Why is an anime about communication so engaging?
KADO: The Right Answer
It's something of an intellectual puzzle. How do you negociate with something so alien that you're basic understanding of the universe is challenged?
That, and it's such a vast departure from any other first contact stories we've seen before.
Kill it until it vanishes
never change Sup Forums
What if the real right answer was the aliens we banged along the way?
Every season we get an anime following jewliwoods trends, so this time is the first contact type anime.
Watched ep 0 and it was interesting characterization to start the main plot...although that weird change to 3d style gives it a minus 1
i would deceive them into turning into lolis
Just have a young girl make first contact.
nono I would deceive them into turning 2D anime/manga lolis with colorful hair and all, not real 3D lolis
What, would you throw dvds at them or something?
>3dcg arrival
> this is called moe and loli, it's the ultimate form that humanity has created, it very existence shoes Goodwill to humanity and no sane human is capable of hating it
>It's something of an intellectual puzzle. How do you negociate with something so alien that you're basic understanding of the universe is challenged?
Though they cheat that immediately by getting rid of the communication barrier.
SHIT, you idiot! You threw Madoka at them!
>it's a government/military propaganda anime
We are getting at least one per season, are we?
Because Shindou
Is this Merlin?
If Merlin is an alien, sure.
I opened up the thread to ask just this.
You haven't seen Arrival, have you?
Kado is interesting for sure, but it's so soon after a similar (and superior, at this point) story that it doesn't feel like a departure.
>good music
>great atmosphere
>reasonable characters
>benevolent alien
>spiffy cube
What's not to like?
Arrival is nothing like Kado, though. The main story of Arrival was learning squid words; in Kado it's more about zaShunina's agenda as a whole and its effects.
So far all we've got is a huge, mysterious otherwordly structure and communication struggles. It obviously isn't going down the linguistics route but at this stage it doesn't feel unique either.
No, he is Gill Lapis.
It "doesn't feel unique" only if you think Arrival invented the nonviolent first contact story. It actually feels more like Childhood's End than Arrival.