Religion like politics is a form of control. Only those at the top ever reap any true rewards. While all those below them simply read the "holy words" and those below them pray meaninglessly for change.
If you have a viable argument I'd like to see it.
Levi Gomez
Blake Thompson
the worst people though are the people who genuinely and unironically believe that "the democrats" are somehow the magical good guys who are trying to do good in the world and make the world a better place for everyone, without being able to see how that ideology leaves them even more enslaved and even more dependent upon government and their slavemasters than any other.
republicans will at least tell you that their politicians are corrupt. democrats will defend and defend and defend and genuinely drink the kool-aid over their leaders.
Hunter Butler
also OP you really do have autism for making a thread stating obvious things that everyone already knows and then saying "if you have a viable argument id like to see it" like lmfao that seriously made me lol a little but whatever dude. do your thing I suppose. I'm happy you've finally had your little epiphany on this issue.
Chase Murphy
AHAHAH. So you're telling me they're not on the same side. Like god and Satan are in the bible?
Satan takes care of the wicked souls in hell that stay there for their sins, while God bestows the righteous with gifts in heaven.
LOL What a faggot, didn't learn the only thing that shitty christianity had to offer eh?
You're some faggot picking sides, when in the end you do not profit in any way by spending your grey matter on this garbage. Unironically giving both sides fame whether the argument is for or against them.
Ayden Powell
cool story bro. good luck with your self-professed autism, you know? I can't tell at all! it barely shows on you!
Samuel Kelly
Yah but you probably just learned it now. And pretending to have known it forever. Faggot. Come on I bet you actually left your house to vote for trump at the least. Probably went to one of his "Anti establishment rallies"
Bentley Reed
uhh sure guy, whatever you say
Xavier Bennett
Ryder Morris
it is kind of hard for you to suggest though in an intellectually honest way that Donald J Trump is not "anti-establishment", especially considering that the entire media and political establishment has pulled out all of the stops and tried to bury him since he was elected. never seen anything like this in my entire life, you know? obviously he is not one of the guys "chosen by the bilderbergers" or whatever people want to say. and it is true that he didn't have any connections to those types of people.
Anthony Cooper
(this is now a thread for supporting MAGA president Donald J Trump to just trigger the psychotic OP)
Adam Bailey
OP you didn't leave did you bro? talk to me more. in truth if you are skeptical of government (which I think is fine) you should be supporting the right-wing as a general principle, since the main difference between the left and right wing is that the right wing is skeptical of government and wants to shrink it, while the left loves it and wants to expand to control everything. not always do the sides 100% adhere to these principles but as general matters this is the most obvious and stated difference between the two ideologies. you could say the defining thread.
Evan Nelson
For all the hate he gets, Shad is the "Avatar: The Last Airbender" of Sup Forums, combining the degeneracy of all four leafs of our subculture.
Nathan Evans
Luke Cook
Jaxson Foster
Daniel Baker
in case you don't know the artist is shadman he's really "disliked" around here so definitely don't check him out or anything ;)
Gabriel Adams
Luke Carter
Ryan Williams
Grayson Johnson
Kys cancer, Atheism and anarchism are ways to stripe individuals away from their culture.
John Rogers
Jason Miller
Logan Jones
bump for officla shadman thread
Jonathan Cruz
Oliver Kelly
Religion is the internet of the last 10,000 years of human history. Only now have we invented something to try and replace it; problem is, no one quite understands what we're fucking with here.
Connor Perry
>this FPBP Absolutely Factual.
Samuel Peterson
Ian White
Josiah Thompson
It's just a drawing you lemmings
Nathan Gomez
Why do these drawings turn me on?
Josiah Torres
Bentley Green
Jason Parker
Mason Long
Cute doodle OP
Nolan Flores
>Shadman Fuck off
Gabriel Powell
at least shadman started a cool meaymay
Austin Morris
Meh. We profit from group living, reli/poli help the group to function.
Caleb Ortiz
Hudson Russell
Whats wrong with minus8?
Angel Nelson
Who is this even supposed to be?
Easton Gonzalez
>s h a d m a n
Adam Harris
whats wrong with that guy?
James Parker
Empirically false. Religion is a form of culture and a source of stability. All benefit from religious practice. This has been studied repeatedly.
Daniel Harris
>>Shadman >>autism
makes sense
Alexander Perry
>Shadman Welcome
Lucas Brown
Brandon Nguyen
whats wrong with minus8 aside from his one trap character?