We can't study

/lit/ chapter not destroyed by Sup Forums





Dem hips




brown is cute as always







>l-lick it
Woah getting a bit lewd here





>Next issue, Rizu's rival appears?!
>What's her purpose?!
probably fucked up the second sentence,
whatever, next chapter is /sci/ chapter

Is he feeling the baby?


>whatever, next chapter is /sci/ chapter

Thanks for the dump.

I'm not sure what you actually do in this situation.

fat sluts

Tickles, obviously.

Lick it

Proof that there will be no romance between them. This chapter developed nothing despite being all about Fumino.

Even Yuiga knows that if he showed interest she would shut him down. At least Chad got further.

>it's a Girl Concerned About Her Weight chapter

S-surely they'll deliver, right?

Wait what? I thought they were supposed to introduce a new girl. Or was that a mistranslation. I guess weight being a girl problem makes sense though.

Looks like next ch, since it says Rizu's rival.

That doesn't mean it'll be a new girl for Yuiga's totes-not-a-harem. Maybe she's just another girl who's good at math and with whom Rizu has had a rivalry for some time.

Hell, maybe it's not even a girl. Could be a guy rival.

>That doesn't mean it'll be a new girl for Yuiga's totes-not-a-harem
Oh I know. I don't expect it'll be another study buddy.

I do think it'll be a girl though.

What happened to those 2 guy friends of his? Most harems or romcoms keep those character types around for comic relief for the first 20 chapters or so before starting to ignore them in favor of more girls, but they've been absent since chapter 4 now.

I think they appeared for one panel later on, but they have been mostly absent since Ch. 4, yeah.

>tfw no more of best boy

it's up now

I am not so sure.

Well, go figure. It is out.

How can this be published on WSJ?


There was a full body paizuri on this week's chapter of ghost tits, so this seems almost chaste in comparison.

>Captcha: Shape FYNE

/sci/ > Sup Forums > /lit/

ecchi romcoms have a long history in jump

You think last week made them decide to rush this week or something. They say usual release was Monday but they took until Tuesday or Wednesday.


Unless I see, I will not believe.

Quiz time Sup Forums.

Name the 4 main characters. /lit/, Sup Forums, etc. don't coubt.

>Unless I see, I will not believe.
Alright, then. To be fair, Fuyuzora was turned into a Hitachi Magic Wand, so it's not as explicit as it would have otherwise been.

>posting full pages in the middle of a chapter dump

Fuck off retard.

>they finally fixed the cleaning

Right is better,




The darker the better.

Fumino. And uuuh... fuck. I only know the one because I read the name 30 seconds ago.

MC > Yuiga
/sci/ > Rizu
/lit/ > Fumino
Sup Forums > Uruka

I can't remember their last names, though.




Y'know, something about the real-world setting and the day-to-day tone of the series makes this scenario seem much more suggestive to me than the series with girls getting half naked and fondled for half a chapter.

This is one of the tamest romcoms in Jump's history, dude.

There's something I really like about the faces in this manga.



Me too. Initially I expected Nisekoi 2.0 given the spinoff, but I've really settled into this guy's style. Lots of expression without going into style shifts.

Really, this scenario is doing things to my heart.
And my dick, too. But mostly my heart.

She needs a bone in her ahoge.


Just when you thought Yuiga would grow a pair.

the fuck is this? terrific means good so what's the deal here?

Delicious. I bet her puccie is even darker.

I don't know Japanese but I feel like terrific was the wrong word to pick here to lead from one page to the next. There has to be something with a larger impact you know?

By terrific, she thinks he means in size.

My guess is that it's a mistranslation of sorts.
Because the alternative is that the literary genius confused "terrific" with "terrifying".



He knows how negatively she would respond to him since she doesn't like him that way. Uruka is still the main romance heroine after all.

They should've used "great" or something.

I don't get it, maybe it made more sense in Japanese.

>She goes about dieting in the most retarded way possible.

>introduced past the first chapter
>main heroine

Aaaaand that's it. Comfy/10.
I really look forward to Rizu's chapter next week.

True, but the must have been a way for him to compliment her without sounding like a creep. Not enough pages, I suppose.

MC is cute.

While I don't think she'll win the Yuigabowl, Uruka is the only one who has shown romantic feelings for him so far beyond blushing.

It's nice to have a protagonist with some personality. Whomever ends up with him will have a nice catch.
Also, dem digits.

>He knows how negatively she would respond to him since she doesn't like him that way
Or maybe its just him being self-conscious?
>Uruka is still the main romance heroine after all.
Delusional fucking /spee/tard.

You know, I really appreciate the set up here. MC has discernible value and we'll probably get to see some slow burn romance. There's no Haruna/Kosaki type character or the usual chance meeting girl, we'll get to see the lead up before one of the main girls has a crush on MC.

Fumino, Takemoto Uruka and Rizu.

Fumino ain't that far from having unacknowledged fuzzy feelings and Uruka is already in love love mode.

>one of the main girls has a crush on MC.
Neither Fumino or Rizu will fall for him. There has been no reasons to believe that they will.

>There has been no reasons to believe that they will.
Outside of this being a romance manga in Jump, you mean?

I had exams...
That's why it was late

You do work for this series? Did you actually take feedback from here?

Did you at least pass the exams?


>muh meta
Use the story as a basis for your arguments kid.