==Cabinet Reshuffle== >IN James Cleverly, deputy party chair >OUT Patrick McLoughlin(CCHQ Chairman) James Brokenshire- NI Secretary >Move David Lidington, Cabinet Office minister and chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Brandon Lewis, party chairman and minister without portfolio
>Cabinet Reshuffle More women and ethnic minorities in the government, lol
Michael Roberts
Logan Scott
the state is failing to provide the basic need of community and social cohesion.
Carter Sanchez
Reminder situations are never hopeless. >All people who have a vanguard, an elitist mentality, are regarded as partly mad by their own groups, because the majority of people do not want to know. The majority of people wish to live their own life in their own way, and they only look at these broader questions when life impinges upon them and comes upon them, and the hand of life grasps them by the collar and they really cannot do any other thing but notice what is in front of them.
>Many of the reasons our people do not seem to have a sense of solidarity amongst themselves in relation to the degree that some other groups could be said to have is because a significant number of them have never been kicked, have never felt what it is as a group to be disprivileged in a society. Unfortunately, in certain areas of British and continental life now and North American life that process for some, and certainly not at the top or middle of the society, is beginning. They’re beginning to realize what it is like to be a minority or what it is like to be culturally disprivileged or what it is like to be dispossessed in a way.
Chase Sanchez
Reminder to keep all communication with poortherners to a minimum.
Owen Morales
Enjoy mahmud's dick, southern cuck
Henry Moore
>poortherners >thinking the North isn't the one responsible for the industrial revolution and the nations wealth and power >being a southern fag working in the gambli- finance industry and thinking he's creating real wealth kys
Kayden Martinez
Matthew Davis
>being English at all
Evan Myers
>Remember how long you've been putting this off, how many extensions the gods gave you, and you didn't use them. At some point you have to recognize what world it is that you belong to; what power rules it and from what source you spring; that there is a limit to the time assigned you, and if you don't use it to free yourself it will be gone and will never return
Kevin Stewart
>Parliament reports 24,000 attempts to access pornographic websites since election In other news, water is wet. Is it a sad state of modern politicians that I want MT to rise from the grave and negotiate Brexit for us, or is it just a case of nostalgia painting over the shit bits. (BTW, I remember a lot of shit bits)
Daniel Phillips
>the delusional poortherner cries into his meat pie
Isaac Foster
@156002754 fuck off tripcunt
Nolan Morales
>gina carano will never sit on your face and/or choke you out
Ethan Roberts
>southernfag thinks the inflated house price bubble represents real wealth mate. just stop.
Jayden Williams
join the dark side
Noah Gutierrez
>muh dik
Carson Martinez
>be me, living in London >wake up, open the blast shutters on my single window. There's barely any sunlight as its raining again. >Make myself a toast sandwich. I can't afford butter anymore. >Call to prayer blasts from the local Mosques, drowning out every other noise on the street. >Time to go to work! >Open my front door and walk down the street, I am violently attacked by the local Islamic hate preacher and his mob, he managed to get a few stabs into my thigh but just managed to evade him. >Run and manage to make it into the Tube - unfortunately there is currently a war going on between the Pakistanis and the Somalians and am almost caught in a turf war between them as I ponder whether I should get a Twix. >Buy my ticket and run to the train, I am stared by odious bearded men the whole time, there are no more white men on transport for London - not since the Caliph banned them. >A bomb detonates on my train as it pulls up - showering the platform with twisted metal, body parts and broken glass >Won't be cleaned up for another hour, so I am forced to take the bus.. >Leave the Tube station as people flee the carnage. >Spot a beheading taking place, hopefully the nice brown man in the black robe won't try to behead me too so I give him a fiver as I pass. >Waiting at bus stop now. >First bus doesn't stop, its already been hijacked. It proceeds to plough down the group that was waiting for a pick up. >Second bus is coming down the street now, this one has been hijacked too but is approaching at a greater speed than the last one before it, it hits the pavement and travels all the way down the street before disappearing into the distance - leaving a trail of crushed and mangled people in its wake. >I get shot in the neck by a rogue Jihadi from a council estate overlooking the bus stop. >The local Africans come to steal my shoes and wallet whilst I bleed out in the gutter with the rest of the bus victims. >I missed the fucking footie again too... Goaaallllllll.....
Adrian Thomas
And remember, these are the hypocritical cunts that want to ban porn for the rest of us...
Jeremiah Kelly
>MPs want to ban porn
This is Deano-tier political comment
Evan Cooper
Deano was in earlier asking what English means
John Lee
His explanation of the Irish vanguard was the best I've ever heard. Really, showed how a few, unpopular people could change/save their nation/race.
Colton Turner
Daily remainder.
Jonathan Morales
you have now memorised my tripcode
Benjamin Ortiz
>A 17-year-old boy has pleaded guilty to carrying out acid attacks on six moped riders to steal their bikes.
>Derryck John, from Croydon, appeared at Wood Green Crown Court and admitted targeting the riders in the north and east of London on 13 July.
We've gotten rid of the two worst offenders here. Now if people would just stop responding and arguing with Pubes and ignore the rest of them then we'll finally be free of the tripcunt menace.
David Jenkins
Matthew Phillips
He wasn’t a Deano he was just a cunt
Caleb Lopez
Why do people say that British niggers are "based" unlike American niggers They seemingly commit 50% of the countries knife-crime despite making up like 3% of the population Are they that terrible?
Adrian Morgan
They're exactly the same where ever in the world they are
Nicholas Johnson
It’s just another civic talking point. “Look, this black fella, Idris Elba on the telly speaks good English! He sure is BASED”
Brandon Ross
He acted like a little bitch when I was just trying to talk to him, can't stand people who try and engage you then revert to boring b8 when they don't immediately 'win'
Jeremiah Mitchell
not true. our west indies/caribbean excolonies do suprisingly well considering they dont have many natural resources and regularly get hit by hurricanes.
Levi Clark
Have you ever been exposed to 'British' niggers? They're absolutely fucking insufferable, they're gibbering morons. They speak Pidgin English and its spread to the working class and it's working it's way up into the lower and middle too.
They are 100% Americanised and their idols are subhumans.
Luis Ramirez
Mate the worst have left don't encourage more to take up trips just to spite you
Carson Williams
>our west indies/caribbean excolonies do suprisingly well considering they dont have many natural resources and regularly get hit by hurricanes.
Adrian Gonzalez
>Justine Greening is going badly: in No10 for over an hour and still arguing. Removed from Education Secretary, offered DWP, currently refusing it.
Jack Mitchell
If it’s endurable, then endure it. If it’s not endurable, then stop complaining. Your destruction will mean its end as well
James Reed
>Black ethnostate excolonies are successful >culturally enrich ???
Liam Lopez
American niggers are set at turbo-level. British nigs are still nogs though.
Juan Scott
>>Black ethnostate excolonies are successful
shut the fuck up you lying nigger lover those states are not successful at anything other than being a backdrop for the opening scenes of fast and furious films
Brayden Clark
The only semi sucsessful wog countries are Bahamas and Botswana
Noah Brown
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be: War without end. Amen.
Not sure, but arresting a few hate speechers will settle it down again.
John Jones
Uncle ben needs to calm the fuck down
Christopher Brown
Pretty sure he was the same bloke I called out for being a trust fund cunt that was leaving the country. “I have no allegiance or faith in this country and am running way but let me argue the semantics over it’d people.” What a twat.
Connor Jones
Has Joe tackled the "what if a major party promises what you promise, and then gets all the votes because they're the major party" issue with his LOCAL plan yet?
Hunter Lee
this whole reply makes zero sense but in any case anyone that feels the need to defend niggers this much probably is one or is a leftist so I'm not going to debate you you fucking wog lover
Jordan Johnson
Tories promised it all the time they just lie until they get in
Ethan Hernandez
Looks like it would be a comfy place if not for the council houses
Exactly my point. They even abandoned UKIP which assured leaving the EU to go with the Tories who merely implied a referendum (which they'll go back on soon enough).
Brandon Sanchez
James Harris
Check their murder rates.
Hunter Rogers
It's like they use this word to shill people into thinking he's an innocent baby but they also don't get the serious racism involved in calling a nigger "boy"
Gabriel Rodriguez
Where's the pic bitchtits?
Where are your bitchtits, bitchtits?
Gavin Hernandez
wat a roadman BOSSTING ya get me
takin dese haribos too ya get me freshting
Connor Wright
Wasn't me swear on me mum
Jeremiah Ward
All joking aside though, the army should have been called in to open fire on these apes
Austin Parker
>living in croydon
Jaxon Collins
Hello there Abdul
Brayden Wright
Lads, lads, seriously. We need to do something about all these wogs. It's getting out of hand.
John Price
We need to build gas chambers asap desu
Robert Roberts
/Mogg/ when?
Dominic Nelson
Calling in the Armed Forces? Don't you realise that the Black English are already under enough oppression? Fucking Jamal only got £125.66 last week and he had to get the new Air Max trainers. You expect him to wear cheap shoes?
He can barely afford two grams of weed a day and the cash left over isn't even enough to go and buy the six piece chicken and rib deal from the local Tasty Chicken every week.
Not only is he faced by these injustices and disgusting social inequality, his flat that he doesn't pay for is a bit chilly in the winter.
racist, much?
Wyatt Price
just a jar of willys
in a willy jar
Dominic Campbell
free (you)s for my 100th voter
Landon Peterson
>Why do people say that British niggers are "based" unlike American niggers
It's a middle-class thing. They still hold some dewy-eyed sentimentality for 'Empire' and the belief that our wogs are superior to everybody elses' wogs. Most of them have never even seen niggers in numbers.
Mason Reed
fuck off activate shill you aren't fooling anyone
Jordan Wilson
look at how carefully he holds it! like he's holding a baby! omg this is funniest thing I have seen all day!
Next melanin enriched gentleman I see will be swiftly invited into my home to make acquaintance with my sister. I need to atone for my privilege.
Luis Hall
Last night he was spamming the thread. Stop giving tripcunts (you)'s. And PUBES of all the fucking trips here. Fucking hell.
Blake Fisher
No, I voted for myself 100 times, just like I'm replying to myself right now.
Jonathan Baker
Bye bye Pubes
Jose Harris
It's more tyrones and syzmon than Abdul's here
Tyler Martinez
>tfw you btfo strawpoll
Christian Sanchez
I've got four of them dealing weed from my living room right now as a means of giving my thanks to all the contributions they gave to my community, like coming down from London to deal their fine narcotics and asking for money and cigarettes from people who get off the train or congregating in large howling groups at my local shopping centre.
Michael Hill
Agreed, they're the real racists. Me mate Mobake is a black guy through and through and I accept him for what he is. Sometimes he allows me to drink his dripping from me sister's cunt if I've been a good lad that week.
Brandon Morris
Activate shill? Someone fill me in please.
Thomas Wilson
remember to hide post stubs.
This is the most important thing. It's like they were never here.
Cooper Butler
This is the whole problem. Our political system for too long now has been to produce a manifesto that appeals, in part, to the most people, to say the right words so as to make the populace believe they want the same things as you. One they get in power they start enacting their own will as if their election was a mandate to do so, it was not, it was to enact our will. This is why Brexit was such a sticking point, our will filtered to a yes or no. >You have your orders, go do as your are told!
I can't help that think we missed the bus (back around 2011 iirc) when we ignored the referendum for election process change.
We can't keep doing this two party bollocks, it's like having to keep switch drivers on a long journey, so the reckless driver doesn't kill us, and the old lady driver doesn't make us late.
Anthony Collins
>remember to hide post stubs. How do I do that? Didn't see a setting for it