matter in determining the sex of edge cases like hermaphrodites, and the only reason we have to care about such edge cases at all is because lefties keep bringing them up as if outliers invalidate the mean. In all other cases the biology and chromosomes line up.

Well sex reassignment does reduce dysphoria

Trans people score good on physical and mental levels.

chop your dick off user, do it.

No, you have arbitrarily decided that only chromosomes matter. You don't care about biology as shown by your total dismissal of genitalia, hormones, and brain patterns in determining gender.

Humans do not have a gender, romance language nouns have a gender.
Humans have a sex, which is created at conception and is unchangeable. Any other claim is denying the science of biology.

Why do liberals always play childish semantic games of trying to redefine terms like gender in asinine ways to suit their needs, then act like its a genius insight? Chromosomes are obviously the main scientific basis of gender differences, so its the obvious, logical way to define gender. Trying to come up with some convoluted social categorization violates Occam's razor, and is thus anti-scientific.


Kim still looks like a man

Way to avoid an actual rebuttal. Please lets hear more about your (((feelings))) on the subject.

Where do you cry babies come from?
Why not go back before it's too late?

Lol and have extraordinarily high suicide rates and depression and anxiety

But yeah we’re totally normal guise....

The research has fallen for the Texas sharpshooter fallacy.

The problem with transsexuals is that the treatment options are barbaric. It's still in it's infancy like how schizophrenics would get lobotomized.

>post this much bullshit
Go back to >>>lgbt faggot
If you have a dick, you are a guy. a gash you are a female

Their gender are decided by wether they have a womb or not.

>you: AKTUALLY we care about biology, not chromosomes
>me: no you don't, you ignore 99% of biology and only care about chromosomes
How is this not a rebuttal?
Where do my feelings come into it?

Apart from dysphoria there's also oppression, which is why even after surgery some differences remain. But we will get rid of the oppression eventually.

Kek underrated

and I am pickle riiiiick!! shut up bastards, genetics dont define me, i am a pickleeeee

I'm sorry to inform you but chromosomes were found before the whole trans thing started up

The attempt to separate sex and gender makes the term gender irrelevant. Nobody cares what you think you are. It's not relevant for any reason other than for you to talk about yourself.

So if 'man' and 'woman' don't refer to chromosomal patterns they have no meaning?

You apparently have no idea what that is.

I believe I am a millionaire, does that mean I should be a millionaire?

I was born middle class, how is that any different? I identify as a high class millionaire, are you a classist? Why do you assume that all people born middle class must be middle class? This is a belief which is created on purpose to make it impossible for people to be rich. It is a belief INVENTED to persecute a specific group of people.

You're right op. I could always tell my dog self-identified as a a fish so I amputated his legs, docked his tail, cut off his ears, and cut long slits of flesh out along his ribs to look like gills. He can't breathe underwater but he looks slightly more like a fish on the outside than he did before. I can tell he's much happier now

fucking kill yourself you worthless faggot.

Just read the read her data they where drawing conclusions from the data they where provided. Texas sharpshooter fallacy is when easily explained as drawing a target after you already shoot the wall.

>I believe I am a millionaire, does that mean I should be a millionaire?
No. Millionaire refers only to someone with over a million of a given currency. That's an objective property.
I don't believe that identifying as a woman changes your sex. I believe it changes your gender. You don't understand the argument at all. Either that or you're deliberately strawmanning.

Men and women are from the same species and can be a lot more biologically similar to one another than that. Trans women have brain patterns more similar to women than men. You have to choose two different species, which proves how little you really know.

>Is there anything more twisted and dishonest than the antitrans crowd?
That crowd telling mentally ill man they can become women by cutting their balls and getting an open wound that they must dilate to prevent it from healing. Pic related.
Which is worse?


Alright, I'll tell you why we define sex based on chromosomes. It's because just about anything about a person can be predicted with more than 50% accuracy if you know the chromosomes.
That means there is a correlation between sex and everything else about that person. And because chromosomes are the first thing defined about a person, it isn't only correlative, it's also causitive you nog.
Reality doesn't revolve around you.

You think they redefined healthy specifically to make trans women look healthy. I'm pretty sure people already knew what 'healthy' means.

Who is this chick anyway? Another tranny?

I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

I agree with OP. There is no single objective parameter to measure gender, it is a combination of physical, mental and emotional traits that together subjectively define your gender along a spectrum.

And as it turns out, there are 5 genders on this spectrum. Pic related

Ok so then, why should I give a single fuck what your gender is if it's just how you feel? I don't care how you feel.

> just about anything about a person can be predicted with more than 50% accuracy
So you define gender based on chromosomes because you're not smart enough to consider that 'more than 50%' isn't 100%?
Please stop, that's really illogical.
There are many men who have XX chromosomes. Although they were born with female bodies they transitioned and now have male hormones and take up a male social role.

Read this then fuck off

So MtF trannies are not Male to Female they are Male to Fag since they have too much male traits for society to view them as women. They are not women. They are fags.

>a male social role

I thought we were meant to believe this shit doesn't exist? How can you say one "started acting more like a male" without bullshit definitions of what it is to be a man or a woman?

Yes that's just as dumb as thinking a cat can turn into a fish.

If you're attracted to femininity then you would note that XY people who have the female gender role tend to more feminine that you'd expect, and many of them are attracted to men. So you could get a hot trans gf.

They didn't go and collect the data themselves and search for it. The data comes from physical checkups and evaluations after a couple of months. They are still taking hormones even after so vitals look okay but endocrine system functions are suffering. I had to do hormone testing on rats at college to simulate cancer affecting the endocrine system. We cut parts of the endocrine system out and then had groups with and without hormone treatment.

It's more like medically alive.

OP. I could change my definition of "nigger" to be synonymous with every other word in the English language and walk around saying "nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger" over again and it would make complete logical sense within my framework.

That is what you are doing. You might be able to change what we call you, but you will always be a separate group to what we call "women" now, a group that disgusts us and always will disgust us.

this is now a trannie redpill thread. but first, let's begin by analyzing what happens if you are a homo at all

Speaking as someone who's fucked hot traps, there's always something to remind you it's a man.
I'm even over trap hentai now.
Unless you're bi or something, stick with real women.

this is what a "vagina" looks like after a sex change operation

>Why do you assume that all people with XY chromosomes must be men?
Well actually just the Y itself is what makes you a man. For instance, XXY is a man with an extra X. It is not a woman with a Y. This is because having a Y in the mix does things to you physically. That being said, people who have more than 2 Xs and a Y become more and more feminized, like XXXY is a male, but he may have smaller than normal testicles and penis, with more feminine body features.

So X, XX, XXX etc is female. Anyone who has a Y, or multiple Ys, is male. This is how we biologically define sex.

I was talking about gender identity. You would predict from chromosomes that somebody with XX chromosomes would most likely have a female gender identity but not all of them do.

You're the one playing with language though, defining women to = a given chromosome arrangement rather than anything substantive. You're guilty of exactly what you accuse the opposition of doing.

this is how it looks like after the wound "heals" (it never actually heals since the whole vagina is a hole in the flesh that they have to keep open by stabbing it with pointy plastic sticks called "dilators".

>a given chromosome arrangement rather than anything substantive
Calling genetics non-substantive is one of the more anti-scientific things I've read today.

Interesting read.
>“Overall, the most striking finding of our analysis was the
exceptionally high prevalence of lifetime suicide attempts reported
by NTDS respondents across all demographics and experiences.”
Turns out being mentally ill leads to a higher rate of suicide regardless of what situation you're in.

this is how the operation works

this is how a female looks after having an operation to have an useless piece of meat hanging from her waist. hilarious isn't it? I bet those patches of skin she's missing from her leg must hurt

>This is because having a Y in the mix does things to you physically.
So physical things matter, but let me guess- only the physical things at BIRTH matter, and anything that can be changed such as hormones does not matter, for determining gender.

Deliberate misreading.

^ This
Anyone who's ever considered GRS should read this.

Kill yourself spectacularly, you mental reject.

>is there anything more twisted and dishonest than the antitrans crowd?

Yes. A tranny


this is just the tip of disgusting degeneracy iceberg homosexuals are so hated for

Argument from disgust? How good looking are you anyway. That's definitely more relevant.

top kek

goddamn they might as well have taped it on with duct tape!

I didn't say it was chromosome based.

I said this

Would you call someone who has to use a dilation machine for the rest of their lives healthy? Or someone on insulin? They are both replacing hormones.

No I didn't. Quote me where I said that.

All things that you consider 'disgusting degeneracy' should be banned even when they reduce dysphoria and make people better off!

Wonderful alt right argument.

>Is there anything more twisted and dishonest
Don't call us dishonest 'cos we wont participate in your LARP.
Don't call us dishonest and imply that gene expression is not outwardly visible in external appearance.
Don't call us twisted whilst a bunch of transtrenders dilute and belittle the plight of people who really suffer from gender dysphoria.
Most of all, stop using the prefix "trans" as a whole word, you are purposefully obfuscating the truth of your intentions.

Give me an XY that is capable of carrying a baby to full term, in the natural way, and we can discuss the terms of the LARP again.

Someone get me a knife, I have a dead meme to chop up

I mean i agree with you that gender, and all terminology and classification, requires a degree of subjectivity. The truth is however, trannies belong to a very different group to what we as a society have mutually agreed to refer to as women. A group that ALL men find disgusting and revoluting, and changing what we call you isn't going to make you any less disgusting and revolting to us. Our disgust is not subjective, what we call you is.

Asking us to call you something is a request. Our answer to that request? No. /Thread

you people really are hermaphrioditic worms.

That doesn't make gender relevant at all. It's more narcissism.

This Paddy gets it.

I argue against ruining people's bodies. If I was ugly then that is not the preferred case but there's nothing we can do about it. If somebody wanted to turn people who are more or less physically OK into miserable, ugly, dysfunctional monsters I would tell them to fuck off and denounce them publicly, just like I am doing.

Things that harms a humans abilities to pass on genes is what humans really consider bad also things that harms a person's ability to function ex. Retards, people with IQs less than 85, and people who always needed and will need helpers.


I'm quite certain most of society will refer to trans women as women and use female pronouns. It's a lot easier and more accurate than autistically calling them men, which will just confuse people anyway.

I mean, everything was invented as a form of control. The only hindrance to life and living is the human ideal that nothing can change, especially if it is "natural" (which, ironically, is where all the change happens).


Outside of you little liberal bubble? No. We call you men. And liberals are still emotionally disgusted and horrified by you was my main point, you've just gotten them to call you something else.

I think conflating the word "women" with whatever abominations trannies are is inaccurate and impractical. People don't view you anywhere close to the same way they view real women.

I just call them he or their original name. Just a trap with less parts. Still gay

I like the fact that despite clarifying the difference between biological sex and gender you manage to conflate them almost immediately.

>implying I can't see chromosomes by naked eye

Blindfags BTFO

They don't make people better off. If you summarize the paper we can talk since I don't feel like reading it, but "reducing dysphoria" probably means a check mark in some bullshit questionary like "how do feel in your body reflects your identity" or something like that. It doesn't mean it makes people actually better off.
And BTW the transgender movement is trying to plant the idea into children's minds that they can be any gender they "identify with" and turning them into trannies while they would be otherwise normal people. Stop planting the seed of doubt.
They are not "normally and mentally ok" people. Post the summary of the study and we'll pick it apart but the suicide rate is between 40% and 50% so I don't know what kind of forgery they did to come to that conclusion.

this is the kind of bullshit I'm talking about. satanistic flair and everything

rope yourself faggot.

a degenerate man pretending to be a girl is not a girl. they can't bear children. they're either fags tricking straight males or they're fags looking for fags or they're degenerate straight men pretending to be a lesbian. in all cases they're faggots deluding themselves with a fantasy, forcing their fantasy onto society and reality, and wasting resources while promoting degeneracy. and half of them kill themselves anyway.

trannies are a waste.

Ops pic was born with a dick. Kim Petras. If u want to fuck him you are gay. This is a glamour photo. Hes a lot more manly irl.

"It's everyone else's fault I'm crazy!" The Post

if you don't fuck my open would where what used to be a penis is stuffed inside, you're a racist and we will get rid of you bigot!

So why are they still depressed and killing themselves if they are healthy? That's his point. The fallacy is focusing on the similarity (healthy Norm vs reported feeling better) and ignoring differences (long term they are still acting in unhealthy ways, ie, suicide). It's a bad study ignoring other data that doesn't fit the conclusion they want.

Protip: "gender" isn't really a thing.
