Hey white bois

>STOP reporting people who are STEALING, it is none of YOUR business!

How do you react?

Other urls found in this thread:


Look at this a black who doesn't understand how the world works and putting their lazy greed as a spin of nobility.

Tbh I hate shoplifters, but she makes a good point. All of those department store chains are owned by Jews.

Honor among thieves only works if the observer is a thief as well.

this is actually how all black people think. this is actually how I think too because I am a selfish POS, but I think if white people understood that this is genuinely the black mentality they might think differently about their culture and the people and the reasons why they live in such horrible poverty and why our prisons are overflowing with them (hint: its not "muh institutional racism")

>destroying the jew corps

Is she dare I say /OUR NEGRESS/?

I agree actually
I used to work for a distribution company.
Ive seen pallets of product destroyed, truck loads declared unsellable, ive seen so much waste that a person stealing 1 of those items is absolutely nothing, especially like she says for companies like walmart etc.

I mean look, we can beat our chests about niggers and property rights and all that shit. But for the kikes who own the mega corporations and have all of our jobs go overseas, yeah i think it is a dick move to tell on someone for stealing in a walmart. Now if it was a mom and pop store that is different. Yes im aware there is philosophical inconsistency with that but who cares?

I guess the only thing i would tell them is to do a better job at shoplifting so it isn't noticeable.
But really, i dont think it is morally wrong at all the steal from walmart. If you can get away with it, have at it.

No. Don't break your moral code just because jews own those places. You're better than that.

It's just your typical nigger, so of course I report the thief.

I honestly can't wait for the day that stores are automated to the point that everything comes out of a vending machine

And people wonder why we call them niggers.

>kikes fuck you every way imaginable
>it is immoral to not be fucked

Her second tweet is true though.

t. used to work for a bakery supplier
The F-whatever organization that oversees food safety requires an expiration date that can be up to 10 years off the actual "you can't eat this anymore" state, depending on the product. And that isn't even including stuff which is generally known as non-perishable.

We wuz filianthropisses and shet

I'm a big black nigger with a gun in my hand, and I kill errybody I see.

I say I kill errybody I see

A poor man stealing food is not a nigger stealing clothes or a tv.

>she is a nigger

black aren't stealing to get at jews, they're stealing to benefit themselves because they refuse to work or have any morality. the same way any white person reporting theft isn't trying to save the jew from losing shekels, it's their morality.

whites are majorly moral, blacks aren't.



twitter is 80% niggers so it isn't surprising

I keep a tight vigil everytime I shop. I don't like having my possesions stolen, so I will not stand for others being stolen.

Wrong, if you catch somebody stealing the first thing you ask is what they'll do for you to not call security

Somehow I sincerely doubt the Waltons are the ones who end up paying for this and not the general manager. It's not about who pays for it. People are being held responsible for that shit. Enough of that occurs and someone will lose their job. Then again, if you're a thieving nigger than none of this should matter. Free shit, right?

I will only call the cops if I see people stealing from small-mid sized businesses. Giant corporations can get BTFO for all I care until they stop funding degeneracy.

>Don't snitch and abandon your morality for reporting theft, but making a person jobless if they legally attended a right-wing rally is a-okay.
Clown world.

Go ahead and explain it to Jesus, sweetie..

The entire mentality of the left is, "Freedom of consequence is for me, but not for thee!", considering that they also think that it's okay to snitch, fire, and dox people from the #UniteTheRight rally.

Think about it, they hold a blatant double standard. They're all about minding their own business until they're screaming for blood after seeing photos of white guys holding tiki torches.

I fucking want to kill them.

It's the principle of the thing you idiot. Don't steal

Honestly this.

Morally speaking all stealing is wrong, but at the same time the big businesses are the ones pushing for this diversity shit and deserve the fruits of their labor.

if they are going to throw it out then why not just legally dumpster dive it instead stupid niggers? literally cannot be punished for taking it out of the trash, so let's steal it in the store instead, yeah!!

>embrace third world people
>become third world

Absolutely this.

Isn't theft, you know, theft. If you are willing to throw the rules away I am as well. The future will be far more sad than Bladerunner.

>STOP reporting when blacks are lynched, it is NONE of your business!

Pic related

I don't hate her logic, but I do hate niggers and thieves so, gonna go ahead and stick with plan a: alert Loss Prevention to any grazing niggers I see.

>Morality equates only with money and entitlement

The nigger brain at work folks!!!!!!! What a ghetto piece of garbage. If I saw this bitch stealing I'd make it a fucking scene. Watch the sheboon chimp out and catch some extra charges. You can have fun mindin yo bitness in county nukka.

guuuuuurl, Jayysus says "forgive everyone cept for nazi, cops, and other people that I dislike as a liberal"

>what is Chick Fil A
>what is Hobby Lobby

God will judge them at the end.

evil wins when good men do nothing. if you let obvious small things slide, you won't be able to stop the big things.
alternatively, RWN,GTN

I think we should let whites steal

so report niggers and let whites go

There are obviously exceptions you clown, but the premise is solid. If certain companies fund the destruction of the US then I won't expend an erg to help them.

You are a scholar and a genius

Remember those days when you could just leave your bike, your sports equipment just there on the front lawn?

Right, that's when there was no blacks.


Oh would you look at that a nigger defending stealing what a surprise

Jesus fucking christ, can no one on /pol read. They throw everything away so why do you care if some nigger steals it. Your racism is showing.

I used to shoplift a shit load of yu gi oh cards when I was 13/14. They were too fucking expensive for me. No fucks given because I only stole from Target & Kmart.


The only kind of stealing that ins't completely degenerate is a starving person stealing food and it's better to just give the food to them so that the person doesn't has to go so low.
Thieves are literally scum of society.

>Giving a fuck about the profit margins of Walmart

Yeah you're a faggot bootlicker. Granted I'm gonna say something if a someone's stealing makeup or some dumb shit but honestly grow the fuck up.

When you shoplift, you take away from the people who work there, not the big fucking jews.

I like to tell store employees that black people are stealing all the time. It's funny to watch them follow the blacks around, especially black women. Also, LPT-they usually are stealing and have drugs so I'd like to think I'm responsible for
years upon years of black incarceration. Always report blacks to the police, they usually are guilty of a crime. You're welcome!

Generally true, but New Jersey's labelling law calls for two years out at most, so virtually every single manufacturer defaults to New Jersey's spec.


Yup. My brother is like 400lb trump supporter who works security at K Mart or some shit. He offered me a job but I couldn't take it. When it came down to it, if I was a security guard for a big store, I wouldn't stop anyone from stealing. Those big stores oppress people enough. Who gives a shit.

I mean haven't you seen tons of brand new TVs in the dumpster because no one stole them first?

No wonder why you support shop lifting, you can't afford anything in the first place.

Oh look at this food that is going to the trash someday, sure it's still there and it's not certain that someone won't buy it but I'm gonna steal it for the good of the planet.
What about fucking off?

I have seen people shoplifting before, one time I peeled the alarm sticker off a dvd and casually stuck it to her jacket by accidentally bumping into her. She got pretty feisty when the alarm sounded.



What did he mean by this?

>if I was a security guard for a big store, I wouldn't stop anyone from stealing.
Ins't this the exact job of a security guard on a store?

>Nigger woman
Jesus fucking Christ, I hate nigger women so God damn fucking much, hell if I'm going to be honest I think I hate them more than male niggers.

It's like they've never heard of the clearance aisle.

This reminds me of a family story of someone getting a bag of grapes and stuffing it with more grapes from another bag

That will always stick to me

Violation of property rights

Erg: ad hoc execution

I like that idea.

All that's missing is a Black Lives Matter joke.

>but I mean I totally would for makeup hahaha

You have a point, but he takes his job wicked seriously. He is on some Paul Blart Mall Cop shit. Total inferiority complex, like most of Sup Forums.

Actually, my guy, that was six years ago after I graduated high school. After college I got a nice cozy office job in marketing. I have to play the capitalism game, even though I don't agree with it.

Reply with "Niggers gonna nigg"

Tell her to dig through the trash like the person she is

>tfw you call the cops on a nigger that isn’t even stealing shit

>Niggerlovers in this thread literally defending her second post.
If Wal-Mart tells an employee to take a sledgehammer to every TV in their store they are welcome to do so. It’s their merchandise until they sell it. Never justify niggerdom.

She makes an argument in favor of takings things from dumpsters and she pretends it's an argument in favor of stealing valuable things which were not thrown away. It's a non-sequitur born in the mind of someone partially insane.

Nothing wrong with that, sure it's annoying but it makes him better at his job.


We wuz theives en sheet

these 7 seconds are worth it.

>stealing is morally upright because of pollution
thanks federal government for those education grants!

Not my problem

in retailing theft is accounted for into product cost. high volume, low profit margin retailing is a true miracle of the modern world. think about some random shit you can get for a dollar and seventy nine cents. avocados or whatever. they have to be planted, grown, harvested, put into containers that are then loaded onto a refrigerated truck (that has to account for fueling, maintenance, licensing, and driver costs), unloaded at the store, set up in the aisle by an hourly employee, and sold to you for some pocket change. all of this has to be within a three of four day window with produce.
the store also has to account for its own labor, water, electricity, maintenance costs, building and lot rent, security systems, etc, etc, etc before the goods can be passed on to the consumer. think about some of the extra steps involved with manufactured goods. you can get a pretty decent cellular phone with tons of components for thirty nine bucks at goymart

most people dont think about this type of thing when they bitch about their postmodern, first world problems. this negress obviously doesnt understand what shes talking about. fat suburban commie retards dont know wtf theyre talking about.

tl/dr - every time a nigger steals something, they are raising the price of goods overall and stealing from every single consumer

I was in a Walmart once and this black bitch was trying to hide some merchandise from the cashier. Her kid reminded her that she had it. The bitch told her kid to shut the fuck up.
On the way out dozens chimps were mobbing the door. It was like a coordinated effort.

Took a soda from Meijer when I was 18 and they caught my ass.
Ended up paying like $250 in restitution fees, cops never got called, probably because I'm white
Learned my lesson though. Don't steal or do other retarded shit that could potentially fuck your life up.

If it goes on enough they'll hire more LP. Not that I want people going around stealing everything but its literally not my job.

I'm not saying niggers should steal, but it is a fact that a lot of first world food goes to waste for no other reason than because entitled idiots with nothing else to do will sue a company because something was past the official expiration date.

And this is why niggers will never be looked to as equals.

To top it off, Meijer will never hire you now. They are really strict with that. My friend stole some Yu-Gi'Oh cards when he was 10 and he still cannot work there because of that

>refrigerated avocados

White people in action

This is the attitude of your average neet

>nigger doesnt understand how things work


Blacks and their desire for it be legally for them to steal shit is quite amazing. Even black professors call for making it legal for blacks to steal from wallmart for example. It's like they can't into following the law.

These tweets are as real as those Starbucks posts.

What a surprise. Niggs fucking ruin everything.

this bitch ass nigger better stay out of my fucking hood or she'll see what this type of bullshit really enables