If you started watching "Zero Kara Hajimeru: Mahou no Sho" thinking it was the second season of "Re: Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu" and didn't realize it wasn't some sort of flashback until at least halfway through the first episode, you must post ITT.
If you started watching "Zero Kara Hajimeru: Mahou no Sho" thinking it was the second season of "Re: Zero Kara Hajimeru...
(I actually had to look it up after I got through the whole episode and was still confused when it ended)
No one but you did this, OP. You're actually fucking retarded.
>People couldn't shut up about the tiger
>give it a watch wondering how much of a big deal is it
>Likes Zero a lot
>Will continue watching because I started to like Zero
fucking furfags have no standards, the tiger has a very bland design, i don't see where is the "appeal", not even the voice makes it sound attractive
I don't believe you. All the people who did the same thing are going to show up any minute now...
The tiger completely seemed like a disposable side-character to me, but I guess from the ED he's hanging around.
i don't mind if he is disposable or not. I just didn't see why furfags were crazy about him, even as a furry, I didn't find him appealing enough, is just too boring
I don't get if the tiger is supposed to be a seasoned warrior with some sort of grudge or a middle school harem protagonist who faints if a girl comes into contact with him.
He has never met a woman he is not related to be willing to initiate physical contact with him except Zero, and he knows she can fuck him up in an instant, I guarantee that anybody would be at a loss to do in that situation.
Sup Forums is that way
It just doesn't fit the character he had
Maybe I'm reading him wrong from how he was used to dealing with people jumping out and trying to kill him
Either way something feels inconsistent
I wonder if it's common knowledge among the women of this setting that tiger dicks are covered with little spikes.
well whichever character he is supposed to be nobody will care, furfags sure as hell won't because he is one big bulky tiger and that's enough reasons to like him, while those into bestiality will like it because is a human woman with a male beast
and everyone else will have long since dropped this garbage
His instincts are for fighting. and while that prepares one for communication with allies, I don't think many allies will sleep on your chest and tease you. He's not that emotionally jaded to not react to it, and in that sense of communication, he's extremely unfamiliar with how to respond.
stopped watching after first 30 sec or soo
Burning innocent women allive is not something i want to wach for fun.
dont get me wrong Christianity is a mental illness and we should NOT FORGET all the torture and murder thoose christfag comitted just to show how peacefull and good their god is
you have to go back
This is the anime with that Shimakaze lookalike girl, yes? How is it?
Ep 2 when?
This is not fair
Demon was very cute
You have to be joking.
Please be baiting us.
See how disappointed Suburu and Rem are?
9 hours