The definition of insanity, is, doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again, expecting shit to change. Why is the left so stubborn or stupid? Pic related is a prime example.
They say OUR because she is soon to be the president of NBC network
NOPE. They removed the tweet saying it was an error. They have not said anything about her even in consideration for company President.
>random twitter intern working for a media company saying other person will be president
>person who is actually running for president saying they will be president
I'm not happy about the apparently now-solidified trend of media personalities running for high office, but that's not a good comparison. If Oprah HERSELF posted an image saying "say hello to ur president ;)" it would be valid, and on par with what Hillary did, but that's not what happened.
It's leftist pompous attitude. It doesn't matter if it was done by the candidate or by someone else on the left... the left have a perpetual "of course we're going to win, peasant" attitude.
(((an error)))
We know it wasn't an error. They were fishing to see what kind of response they got. They were also signaling. Fucking cowards.
That's not the definition of insanity you definition of a retard.
It's a variation of a very popular saying you beyond the pale piece of garbage.
>that stupid fucking pilgrim outfit
>getting drunk at a social event
fucking degenerates
The only benefit about the leftists acting like obnoxious asses is when the smile inevitably gets wiped off their stupid faces when they lose.
Still not the definition. Anyone who states this Risks sounding like a dotard
Oprah knew.
Everyone knew.
It was disingenuous for her to shift the blame for #MeToo to the general public, as if she & her fellow elites weren’t the problem.
What was most disgusting was seeing Meryl Streep forcefully emoting, when just a few short years ago she was giving a standing ovation for a tried & convicted child molester at the Oscars.
Meryl knew too.
They all did.
You people are going to get your reckoning soon
Wow, you literally don't understand the concept of a "saying". You're about as stupid as the rest of the moronic left.
Still that doesnt make trump any less of a kike sockpuppet.
Enjoy getting drafted for the iran game.
Because using the brain is not their strongest side.
Everything they get to tuch gets damaged beyond repair.
>first a white female
>now black female
what's next after that fails?
NBC is one of the many Jewish propaganda shit mills. Churning out stupid shit for the consumption of the stupid masses is what they do.
>palette-swap hillary
Demo-cuck mass suicide when?
I hate to refer to pop culture media in a political discussion, being that I decry precisely that pretty regularly. Yet I read your post and I cannot help but think of the television series Mad Men. Ther eis an episode around the end of season one or two, I think, in which a bar full of conservative WASP males in white oxfords and pomade are watching the 1960 election results come in. They are baffled and concerned, but they are only slightly, briefly crestfallen. They grock that the world has changed uncomfortably and with little warning, they finish their drinks and stiffen their resolve against the rough road ahead.
In that scene, the cast does a really good job of conveying the complex reactions one might imagine when watching someone turn the corner into a new world, with no going back.
The reason I refer to this with a wall of text is this: The Dems should have had this moment two years ago. At least on Nov 9th 2017, they should have. But no, here we are so many months past them rounding that corner with no turning back, and what are they doing? Smugly consoling themselves while the world moves on. It is an study in the power of conditioning. We are constantly in the presence of zealots who have no agency, no cognitive process beyond referencing authority. They are nearly two years into a seachange in the West and they proceed as if the sons of Rome are merely going through a little pouty phase. This is over, no blood was spilt and the gawking, mystified left will slowly recede into memory. Eveyr now and then you'll see some blue-haired cat lady with Star Wars tattoos begging in the street and you'll be briefly reminded of the years before Trump before snapping back to the sane, repaired world of the present.
My guess is they'll finally put in place an ultra cuck old white guy like Bernie. Someone who looks like it could be your grandpa but spend literally every waking hour saying how cool gangsta rap is, and that women are so powerful and that white people have a lot to sacrifice in the coming years. That or a straight up faggot or tranny.
>black loud mouthed woman & dr. phil´s big mama wants to be first female prezident TOO-TAUZANND-END-TVENDY
>rap national anthem
>watermelon price drop
>everyone works at kool-aid factory
>bunch of big booty bitchez in da Y-te house
>Black Panther is now history book
>african space program becomez reality
>Obama switches career to porn, starring with his daughter in first movie
>Michelle is caught and returned to Zoo
Or maybe a Mexican
Zero arguments detected
> snapping back to the sane, repaired world of the present....
yes please.
God bless Trump.
>OUR future president
California has a governor not a president.
they'll send in agent 56
Oprah will probably win, Black, has backing of the globalist MSM, self hating whites and SJW will vote, black turnout will be 99%. I said it before, I think Trump just bought us some time to get our shit together before America turns into a 3rd world hell hole. America has already fallen, we don't even have control over our currency, our media is in turbo drive propaganda mode. Just look at the coordinated take down of Roger Moore to a liberal cuck. Many economists are talking about 2018 being the year of inflation/currency crisis, if that happens then Dems are taking full control and we're fucked. Get your shit together and look for places to move to.
And you believed them? That’s precious.
Was that Hillary tweet real, because that shit is cringy as fuck.
I didn't say I believed them. I simply stated what they said. If you read the rest of this thread you'd know I don't believe the left.
Oh yeah, it was real and is very cringy.
Even as a little girl Hillary looks like a pedophile.