Is Sanji redeemable?
One Piece
>Bobbin never made it to the wedding
What if he saves his family?
Akainu is truly a cuck to put up with shit like this.
Man, I wonder if Opera showed up to the party, I would've ran for the hills.
This panel kind of made all bounties look illegitimate to be honest, if all it takes is for one King to request someones bounty be raised.
Usually you would expect to have the king put the money up himself at least, paying the marines money to increase the chance that a bounty hunter brings the bounty head in seems fine to me.
Leave Jobberkuri to me!
It came to my attention some anons here have never touched a woman so I made this to demonstrate why Carrot doesn't have visible cleavage. the arrow is pointing to her shirt collar. Which is low, because is a low collared shirt. Not a low cut top, which has no collar.
>If carrot didn't wear low collared shirts, she would have cleavage
Hey remember when you said something completely retarded?
Sanji has yet to redeem himself imo and don't pretend that petty little lunch box meant for pudding would in any way make things right with luffy
Honest question, would Sanji ever hit a woman?
Zoro doesn't give a fuck. Luffy tried blitzing Monet. Why's it only Sanji.
you're rambling about nothing and you're still wrong. whatever, at least you posted a picture of carrot.
Remember when you couldn't understand something very simple and had a long argument with someone who wasn't even me about it?
>would in any way make things right with luffy
I think it would, Luffy knew the whole thing was an act all along, that's why he was so obstinate about staying in the same spot. I think we as the readers, and some of the less forgiving characters, have a lot harder time forgiving him than Luffy does.
wheres the line?
Repeating it here, Carrot is between 1 and 2.
>drawing arbitrary lines in ms paint
Nevermind keep going, your autism is finally starting to be entertaining.
I'd argue she is 2.
You're the one who asked why she didn't have cleavage and got butthurt when I called you a retard for not knowing fampai.
I left to have Easter dinner and came back 3 hours later and you were still arguing with a different user about it. It must have been entertaining then if you spent your whole evening on it.
second for 2, are we also in agreement that this means that she isn't full furry?
How is she between 1 and 2? Carrot seems to be pretty firmly a 2.
unless sanji either breaks his no hit women policy or doesn't forgive pudding despite complimenting her 3rd eye.
>everyone who responds to me is the same person
Are you done yet? It's time to stop.
Damn, I haven't bothered with the anime for a long time... It's really sad that they won't even try
it's pretty clear there should be some cleavage there, you drew those lines specifically to supplement your own bias
>Are you done yet
Not by a long shot. I'll keep taking your shit bait just to make you look stupid. And if you think to yourself haha I got him to take the bait, that just means your life is sad for needing my attention that badly.
>i'll keep taking your bait just to make you look stupid
fucking beautiful, welcome to Sup Forums
>Zoro doesn't give a fuck
And yet he didn't cut Monet.
He's a faggot too.
but he did cut monet
Not him and I think this argument is extremely autistic so fuck me for taking part.
But you can totally see her shirt collar he is right.
>totally not him i swear
Now this is just pathetic.
You think that was because of chivalry or because he didn't think she was worth cutting? I can imagine him thinking Monet was so far beneath him she wasn't worth killing, but Zoro hadn't shown any chivalry up to that point.
I dunno, here hands and feet are way to thin and human-like to be 2. The only thing she has is the mouth and the thin fur that is not even visible in the manga.
>And yet he didn't cut Monet
spee d reader-kun we meet again
>Samefag thinks everyone is a samefag like him
checks out
Except he did cut her you fucking retard
That's very true, she has dextrous fingers and dainty little toes. It's good to know carrot is only semi furry, I feel less shamed carrot-posting now.
the biggest difference between 1 and 2 is having full bodied fur and the nose, which she has both.
Oda legs don't take up 70% of the body
The shadow is underboob you started too high
>Germa Sixty Six
>Germa Double Six
Was that alwasy intended in the manga? What is it referring to?
I think the real take away here is Oda draws jacked up body proportions
Bounties aren't power levels user, they're literally just how much the world government is willing to pay for someone.
I somehow doubt that this obvious piece of information will stop the autism duel we have going on though.
This. Kidd's bounty was higher than Luffy's because he killed innocent civilians not because he was stronger.
Cut in half, my dude
He grazed her cheek you fucking faggots, that doesn't count.
If Zoro wasn't a cuck he'd have used haki when he did his *teleports behind you* garbage.
>you started to high
>the circle is too big
>it's not positioned right!
This is what I meant when I said "arbitrary lines in ms paint", because literally whatever I produced you would find fault with. You're just being contrarian to be contrarian.
>cars are pretty much nonexistant in most of one piece
>in film gold they're fucking everywhere
>always canon
Did you expect this?
Do you not understand the concept of bounties and bounty hunting? Someone (usually a governmental body) wants to see someone else captured or killed, and since they don't have the available manpower or intel to actively hunt them they pay other people to do it. If Akainu's got a bounty out on a guy and someone fronts the money to exponentially increase it he has no reason to complain about that. Pirates use bounties to measure their dicks but that's not what they're for.
Leave Puddings virginity to me!
It's kind of sad that I've just come to expect most anime to have convenient levels of technology to match whatever look the author is going for. Like, there's a sea train, but it there's only one track? And it only goes right between water 7 and enies lobby?
I mean, it kind of makes sense given that immediately after it's completion the guy that built it was executed.
>Pudding has three eyed twins with curly eyebrows in the epilogue
So what's up with this poneglyph? It wasn't red, it was just a normal one right? So why did Jinbei bother giving it to big mom when he knows that she can't read it, after learning about Robin's quest to read the poneglyphs? This was before any of them new about red poneglyphs.
>forgetting about Pucci, St. Poplar and San Faldo
You should try actually reading the manga before you discuss it
It connected Enies Lobby and two other islands to Water 7
Technology is a weird thing in One Piece, Vegapunk has cyborgs, robots, lasers and warships and someone managed to build Impel down and the gates of justice
Then there are places like Alabasta, and Amazon Lily who have no technology to speak of
Pretty harsh user, you have high expectations. That actually hurt my feelings a little bit, I thought I knew a fair bit about the series.
It's a regular Poneglyph. My guess is it was a form of appeasement since he was planning to leave her crew.
As for Robin, my theory gets more subjective but he knew that Luffy was going to go after Big Mom. He may have planned to take the Poneglyph back at some point, do a rubbing of it or something similar himself or assist Luffy if he arrived and come up with something on the fly.
The latest episode was alright but how much did it even cover? The beginning of the episode had the poisonous fish caught and it ended with Reiju landing on the Thousand Sunny. Is that half a chapter or even less?
But I mean, he could have made a rubbing to begin with. It has been pretty hectic since jinbei showed up, and robin's not exactly around, so he might just have it on him.
If he did that he would have likely brought that up when Brook showcased his Poneglyph rubbings.
She's a 2, 3 max.
Is LuCa the most patrician ship?
You could have put the circle lower until it was in line the shadows and I wouldn't have said anything. Because then the cleavage line would be under her collar which it is.
bastard but we'll see if this stands for long
I'd rather my mom died peacefully in her sleep at an old age. Thanks user, you avoided her a painful agony.
>replies to post
>thinks his mother will still die in her sleep
did you think this through?
Keep telling yourself that.
tfw it's all over next chapter
>posting an image from toei
Yo Sup Forums, what's the best translation right now? Is it Viz?
No worries man no worries! We lament Bobbin and Kata but she is still in the game. The demon lady Amande!
I want to fuck Carrot
only reason his bounty is that high is due to his dad raising it.
kek he isn't actually even worth that amount.
Fucking faggot
Anything that's not mangastream. Jaimini's box translations are pretty decent.
where is hte UFO hat girl in the wedding
I want to reread the whole thing from the start. I'll check Jaimini's for the later chapters.
she's 3 with a wig
how did big mom find ceaser soo quickly. Do they have his vivre card?!
did he use kings haki to cut her in half, but its soo weak she lived. Def his armnament haki would have killed her.
People who talk about furries in One Piece threads need to be shot. Also fuck the mods for letting this shit flinging go unchecked.
Amazon lily is like North korea, isolated, and left out off trade
It started halfway into chapter 825 and ended halfway into 826. You could say it was 1 to 1.
she was a strong woman, but now she's just a stereotypical Asian housewife.
Threadly reminder that Doflamingo>Katakuri
so you're saying it's harder to dodge 5 slashes while caught in a web than 1 projectile?
She's both. The gag where she kicks cute animals in her way was shown again after falling in love to convey that she's still a scumbag outside of Luffy.
Who do you think provides money for bounties?
He doesn't cut women because none of them holds a candle to Kuina.
Tashigi does
Sanji was freely moving in air, Doflamingo didn't trap him until after he used Poele a Frire: Spectre.
And the fishing attack Sanji needed to be saved by Law from was Overheat, not Goshikito.
Carrot is a solid 2 on the bun fur scale. Judy from Zootopia is crossing the 3 line for reference.