Someone on plebbit found this geme, how bad could we hurt disney image with this?
Disney put a girl lovers logo on the head of an underaged girl
Other urls found in this thread:
redpill me on this one
isnt this quicksilver?
Disney cuckspiracy bump
roxy a brand disgned for youg girls by quicksilver
>Graphic artist notices that the Quicksilver logo reversed looks like a heart and makes a great logo for Roxy, their girl brand
>autists sees a heart and immediately assumes it’s pedophilic
is quicksilver "normal"?
i heard they were satanist or some weird shit
This is also the logo of some ice cream brand, fuck can't remember the name of it.
> this one
nobody like hearts. this could only be pedo shit.
retards like you are quarantined to
what the fucks up with Sup Forumss recent pedo hysteria chimp out?
every single day 4 of these threads are posted.
conspiracy nutters always find a way to twist it into something fucking absurd.
Je gaat me toch niet vertellen zeker dat héél dat pizza-gate gedoe niet een beetje vreemd is zeker? Er is meer dan genoeg reden om dit te onderzoeken
Fuck off Mutt, leave Pierre alone.
>dat héél dat pizza-gate gedoe niet een beetje vreemd is zeker? Er is meer dan genoeg reden om dit te onderzoeken
pfft allemaal dikke zever net zoals de satanist hysteria van de jaren 80.
domme negers op Sup Forums makes van alles een probleem.
Heb je nog nooit een beetje dieper in de zaak Dutroux gekeken? Er is meer aan de hand dan je zou denken hoor, geschiedenis zit vol met verwijzingen naar dit soort gek gedoe. Het is het waard om op dieper onderzoek te gaan
>Heb je nog nooit een beetje dieper in de zaak Dutroux gekeken? Er is meer aan de hand dan je zou denken hoor, geschiedenis zit vol met verwijzingen naar dit soort gek gedoe. Het is het waard om op dieper onderzoek te gaan
misschien maar ik weet hoe deze dingen altijd aflopen ik zit graag op /x/ en Sup Forums het loopt altijd af met doxxing lynch mobs and hysteria.
>Take a spiral, one of the most basic shapes
>reshape it for branding purposes
>zomg pedos!
They dont look the same. She has 3 hearts combined, while the logo is one straight line.
Ja maar nu met het internet kost het letterlijk geen moeite om wat dieper te graven, en zelfs al zit er maar een heel klein korreltje van waarheid in dit gedoe dan is het toch de moeite om wat onderzoek te doen
Kill yourself so you can get a head start on burning in hell for all eternity.
>Ja maar nu met het internet kost het letterlijk geen moeite om wat dieper te graven, en zelfs al zit er maar een heel klein korreltje van waarheid in dit gedoe dan is het toch de moeite om wat onderzoek te doen
ja ja misschien maar ik denk dat dit niet goed zal aflopen....
you dont. Is Sup Forums like SJWs getting triggered by stupid shit now?
Its hair, it will grow back you dumb retard
>burning in hell for all eternity.
>believing in kike fairytales.
Wat is het ergste wat er kan gebeuren?
Als dit waar is is het nog véél slechter afgelopen voor tientallen misschien zelfs wel honderden kinderen...
Fuck off Marc Dutroux.
If you don't speak my language thats ok, but don't assume i do not take this serious.
I was telling him about this case for research
like one user said long ago
the numale can't even fake excitement correctly
simply block under their nose with these faggot photos and see the empty husk inside
What is he researching?
Looks more like pain desu senpai.
I told him to look into the Dutroux case cause this one is Belgian and also has alleged ties up in high in our at the time politicians
Wow canada. There is nothing that you could add to the debate? Not even some nice shitposting? SAD.
Or maybe its just a heart?
Quicksilver is degenerate satanist shit
Rip Curl is /ourbrand/
Even tough i dont believe in /x/ tier stuff the Mark Dutroux case is really strange. Missing witnesses, people dying under strange circumstances, police officers getting dismissed from the case, evidence getting ignored...
Heres a good read up:
omg u guys i was playing dragon age the other day and the wall had spirals on it, dwarfs are child diddlers. then i went to subway and there was a square on the wall i think they sell kids with their sandwiches, so i went to mcdonalds and they had a giant M that looked a lot like the top of a heart, maybe the hamburgers are made of kids so i left in a panic and went to the dollar store and bought some mission chips then noticed their triangular shape and realized they probably traffic children to make the chips
Get on our level
A bit worse actually then you might think. Notice the lightning bolt entering the heart? Specifically, the center of the heart? and only on the left side of her head, near her left TEMPLE?
>what a girl is
>lightning entering her heart
>satanic imagery of shaitan entering a little girl's heart
wtf pizzagate confirmed man cia psyops damn...
At the same time that sicko Dutroux was caught it also came out that one of our high politicians(can't remember the name) liked to through parties that involved little girls jumping into jello or something along these lines
Quicksilver is associated with mercury. It is up to you to see what that means.
ITT retards that think a 'girl lover' logo they can't even source is ubiquitous enough that people can't draw hearts any more.
Yes quicksilver is what we call mercury in dutch
They can't keep getting away with this...
New cast of "Frozen" on Broadway...
Oh, and guess what? We've ADDED to the love interest between Anna and Kristofff now!
Do they have force "diversity" down our throats everywhere?
They're trying to force something down our throats...
I've actually read about it before that the lighting symbolizes Satan falling down like the original Lucifer or something. So when you see a lighting bolt like that(especially two) it's supposed to be satantic. One of the nazi SS logos is resembling that too
>What a girl is
But it do
Its disgusting, i just like to see my own people in the things i watch... But oh no here another nigger for you. And then people wonder why i don't watch tv