Jews controls the mainstream media
The mainstream media hates Israel
Jews controls the mainstream media
The mainstream media hates Israel
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Sectarian infighting you low iq retard. Get off the internet you degenerate faggot.
Diaspora Jews, aka globalists, want Israel destroyed to fulfill some sort of prophecy, so broadcast that message to the left. Zionist Jews want Greater Israel and broadcast pro-Israeli sentiment to the right.
Because Israel are /ourguys/, Rothschilds hate them
ok edgy high IQ rick
False flag to grant themselves the appearance of legitimacy
Rothschilds bankrolled the creation of Isreal you dumb faggot. All jews are the enemy.
Because there's no Jewish conspiracy. It's an excuse for losers to bully smart inoffensive people instead of dealing with the degeneracy and Muslims like Trump tries to do that.
Exactly this. Jews will take cover in both camps so as to make it not seem like there is a Jewish axis. Optics that isolate Jews undermines their cause. Not to say that the Jews that push anti Israel stuff don’t have their convictions, but their Movement was largely astroturfed from the get got but it spun into a tornado (the goal of every good op)
Jews fight amongst themselves because they all want to rule the world for different reasons.
Jews always play both sides.
It's not a conspiracy it's ingroup preference. Non-Jewish Leftists hate Israel because it's a Western colony that oppresses brown Muslims.
Jews benefit immensely from Leftism and promote it everywhere, but they didn't invent it, and they can't control it. IN the case of Israel it hurts them.
While one jews are busy destroying white countries, others are busy building Greater Israel with US foreign policies 100% under their control. But helping 1 group to fill EU countries with "refugees" as a bonus/side effect of their actions.
2 different kinds of jews with different goals and both of them are scum.
Israel (the ethnostate) was an idea created and continued by white Nazis.
Jews don’t want just their own ethnostate. They want global domination with a slave populace underclass. In order to achieve that, they need to get rid of the idea of nations and ethbostates. Unfortunately for them, they’ve been given a white man’s version of peace, which is their own ethnostate, but they don’t want that.
So you will see not only aggressive land grabbing by Israelis, but also a media that lashed against that.
>normative media hates israel
Citation needed
Because its what cha doin rabbi.
If they create controversy they stay relevant.
>mainstream media hates israel
Literally not true.
>Promote mass muslim migration into europe
>Refugee crisis imposes socialism on people there.
>Shock troops of both sides ignite international ethnic warfare
>Mass assault of jewish communities in europe
>Mass migration of jews to Israel
>Refugee crisis in Israel leads to radical socialism imposed on their people.
Jews aren't a hivemind.
The American mainstream media, compared to sources internationally, is highly supportive of Israel. They omit coverage of the oppression of Palestinians, refer to mass atrocities against Palestinians as well-intentioned mistakes, and consistently peddle false accounts of history to justify Israel's actions. The Jews and gentiles who control the mainstream media care about profits, not Israel. To this end, they just try not to rock the boat. Knowing that American public opinion about Israel is so positive, they just don't comment on Israel's crimes.
Zionists (Jews and their Jewish and gentile financiers) care about profits but also care about Israel. Israel takes billions in US aid which it uses to project American military dominance into the Middle East. But Israel is also making settlements in the West Bank that have less to do with profits than with the long-term security of a Jewish state in Palestine. The non-American media is highly critical of these settlements, but the American mainstream media largely ignores them.
kys kike. Turmp is a jewish puppet.
Most of the mainstream media does not actually hate Israel.
Israel is actually alright, and it's kind of funny that pol believes in a homeland for all except the Jews, and know who this post is written by I am (((one))) but will be the first to tell you that American Jews are parasites and most of what you say about them here is true.
Hitler himself directly said that Jews are liberals and created the liberalism of the West
You're all bad it doesn't matter where you live. Israel is just as much as a parasite as it sucks aid and security from the US. If you were left to your own, you'd overrun in a week.
>msm hates israel
show me when msm was ever critical of dual politicians and jewish lobbies
Wrong. Israel was little surrounded on all sides and attacked by sandniggers when it was founded, and yet somehow won with no help from the U.S.
The U.S. plays a big role in funding thing, but they are also the most technologically advanced and disciplined country in the region, put in a a little work and do some research beyond what you read here.
I am also not telling that:
Jews do not often promote degeneracy
Jews do not run the media
Jews are not the biggest proponent of PC and SJW garbage.
But all three of those things are from American Jews who suck so much, I am strongly considering changing my religion.
But I will fight you to tell me there is a better alternative in the Middle East, look around.
Maybe jews dont control everything and everyone?
The Israeli jews are the nationalistic ones, they want a place where they can life and work.
The Media Jews are the Globalist, communist etc. ones who want to be the parasites on your back
The one are the antithesis of the other, of course they hate each other
op will surely deliver!
>Diaspora Jews, aka globalists, want Israel destroyed
No they don't. It's called controlled opposition. There is absolutely no push from anybody in the media to make any change regarding our policy towards israel. If the media really hated israel they could brainwash the public very quickly into supporting stopping aid to israel. There is ZERO effort to do so.
Why not start a thread like this with an example OP? The mainstream media is NOT against israel. Very rarely somebody might give lip service to the issue, but for the most part it goes unmentioned.
Sup Forums sides with israeli jews.
we are going to scare the diaspora 'back' to israel. that is the plan; stick to it.
no remnant shall remain.
>but they are also the most technologically advanced and disciplined country in the region
Because US tax payers have given them scores of billions of dollars. The 3 billion dollar figure they put out is false. Even as long ago as 1997 we were giving them over 5 billion
>Recently Americans have begun to read and hear that “Israel receives $3 billion in annual U.S. foreign aid.” That's true. But it's still a lie. The problem is that in fiscal 1997 alone, Israel received from a variety of other U.S. federal budgets at least $525.8 million above and beyond its $3 billion from the foreign aid budget, and yet another $2 billion in federal loan guarantees. So the complete total of U.S. grants and loan guarantees to Israel for fiscal 1997 was $5,525,800,000.
Rep jim trafficant gave an interview in 2009 where he said that the 3 billion per year number was false. He estimated the number was more like 15,000,000,000$ to 20,000,000,000$ per year. I took the lower 15,000,000,000$ number and divided it by the number of israeli households and it comes out to 8,300$ PER HOUSEHOLD THAT WE GIVE TO THE ISRAELIS EACH YEAR.
Go to 4:33
No, there is no we. You are my enemy if you support israel. You can get the fuck out of my country and move to israel if you love it so much.
So brainlets are all like "oh dear the poor jews hated by everyone including the media"
Oh please elaborate
>The mainstream media hates Israel