Is Grimdark Dead as a Genre?

A long time ago, we had shit like Berserk, Akira, and Bokurano, (the manga, not the anime) and now the genre, or what's left of it, is flooded with mediocre edgelord pandering like Akame no Kill, Mirai Nikki, and Re:Zero.

Is the genre of sad and disturbing feels dead, lads?

Probably, because there's far too many faggots who like Moeshit, monster girls, SoL, things like that. Instead of a good story, they want a Harem manga about a guy who fucks a horse or whatever, or a story about lolis doing nothing interesting, and panders to pedophiles.


Akira nowdays is shit because of how much its tropes have been abused.

probably because grimdark is too edgy nowadays and/or has been completely replaced by grimedge

So they want berserk? makes me think.

>a Harem manga about a guy who fucks a horse or whatever

Wait I think you're onto something, I'd intrigued.

rlly makes u think

I'm just saying, why is pic related a thing? What happened to monsters killing and devouring humans? What happened to the eternal human struggle?

Pretty sure all of those monsters you just posted want to 'devour' humans.

Why doesn't someone just make a moe grimdark manga.