Is Grimdark Dead as a Genre?

A long time ago, we had shit like Berserk, Akira, and Bokurano, (the manga, not the anime) and now the genre, or what's left of it, is flooded with mediocre edgelord pandering like Akame no Kill, Mirai Nikki, and Re:Zero.

Is the genre of sad and disturbing feels dead, lads?

Probably, because there's far too many faggots who like Moeshit, monster girls, SoL, things like that. Instead of a good story, they want a Harem manga about a guy who fucks a horse or whatever, or a story about lolis doing nothing interesting, and panders to pedophiles.


Akira nowdays is shit because of how much its tropes have been abused.

probably because grimdark is too edgy nowadays and/or has been completely replaced by grimedge

So they want berserk? makes me think.

>a Harem manga about a guy who fucks a horse or whatever

Wait I think you're onto something, I'd intrigued.

rlly makes u think

I'm just saying, why is pic related a thing? What happened to monsters killing and devouring humans? What happened to the eternal human struggle?

Pretty sure all of those monsters you just posted want to 'devour' humans.

Why doesn't someone just make a moe grimdark manga.

>What happened to monsters killing and devouring humans?

There's a fucking anime with that premise airing right now, it's called Attack on Titan

Not manga, but Madoka.


Haremshit sells

I dropped attack on titan the second the Mc came back to life after being killed.

Akame ga Kill suppose to be a grim/edge? What if grim about akame ga kill exactly? its a borderline harem power trip anime.

Yeah, sexually. I want them to lure humans into a false sense of security and tear and rip their flesh from the bones. Not desire procreation.

False, harems sell like shit nowdays

Are you sure you actually read manga?

Nothing happened to the genre, it's still there as it always was.

It was always edgelord pandering. The difference is that you were an edgelord back then.

Dude, edgelord garbage is what almost killed the industry. The Gantzes and Berserk wannabes in the early-2000s kind of caused a slump and declining sales in a push to attract a Western audience that was drifting away from anime and manga.

Face it: The face of anime and manga have always been stuff like Sailor Moon, DBZ, Hunter x Hunter, Cardcaptor Sakura and Doraemon. There's a reason why anime is getting mainstream back with stuff like One Punch Man, Your Name, KLK and Madoka over Ajin and Drifters (which everyone had forgotten once it finished airing).

People like edgy themes, but they hate anime going full-edgy and prefer balancing out edginess with some vibrancy. Gintama is a great example where the edgier aspects are reserved for its most serious and heartbreaking arcs, and the same applies to Trigun.

We are getting to close to grimdark to be excited by it just like with cyberpunk

The problem is that to truly capture the horrors of the real world you have to actually know what you're talking about. Berserk and Akira is enjoyable because the characters feel like real people. The reactions are ugly because they force us to admit parts about ourselves that we don't want to admit. How cowardly most people really are and how many dreamers never can wake up. They expose the ugly side of the real world. A lot of failing mangaka today can't do this because they never cared enough to look at the real world. That's why you get charcters that are little more than tropes, you can't write about people if you know little about them.
Two famous authors that are good examples of this would be Hideaki Anno and Hayao Miyazaki. It's strange to think about it but both Anno and Miyazaki aren't that different. The characters in their stories all feel real. Evangelion features broken people that other broken people can relate too. Totoro evokes a strong sense of nostalgia for past Japan. While watching their films you can tell yourself, "I could meet this person in real life." Can you say the same about any of the characters in Akame Ga Kill?
Current authors are releasing stories that are over-saturating the market. They don't fully grasp what their predecessors did. Deconstructing an genre is misunderstood into just simply being different. Can you think of three recent manga you saw that was so hilariously edgy that it was almost funny? Authors are trying so hard to make their content more distinguishable through shock value than an actual story that it ruined the genre. Ten years ago, having a character's backstory of being raped by his uncle's dogs would have been absolutely disgusting. Now it's the bare minimum to be considered edgy.
Similar to what this user is saying, edgy themes aren't what's ruining the medium. It's thinking you can make up for lack of a good story with making your readers a little uncomfortable.

Call me delusional but i feel like grimdark wasn't supposed to exist in the anime medium to begin with. Its amazingly lucky that there's this so many made thus far. It's because the nips instigate this positive culture and polite viewpoint on life, i feel like they wouldn't go out of their way to animate these horrors (not in a physical way, more like psychologically). In the end they did a few anyway (I still think that Berserk and Akira are outliers in anime)
But you know, this industry belongs to Japan. If they wanted to continue using animation to make stuffs like SoL, that's completely within their right to do so.

>Can you think of three recent manga you saw that was so hilariously edgy that it was almost funny?
Maou no Hajimekata. The MC is so over the top edgelordy that it's hilarious.
"Oh no, I've been betrayed by my friends. Hurrdurr, I got revived as the demon lord by this succubus. Welp gotta go kill humanity!"

You should read Ubel Blatt, if you haven't already. It's about a swordsmaster who is betrayed by his 7 friends and murdered the moment after he saves the world, then decade passes and they've all taken credit for his achievements and become legends. He comes back to life and hunts them down one by one.

Didn't Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach start in the early 2000s? And wasn't there always moe-shit like k-on, haruhi, and love hina?

Edgy anime has always existed, and always been niche. From the 80s/90s with Lemnear, Berserk, GitS, to the early 2000s with Gantz, Hellsing, Witch Hunter Robin, etc.

Nothing was "killing" anime or making it less popular. The same shit has always held the same kind of popularity. There are more sports and fujo series I guess, but that's about it.

Thank God, hate this edgy crap. Go read a novel or something if you want depressing crap, that isn't what anime is for

>What happened to the eternal human struggle?

It's still there, it just changed of stage. Monsters eating humans were nice and pretty back then when nature was dangerous and resources were scarce.

Today nature is more or less our bitch, so it makes sense that mythical monsters become bitches too. Today, the challenge is to learn to live together among different races and within nature, and that series perfectly addresses this conflict.

People actually watch this meme of a show? I never understood the allure of Attack on Titan, what do people see in it?

You're a faggot that cites the biggest douchebags in the industry, Anno and Miyazaki, as good examples of something, and I want to believe you're baiting, it pains me that you actually have a point.

At least you used one of the only two good works of Miyazaki as example.

>forgetting early 70s edgy

Kuzu no Honkai just finished and it's winter AOTS

They did, and got barafags on it instead.

>The Gantzes and Berserk wannabes in the early-2000s
what are some examples of these

Basilisk, also Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 is really grim.

The problem is that actual authors don't grasp grimdark at all. Grimdark tries to reflect the horrors of the real world through the lens of fantasy, but it redeems humanity through its characters because, while humanity is pretty shit, it isn't total garbage.

It's not just shock value. A hero that shows humanity where everything and everybody else screams at him or her to not give a shit, and that struggles with his or her own mistakes and sins, has the potential to be both more relatable and more uplifting than the stock fantasy hero with a pure heart, fighting evil in a world where right and wrong are clearly delimited.

Like some kind of overdosed Count of Montecristo? Sounds nice.

>I decide what anime is for

Hitoshi Tomizawa? Alien Nine? Milk Closet?

Soon to be AOTY

I wouldn't call AoT grimdark. The athmosphere is not dark enough.

maybe youve just became a pussy over the years or caught a taste for shit instead

Basically this.

I'm not saying their attitude isn't elitist but it's hard to be critical of them when they're just upset that the things we're complaining about is popular. What I was really trying to go for is that Anno and Miyazaki's films have a special place in people hearts while generic edgy manga never make a lasting impression on you. They're bitter because they're growing older while seeing what they love turn into trash. It's a feeling we can relate to. Also I hope the other good works of Miyazaki you're talking about is Spirited Away. It might be his most popular but I still feel like it deserves it.
Kabaneri Of The Iron Fortress was a mess of a show but the scene when Ikoma saves the Koutetsujou really set him apart from any other main character that year. Ikoma falls on the lever gloating how even though everyone abandoned him he still came back to save all of them. They shot and left him for dead but he still came back and is the only reason they're still alive. Now they all have to live with knowing this. It's an incredible moment in a lack-luster show, Ikoma's actions is similar to what you're describing. A hero that everyone disliked endured so he could make them all feel guilty for their actions. It's just sad how it went downhill from there.
I saw the PV and if it's any indication of the quality of the anime then it's going to be hard to think of any other anime that can come close to it.
It's less grimdark and more over the top dramatic. The pacing is incredibly fast at some points, throwing tons of information in your face. Then everyone suddenly stops to put their input on what's going on. There are scenes where the show goes dark but for every one of those are three action scenes. If Berserk was a boat ride to hell than AoT would be a roller-coaster ride to space. If the author wrote at a slower pace then it would have definitely been a lot darker.

I blame dragon ball and it's heritage.
It literally killed the concept of death and tension in anime/manga. Action shonen nowaday are all about people that can split worlds bare handed but can't deal a permanent damage to anyone, and if it happen they resurrect after some time.
Plus, youth today is the pussies generation. A dark theme, a minimum of tension, and they can't take it. They can't even deal with the "intimidation" coming from a grown up/assertive woman. They need little girls doing retarded things, and being completely unable to do anything on their own.

Found the feminist faggot.

>I saw the PV and if it's any indication of the quality of the anime then it's going to be hard to think of any other anime that can come close to it.
FLCL season 2 might be coming out at the end of the year

its you!

This reasoning is another cancer that killed the genre.
A mentality coming from the nerd trend era mixed with SJW culture.
Everything must be comfy. Everything that is about dark themes or sex become "herpnerd is all shock factor" "hurr fanservice is shit" "durr only 12yo like this" and all that stuff. We can't have a rape scenario that no matter the circumstances is all about shock factor.
Akame kill is a good example, the author made a story about a bloody battle to the last man standing between to faction of assassins, and all people could see was "shock factor", cause when two group of assassins kill each other what else can be?
Many people simply lost the ability to simply enjoy something cause they must overanalize too much without having the skills to do it (almost no one realize what they talk about when they mention character developement and mary sueing). And cause everything related to sex or dark theme are immediately considered "childish", cause mature people only like maid dragons, little girls doing music clubs, and boring shonens that make lots of boom and smoke but in the end no one die or they resurrect later.

To be honest, FLCL left me with such strange feelings at the end of it that I don't know how I feel about a sequel after all this time. It's like a birthmark you had on your face since birth. When someone offers to try and remove it you don't know if it'll make you feel better or worst.
Yeah that's the problem with power levels, you keep raising the stakes until it has little meaning. That's why battles in JoJo's are interesting as there's no perfect ability. It's probably why Dragon Ball eventually got rid of using power levels.
>Plus, youth today is the pussies generation. A dark theme, a minimum of tension, and they can't take it. They can't even deal with the "intimidation" coming from a grown up/assertive woman. They need little girls doing retarded things, and being completely unable to do anything on their own.
I understand where you're coming from, majority of main characters in dull shows are weak-willed and never have any major opinions that define them. However, I think you're basing too much of this on your perception of "Today's Generation." The part where you're talking about people can't taking dark themes because of the tension especially. Incorrectly pacing events in a story and relying too much on the premise is what makes stories weak. Not people's fear of mature themes. Also with assertive women it's important to understand what's going on in Japan right now. Japanese women are trying to be independent like the women in America and are pursuing careers instead of housewife jobs. This is bizarre too many Japanese men as housewife is seen as one of the most respectable jobs a women can do. Because of this, Japanese women are going through their own wave of feminism that men in Japan can't quite follow up with. That's why you get so many people harassing female CEO's telling them to quit and make babies.

It's certainly going more in my favor than yours. Enjoy getting nothing and complaining about everything.

>i enjoy eating shit so my opinion is more valid than yours. enjoy not eating the shit of the month you stupid complainers!

I'm surprised there's so many anons that believe current western ideas like SJW are what's causing the change in anime, a Japanese medium. People like those childish shows you were talking about because of how the characters interact with each other are enjoyable or I guess "comfy."
What separates dark from being edgy is the circumstances. Being evil for the sake of evil is just poor writing. Unrealistic scenarios that ruin immersion is also bad writing.
Griffith's motives are complex with his relationship with Guts in Berserk. He blames him for losing his dream of a kingdom while also can't seem to live without him. If he killed the Band of the Hawk because he hates weakness or something lame like that then he should certainty be considered edgy. But since his actual motives are much more complex to the point some fans of Berserk would argue he's not even an villain than he's a interesting character in a dark series.
Being an adult doesn't mean you should only like violence and sex. On the other hand it shouldn't keep you from enjoying it. Akame Ga Kill's villains are one-dimensional. Almost everyone is either good or evil, there's no in between.
So which genres should anime be used for? Shounen? Hentai? Comedies?

>Akame Ga Kill's villains are one-dimensional. Almost everyone is either good or evil, there's no in between.
Is literally about a bunch of villains fighting for justice, against other people who fight for justice and being the villains in the meantime for this reason.
The SJW thing influenced the westerner take about this matter. In Japan is different, moe became an obsession, they all want cutesy and reassuring stories. Editors and authors alike are scared to go into edgy territories, so the few that try to go against the flow throw everything they got at it, and the result is that sometime they go overboard cause the story is completely focused on that trait.
Berserk is not about "being edgy" there is gore, rape, and other stuff, but the story is not just about "i'm gonna show you the most large amount of gore i can". Most edgy mangas today instead are being made to be gory, like a splatter movie, is like porn but with killing instead of the sex. A niche aimed at few people that are not into moe and cutesy. And that's cause often the authors are not allowed to be in the grey area. They must make your generic shonen or moe SoL, or doing softporn or goreporn.

is it? or is this just grim dark light

>the story is not just about "i'm gonna show you the most large amount of gore i can"
But that's exactly what I felt when watching it.

Then you're watching it wrong.

I hope it's really late where you are because your post makes no sense.
>Is literally about a bunch of villains fighting for justice, against other people who fight for justice and being the villains in the meantime for this reason.
I'm assuming you mean that what I'm saying is correct that the characters are supposed to have incredibly simple motives because the author wanted that. That doesn't make the story any better.
And why do you keep bringing up SJW along with these random ideas with no actual proof? Are you so cut off from the real world that you think political correctness dominates everyone's thinking? Do you really believe if you were to ask ten strangers right now what they think of political correctness they would all be in favor of it? I'm not against you having your own opinion but don't act like it's some absolute truth.
Yeah the anime doesn't really do Berserk justice. Or the movies really. I never played the games but I'm sure it wasn't better than the manga. Berserk is just something that should only be read as manga right now. I don't know if it's the detailed art or how the story is structured but there's not really any animated form of it that shows off all of it's charms.
Yeah because he watched it and not read the manga.

The '97 series has its own special charm though. Reading the manga while listening to Hirasawa's stuff is easily the best way to experience Berserk though. As for the games, most just cover stuff from the manga but the DC game was a new chapter written (at least partially) by Miura, and was pretty decent. The bit with Casca's nightmare is easily the most important and commonly discussed thing from it except maybe people laughing at the name Balzac sounding like Ballsack

Yeah I get what you're saying. Even the new anime gave us some nice ost to listen to while reading Berserk. The new season isn't as bad as the first one but are we ever going to get another Berserk anime that isn't cgi? Is it really that expensive to make one?

China will revive grimdark anime.

Since when is Hunter x Hunter the "face of anime"?

who woke you up? let us go back to sleep

Same. People act like Titan Eren was the hypest shit but for me that when it became a generic shonen, complete with super transformations, and killed any suspense.

Hunter x Hunter was one of the more popular SJ manga of the pre-Big 3 eras

>Grimdark tries to reflect the horrors of the real world through the lens of fantasy, but it redeems humanity through its characters because, while humanity is pretty shit, it isn't total garbage.

No, that's Nobledark. Grimdark has been watered down by its use as a buzzword to such an extent that it gets used for anything that isn't "comfy." "Grimdark" was originally coined by Warhammer.

Got overexposed. Too many people pumping out too much grimdark, people got sick of it pretty quickly. Studio's couldn't seem to understand that the grimdark being different was what made it popular. By making it the norm, people got sick of it and wanted something cheerful.

Claymore, Tokyo Ghoul.

Just look at the front page of Sup Forums
You can't masturbate to grimdark. You can't go 'grimdark is cute! CUTE! say something nice about it!'. Anime isn't about cool shit anymore, it's about fulfilling the fantasies of handholdless aspies who jerk off 4+ times a day, have 5 digit porn folders and buy dakis and titty mousepads ironically/unironically

Basically it's niche within niche, now

Yeah, manga.

Anime, not so much

>Anime isn't about cool shit anymore, it's about fulfilling the fantasies of handholdless aspies who jerk off 4+ times a day, have 5 digit porn folders and buy dakis and titty mousepads

I only watched Akame ga Kill till the part where Tatsumi was gonna get executed but from what I can remember the problem wasn't it being too edgy, the only part you can call needless edgyness was the clown thingy, but killing the main characters too soon and then not being capable of replacing them, the main general jobbing and the most important, the lack of worldbuilding, all of it passed in the Empire, we only knew about the 4 countries surrounding it but didn't know shit about most of them. also the main general jobbing didn't help

basically, Akame Ga Kill wasn't bad cuz it was overly edgy but because it was poorly done

It still is.

>muh youth of today is scared of real stories

Listen dude. As you grow up, you are fed shitloads of great literature. Old tales of strife and sex and heroes and death and life and beauty. It's on your reading list, if you do read, it's on TV, it's everywhere. It's your culture's classical masterpieces, it's the muses for every hollywood hack. You get your fucking fill of that shit. 12 year olds even read lovecraft for an extra kicker.

And then you come to anime for something different. What if the hero is a normal kid, weak willed, boring, and dispassionate as they are? What if the gang of girls isn't too sharp and mostly does nothing all day, like a typical gang of girls? What if nobody ever goes through great changes, what if life is peaceful? God forbid, your diet of entertainment include 20 minutes of something that breaks from the old archetypes.

I could bullshit my way into saying fucking seinfeld is a sign of a weak generation that can't handle reality but you know, it's more like people just want something that isn't another fucking ten-million-times-abstracted retelling of mesopotamian jungle adventures vol 2.

I'm throwing in a recommendation, for anyone interested: it's a manga that started in 2010 called Kiba no Tabishounin: The Arms Peddler. I don't know if it's well known or not, but well, it is topic related as it is grimdark in the way that 90's grimdark manga are. Pretty good read, although still ongoing and not often updated.

jesus christ, and people say anime is too edgy

>Akame no Kill, Mirai Nikki, and Re:Zero
> grimdark

Well I like AKG MN and Re:zero all as mediocre anime but I don't think the genre of berserk is dead. It is just that most mangaka can't do it well like Miura.
And I agree with this guy many people on Sup Forums for instance are degenerates that watch ecchi loli anime

>It is just that most mangaka can't do it well like Miura.
Probably because they don't all have mental problems

Wether that is true or not Miura made a masterpiece compared to many other manga's. Now he just needs to finish it

Grimdark stuff still exists, but their animation is always done by some extremely shitty studio who fucks it up either by animating it poorly, censoring it or doing CGI

see Knights of Sidonia, Ajin, Kingdom, Terra Formars and a few others. Parasyte was the last dark manga that had an actually good adaptation that I can recall

Are you implying you couldn't rub one to berserk as well?

what is it with this genre and woman-raping horses??

Almost did to Farnese before she changed

>he doesn't know Warhammer 40k

>While watching their films you can tell yourself, "I could meet this person in real life."
Asuka and Rei are wildly unrealistic
tsundere in general does not exist and neither do doll-like cumdumpsters


it was on Toonami last year

>tsundere in general does not exist

yeah they do fuccboi. it's actually one of the more realistic tropes from anime

Bitches do exist, but they don't act like tsundere. Tsundere doesn't exist.

maybe if you're in grade school


I'm sick of those lame ass CRAAAAAAWWWLIIIIIING animu for edgy teenagers

Well, Dark Elder are pretty edgy.

can tell from personal experiences that they actually exist

girls love getting teased and pretending like they get annoyed, but secretly they kinda crave the dick

Okay? That doesn't mean it's the face of anime

would a grimdark w40k anime work?
sorry for asking perhaps fantasy would be a better fit for the medium

that's not tsundere you dip
reminder that Asuka actually said Shinji deserved to die
Stacy is still gonna bawl her eyes out even if they're just crocodile tears but she would never say something like that aloud

it was a joke

Oh, my derp then

>reminder that Asuka actually said Shinji deserved to die

pfft, where I live that shit might sound like a compliment to some

If you want to sound seriously pissed off where I live, you need to say something like "I'm gonna cum on your mom's grave" or "I'm gonna fuck all your dead relatives".