How can we stop this """progressive""" shit? It seems to be getting worse and worse
How can we stop this """progressive""" shit? It seems to be getting worse and worse
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a 9 year old as a sex symbol is one sure way to get pedos out in the open.
>Pedophilia will be normalized during your lifetime
>It will be your generations gay / gay rights movement
I'm gay and want these people hanged.
You caused this to happen. Couldn't just let your weird little fetish stay a weird little fetish. Nope, had to become a lifestyle and pave the road for the rest of the degenerates. Oh well, it was good for a while but it's coming close to the time for us to purge all traces of the LGBTP.
No it won’t.
I haven't even gone to "pride" parades and shit. Anything after the B in LGBT+6 million letters needs to be gassed.
>anything after the B
I thought it started with the L
and that happens because people refuse to wake up and love being brainwashed
It's all subversive garbage and you contribute by existing.
This is the timeline our grandparents said it's a slippery slope and we didn't listen.
Nope, they all need to be gassed. Including you.
Can I at least get put in a Strafbattalion so I can die killing these people?
I'm not so convinced it's a fetish, after all. There's some compelling evidence that suggests homosexuality is the result of hormonal imbalances while in-utero, and not a later-in-life choice that it's often made out to be.
No. Fucking kys /r/the_donald le based magapede
>leddit card
I have standards you know.
>If you're not a pedo the future isn't for you
>state enforced homosexuality
>get used to it bigot
Faggotry is the same as pedophilia. You're a disgusting faggot fuck, go back to your containment board, queer.
This is the pedo that runs the company:
Be sure to let him know what you think.
Another (((Drag Kid))):
Archived Twitter of Account:
Massive Pizzagate Dump
No you don't you fucking faggot subhuman, here we throw people like you from rooftops
Post moar
That won't happen anywhere besides Canada.
t. country who's religion was made by a pedo
Cool, now kys faggot.
> Lactatia
Does it come from lactate?
It is also significantly correlated with childhood sexual abuse, with many victims later becoming gay as well as the over representation of gays targeting children.
Checked for truth.
Go throw acid at your wife first.
Yes. (((They))) aren't even hiding it.
Normies are disgusting thankfully.
Pedo will probably kill himself before the FBI finds his CP.
you hate your mother this much ??
*Normies are disgusted.
My mother isn't 10 years old ahmed.
Ellen loves the young people.
Some nice banter going on there.
Don't worry. She will get the rope along with her Hollywood friends soon.
This isn't gonna end well for (((Twitter))).
glorifying child abuse. good one, left-wing idiots.
>I-its n-not going to h-happen
The slippery slope is real.
>Pedophilia will be normalized during your lifetime
>it'll be illegal to stop teachers/grown men from pursuing romantic relationships with your kids
homeschool will be the only hope left
You said
>Muh slippery slope
We'll see the defense of bestialism in our lifetimes, mark my words.
They are retarded.
There are 100s of comments calling it child abuse and calling the company owner a pedo.
There's even fags calling the guy out.
Unfortunately, a lot of normies are disgusting.
There is only one solution to stop this degeneracy.
A lot of rope?
>Unfortunately, a lot of normies are disgusting.
They aren't normies they are degenerates.
Pedophilia is universally despised and no amount of subversion will stop normies from going full 1488 when they realize what's happening.
This. It's fucking insane to think how bad things have gotten in just the past 5 years or so. The thing about leftists if there is nothing they will ever criticize if it makes them look intolerant. This has led to a cult of virtue signaling that is going to be the end of civilized society. The things the left will defend is fucking staggering, pedophilia, islam, mass immigration of incompatible cultures.
Home schooling is the only way.
How about just killing them?
Normies love when people kill pedos.
>Check it out
Every time
More like Ellen Degenerate
>how can we stop this progressive shit?
Was there any doubt?
The company owner of the company is US based though so he's fucked.
He's in complete denial and thinks the fact Twitter didn't take down the post means he won't be killed by a mob or arrested by /ourguys/.
This shit proved what Patton said after the war was true.
The Allies fought the wrong enemy.
Somebody is scared.
It's too late though. Seen Paul Joseph Watson share the story so alt media is going to make aware of what is going on.
>The Allies fought the wrong enemy
calling the people who wants to save europe humanity and the world enemies....
that makes you an enemy too
but we all know Patton was a nutcase
checks out
The German's sacrifices were not in vain. They have inspired internet autists to fight degeneracy and (((their))) narrative.
We will win. Good always defeats Evil no matter how long it takes.
We will never give up the fight. Everyday more people see through (((their))) lies.
Europe will rise again and end what Hitler started.
There was a thread before when this first broke that said that the House of Mann that Brandon represents had in it's description "erotic clothing" when they first tweeted that, then scrubbed that, changed it and tweeted it again. You should be able to find it in archives. An user will likely post it in this thread if it stays alive long enough.
Bumping because I need to see that
Why are the bows set so low? Shit you can practically read the damaged character in the faces and body language. One on the right is the one who is really damaged and brainwashed and thrives on the attention while the other one is just damaged and looks like she is just forcing a smile.
Already posted it.
It redirects to the moblie site so just stop loading when the content appears.
Also, if you click on the link to their shop it's obvious that it's a fetish company with the content they advertise.
I suspect it's a front for a pedo ring.
Keep the pressure on the sick bastard that runs the company and spread the info through social media.
>only approved followers
if they are trying to disprove the claim that they are some secret pedophile club they are doing bad and should feel bad
the rope is obligatory at this point
Already legal to fuck dogs in canada
You can pimp out your farm animals legally in denmark
Zoo brothels are big thing in the balkans
They are digging their own grave Hans.
It's got too much attention to swept under the rug.
Honestly, Canada should be burned to the ground in nuclear fire at this point.
I wouldn't want to live in a world where having sex with kids is accepted, so I'd just climb into the race war van and get it over with.
>The Allies fought the wrong enemy
the "allies" were the enemy, and continue to be the enemy
This is all too much. We need gas all of them before it's too late
>Anything after this particular tumor have to be removed
>After that you're fine and healthy
>You can pimp out your farm animals legally in denmark
Virkelig, den evige Svensken?
And that's why (((they))) killed Patton.
Daily reminder: He was hit twice because the first car crash didn't kill him. The Jewish driver was also never found and his name was fake.
Most of them didn't know what they were really fighting for and had no choice because of military drafts.
This is red pilling normies on (((their))) agenda.
1488 will commence again.
>He was hit twice because the first car crash didn't kill him. The Jewish driver was also never found and his name was fake.
did he ded?
>hole up lemme post a news clip about how progressive it is to sexualize a 9 year old and pimp him out to events full of middle-aged and older adults
For fucks sake take out your guns amerifats and kill this faggot or post this on trump's twitter this bastard should be hanged
It will happen soon user.
This is what will push normies over the edge.
oooh i will do my part alwright and whoever stands in my way should have standed in my way.
i just hate that patton quote, it simply means he just wants blood, nomatter what's in front of him.
in patton's eyes everyone is an enemy.
even his own countrymen that didn't followed his way of thinking
what? it's true, is it not?
or am i missenterpreting you?
Lactacia is cute you stupid biggot.
>literally who
libtard hyperbole is giving me cancer
lol they have zero support on twitter, just twitter itself. No agenda being pushed here, goys.
Mass violent purges of these degenerate defectives and the Jews/Chinks that puppet them.
Good job outing yourself Schmooley
their guns are only for larping and to compensate what they lack in their arms and their pants my dear volksgenosse.
the american is all about bark but no bite, they only bite when it's safe to go outside and play.
but it is just a kid in a sequin onesie. Only pedos would see this as something sexual
Why are boomer incels incapable of picking up sarcasm?
You guys have guns. For fuck sake start killing these pedo scumbags already. Normies will have no problem with killing pedos, it's the one thing they condone extreme violence for.
They'll probably join in on RWDS.
>Erotic Clothing Company.
>Not sexual.
Pick one.
Who the hell cares? If people aren't fucking those children, why is this a problem?
If you think they aren't fucking that kid behind the camera you are retarded.
if you put erotic clothing on a pig people generally wont have sexual thoughts about it (unless theyre already into that sort of thing). it doesnt matter what type of clothing it 'sells or represents' because its ultimately up to the beholder's concept of both artistic expression and taste.
which obviously is something different for each and every person.
The fact you let drag queens teach toddlers about crossdressing and throw parents in jail if they object, makes me think you can't be saved.
I hope you prove me wrong and kill the degenerates but I've lost hope for Canada.
This is just rude and unecessary.
Yes of course wtf are you on about, modern Greeks do look a bit mixed but you still stand for the foundation of a lot of Western modernity, and not the degenerate shit-parts of it that this burger above stands for either.
what is makeup for? why is makeup used? No good will come from this.
Your mental gymnastics doesn't change reality you pedo degenerate.
Kill yourself.