How do you guys feel about the idea of Slavic union?
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This is how I see it.
>How do you guys feel about the idea of Slavic union?
No Russia.
No thanks
A pipedream. You have more grudges and conflicts between you than commonalities.
You've been though this multiple times already, it just would end up being Soviet Union: Slav edition
>2ch spilling into Sup Forums
Lai Dievs nogrābstās this will be fun.
How would you gauge who is Slav and who is not? Squatting?
Would never happen (for a justifable reason) cause of stubborn poles like this
fuck yeah!
A Russian honey trap.
Did you forget your memeflag? I was making a joke you damn retard. Go play in traffic
>excludes bosnia even though serbs have more turk blood in them
Nice meme
Slav, I...
Sorry pol-bro but we don't want to be in the buffer-bro's. Mostly because thats EXACTLY what the NATO wants.
>dude why don't you want to suck the Russian dick??????? Sure, they keep trying to ruin your country every 50 years, but this time it's gonna be different man, don't be so stubborn lmao
wtf estonia?
Aren't you already in the buff?
>the more Russians you have, the higher the monkey disease rates
Hmm... there must be a correlation here, somewhere...
In a way we see ourselves more like a DMZ. Our only plausible military enemy is Russia, but while we are pretty westernized, as a people we don't exactly feel like we want to be grouped with west either. We would be a shitty buffer anyway, as there is only Norway behind us, and they can be accessed easier by Sea.
We don't want to be part of that shithole anyways.
To add to that, barring Nukes, there is no real competition to our Military in the same continent, outside of Russia. All in all, I think Finland is in a pretty good spot. We like and identify to some extent with all Europeans, especially slavs, but thenagain we identify with none of the Europeans. Especially now that we're growing out of the Sweden reliability
whos repreaenting that wooden statue behind them?
since we are on the topic of pan nationalism we should do this
>Our only plausible military enemy is Russia
How so?
I think you are buffer because you're not a member of NATO and Russia is not having a dispute with you. You can navigate through this whole false dichotomy without having to participate in it.
Western slavs are way too committed to being NATO's cocksleeve.
Most probably Rod. God of kinship, the progenitor of Slavs. Makes sense if you look at the rest of the pic.
Fixed it for ya
Slavic languages are the best
You don't have to rely on any particular order.
For an example
Robe rouge - correct
Rouge robe - wrong
Red dress - correct
Dress red - wrong
Czerwona suknia - correct
Suknia czerwona - correct
It's Perun
haha nice meme filling sovereign slavic land that we have inhabited since the 9th century with subhuman arabs
delete it now
Border neighbours:
- Sweden
- Norway
- Russia
Respectable Offensive military:
- Russia
Power projecting neighbours:
- Russia
Previous wars with neighbouring countries:
- Russia
- Sweden
Neighbouring countries with war heroes:
- Russia
- Norway
Outside of NATO wanting us to cuck for them, not for missile defence but for Ground troops to protect NATO allies in europe..
..we just don't have any other plausible enemies. We are even pretty far from mudslimes.
So sorry brother-russia, but you will be our eternal bully.
>It's the assmad bosnian diaspora again
Stay mad roach, stay mad
As long as there is no zionist/jew/mason/scientologist/cia/mossad puppeteer bullshit a union may word, or even a federation, better yet.... AN EMPIRE
And we'll make pyramids everywhere as a big fuck you to the ME
after CCCP I am negative about such concept
>Russia expanded to Japan
don't be stupid the borders are staying it just shows a majority spoken language.
The absolute state of Amerimutt education
srbija do tokija
it can't be majority spoken when the people speaking it are illegals
this is now /pan-turkism/ general
after 2023, turkey will take xinjiang from china and liberate the turks of russia and then turan will be united
the final war on earth will be an alliance of united turkestan, bosnia and germany and vs israel, saudi and USA
Normally I'd assume it's bait but with americans I really can't tell anymore.
not really illegals but more like non natives that invaded that part of the country
t. monkeydonian
fun fact: macedonia will be majority albanian-turkish in 50 years
you have a choice, you can either us or the analbanian subhumans
if invaders aren't considered illegals than this is peak clown world
this is a shitty larp
fuck off
>fighting a world superpower like China and not being vaporised
I know roaches survive nukes but c'mon. Are you that Indian who thinks they're your "brothers"?
Only as the Alliance of Fatherlands. None of that USSR shit. Also, no kikes allowed
Christianity or death, total regression to ages of empire, back to work slave.
Also, Russia would be required to take by weekly HIV tests in every pool in the country.
The fuck you talking about?
Poland is in but ffs no Russian supremacy - we've been over that
nationalism wont help, its all LARPING dude
exclude r*ssia adn whe might talk
Im ok with that, just keep Russia in its Mongol union or whatever it is. We will have our European-Slavic union, oh we already have it btw. And we are part of NATO too.
Exclude Russia and I'm all for it.
>left yugoslavia
>wants a slavic union
eternal retard
also no cичкo твa блгapcкo bullshit from you guys
I beg to differ mate.
Can I join?
Sorry buddy, no Anglos or Saxons. But we can have Indo-European solidarity.
Hey man, I actually like you guys, one of the few Bulgarians that is OK with Macedonia, desu you are doing quite good being separated as own country nowadays.
You guys already tried that with the USSR and Yugoslavia.
>>excludes bosnia even though serbs have more turk blood in them
It's the other way around Muhamed.
But Anglos are pretty hip with it these days. You'll be missing out.
Would a half med be welcome?
My mother was a 100% ethnically pure russian coming from an isolated village near Oryol in southwestern russia.
Only Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary (honorary Slavs), Slovenia, Croatia and I would add Austria after they get rid of mudslimes. After all, they're like half slavic thanks to a lot of Czechs moving there during the Austrian empire times.
make a germanic union with the germans dutch and scandinavians
Nope, you have to go back (to Africa).
Russian fentanyl junkies
aмa вcичкo твa e бългapcкo...
Shut the fuck up Nigel, why are you even in this thread. Go suck your daily somali cock
You know who is more hip then you?
Papa Rod, and he told us not to play with the strangers.
We Serbs should be in a EU-model union with Russia, that's the only thing I care about. The other Polish/Bulgarian NATO bootlickers bring shame on themselves only.
Yeah, but without russia
>quite good
kek the sqiptars are taking over but other than that it's not so bad.Also why would bulgarians hate us?
Lmao. I'm actually working on becoming an Ivan. Russia will be the leader of this union my small Eastern European friends. Czech, Poland and Hungary can keep their own languages/identity but the rest will be assimilated into Mother Russia.
I feel fantastic.
I’m an American and I know that it is Serbia, or rather, Srbija
Has the example of Yugoslavia not taugh you anything?
Only a confederacy which guards each individual state can work.
And we need to ensure that we don't get infected with socialist scum like the US and EU.
Decent gun laws would be a good start.
Oh and Bosnia is to be split between Croats and Serbs while Ukraine is to be split between Poles and Russians.
I would also propose just enough welfare to keep socialists from causing too much trouble, a la Bismarck.
>Lmao. I'm actually working on becoming an Ivan.
Whats your plan, end game ?
I'm also wondering,
Russia is currently in state of newborn country with none economy and shit tons of space yet no market but there is potential if road/transit to Asia becomes faster and I'm sure it will)))
>Taking anything from China
Well my other language is 日本語, I wouldn't want to live in Russia until I'm rich. A lot of people in Russia want to move abroad, at least for awhile, I'll help facilitate that (programmers, models etc). Then eventually I'll move into Russian market when I gain enough knowledge. Buy a shit ton of land or something. Then who knows?
>I would add Austria after they get rid of mudslimes. After all, they're like half slavic thanks to a lot of Czechs moving there during the Austrian empire times.
Austrians ARE germanized Slavs.
True, there's a saying:
If one of your grandparents isn't Czech, you're not an Austrian but just a dirty German.
Russia is in huge disorder but, da real diversity awaits you my chin bruwa...
People there are interested in aliexpress, alibaba, alistuff - transit, e-commerce buy cheap sell big ???? profit
your language is in demand there, just go for digital marketing or e-commerce)
>implying it would work
You are literally going full right as soon as things go bad
Dis is not impossible
The only necessary welfare we would need is free trade/craft boarding-schools for adults integrated with the military service.
>So you can't get a job Ivan?
>Go join the military.
>They'll give you work at maintaining public infrastructure, train you up to be disciplined and fit and finally teach you a job that keep you employed after you are done with your course.
Seriously, adult education is the way to go.
>Teach a hungry man how to catch fish instead of just giving him a fish.
As for other policies:
>Low taxes - 15% income tax, 5% VAT, 50% tax on secondary residencies (just to fuck with the appartment hoarders and banks).
>Adopt most of the American constitutional values but keep building in safeguards to prevent deep state infiltration and Jewery.
>All schools are primarily concerned about teaching you practical skills for work.
>Values of masculinity in men and femininity in women are exalted instead of being shat on.
>Let /fit/ brainwash your citizens into becomming training freaks since they are allready doing their daily squatting routine.
nice digits
Go to Sofia or Plovdiv and yell that you are Macedonian in the center of the city. You will see why.
But all this is Communist propaganda, im not falling for it, yet many others did.