i'm watching k-on! for the first time, do you envy me Sup Forums?
I'm watching k-on! for the first time, do you envy me Sup Forums?
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not really, I haven't watched it either.
Its really good
i started because of Sup Forums's high recommendations, very cozy. cute girls, warm colors, instruments
boring shit. Persona 5 exists if you want to experience highschool lite
me too!
though I'd say it's just solid / above average so far
nothing special
ooh, how far in are you user? i'm just halfway through episode 2.
How good is Persona 5 vidya, actually?
Looks like Sup Forums love it very much.
Not really, it gets even better the more you rewatch it
Nah, just read black time and get it over with.
If you enjoy character growth in your SoL anime then it's pretty great. Don't expect anything drastic though, it's very grounded and humble, focuses more on the girls friendship with one another rather than them making it big in music.
Really comes into its own in its second season as Kyoani starts ignoring the source material, all the best episodes are anime original.
finished S1 yesterday, starting S2 today.
>Every episode is them eating cake and drinking tea
How did anyone find it entertaining, besides the cute factor? Nothing happens, there is no plot or excitement. Some episodes are better than others, but for the most part it was the cake and tea club, not the music club.
It was an overhyped meme anime that got praise because cute girls. Yui's character is so braindead autistic that you are lead to think there might really be something wrong with her. I liked Ritsu, Mugi, and Mio though. I couldn't stand Yui though.
Did you even watch the show?
I'm getting conflicting information with these posts.
I enjoy CGDCT
I haven't watched K-On
It doesn't really feel like CGDCT if the girls are ugly
i think thats one of the reasons im enjoying it. i recently finished love live (and ll sunshine) and i really loved the first one because although they were working towards becoming idols it felt more friendship based than the follow up. after all that flashy idol stuff i needed something a little more chill and k-on is fillin the void.
if you're a faggot who enjoys moeshit
I haven't been able to enjoy a moe SoL anime since K-On. They all feel so artificial and by the numbers compared to it, and all the girls feel like they're designed by committee to target certain niches. K-On in comparison felt much more natural.
you dont?
Surprisingly, no. It gets better on the rewatch.
I absolutely recommend it. You can waifu any of the girls (Mugi *is* my waifu) but they're not cookie-cutter otakubait characters.
Quickly: would you rather have an anime with little or no plot driven by character dynamics and atmosphere, or (and this is what most anime is), a plot-driven narrative that fucking sucks?
>tfw they haven't edited out the graduation episode and made the show last forever yet
Whatever you do, make sure to avoid the manga. You know how 90% of the time the source material is superior to its anime counterpart?
K-On falls into that rare 10%. The manga is fucking garbage. Kakifly is a hack who can't write his own characters worth a damn, and everything feels way more otaku pandering.
Me too. I'm going to watch it and i have no idea what happens. I'm pumped though
It's got a coherent plot that it tells well, cute girls to romance even if only one of them is in the party, and systems in place so you don't get SMT'd so hard. My main complaint is that there are actually so many different mechanics that dealing with all of them becomes kinda tedious at times.
its a happy ride from the time the op starts
The manga is nowhere near the quality of the anime, but people exaggerate this IMO. And not just because, at a basal level, we all sort of like the moeblob pandering. At the very least it was enough of a base for KyoAni to adapt it into the pinnacle of the CGDCT genre.
the girls are ugly
I did, and every episode involved them eating cake and drinking tea for like 10 minutes or some shit, not saying that's what the entire show was about but they filled about 10 minutes with them sitting in the club room eating cake and drinking like the fat whores they are.
I pity you.
it's meh
the scene of the freshman girl watching the performance on her tip-toes with that intense expression on her face is etched in my mind. awesome scene, highlight of S1
I feel nothing but joy for you, user. Enjoy the ride!
S2 is where the show goes from good-but-not-great to all time classic.
Literally finished watching for the first time the other week.
>all this guitar lore done right
>all this top tier animation
>all this potential
>it's a fucking cute girls eat cake anime
I mean it was top cute and all, but holy fuck I could have just re-watched Azumanga and saved myself disappointment over what could have been.
Did you watch S2? I honestly felt the same way after the first season, but when I watched the second season and the movie I felt like the music aspect of the series really started to shine.
I honestly think that the series had the right blend of music vs mundane club shenanigans.
I'd envy you more if you were being stabbed in the eyes
I did, watched the movie too. It was better in S2, yes, but still it was at best 15% about music and the rest was cookie-cutter high school club slice of life.
>I didn't pay attention to the show: the post.
I suppose it all comes down to what you want from the series. If you're looking for something like Beck you'll be understandably disappointed. But I think the series deserves a little more credit considering how much the girls grow over the course of the show.
they grow on you, and theyre cuter in motion
So you'd prefer another idolshit anime?
As a musician this anime insults me. Mugi whas the only thing I liked.
You came looking for the wrong thing, but at least you recognize a best girl when you see one.
Indeed I do.
I watched it for the first time when it was releasing, so no.
Out of curiosity, what are we supposed to be paying attention to in this show?
>you will never watch K-On take the world by storm again
Aerith dies.
You're Darth Revan.
Jesus dies.
How the characters grow up, change, and are influenced by one another over the course of the show, growing real emotional bonds with one another that are entirely believable because you, the viewer, has formed a similar emotional connection to the characters. Each of that isn't interesting to you, I don't know what is.
Who's fuwa fuwa time is better? Mio or Yui?
A cute rock band anime with top notch animation and research into instruments and music and all? Damn fucking right I'd prefer that.
Im a musician too and i think it's pretty good. I dont know what kond of sonfs you expected from high school girls. I enjoyed the songs regardless.
You should go ahead and watch some Idol anime and realise that K-On is pretty much exactly as you described.
I've seen enough idol anime to know how K-ON compares. It's still disappointing how with all the production value it's basically Azumanga with guitars as rarely used props in the background.
Confession time.
I love K-ON and extol it vehemently but I've never finished s2. I'm not the only one right?
I was graduating high school at the time and it hit too close to home.
I was the same, but I managed to finish it a few years after graduation and the tears wouldn't stop. I didn't expect this show to have such an emotional punch.
How many times have you fags rewatched K-On?
4 times for me
thread theme: youtube.com
I thought K-on is a must watch if you want to post on Sup Forums.
I like that there's been threads the past few days, great show.
twice. still haven't watched movie
I love SoL in general but I'll get severly depressed for a few days or weeks after I finished such a show. What's wrong with me ;_;
Bros I just finished it what do I do now will they stay together forever WHEN WILL IT BE FUWA FUWA TIME AGAIN
>first time I watched K-On was when I was sick and delirious
>watching it for the second time but it feels like the first time
Why do people say this?
Beck has like two song and one of them is garbage engrish and don't tell me its about the plot because if the story is about music and the music is barely there then its worse than a show about cakes but has more music