There's no such this as "conservative gay".
Being gay is a revolutionary act.
There's no such this as "conservative gay"
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dude like half of gays are actually conservative, maybe more if you count the fully closeted ones. they just don't make it something central to their identity and run around being all annoying and mentally ill about it. wtf is wrong with you man.
Men have been butt fucking since ancient Greece, I know plenty of right wing gays who are not single issue voters.
They pretend to be something they are not. They are the ones who need to be cured.
Eh, if they are socially conservative they need to be cured, but many gays also run businesses so they tend to vote right for the fiscal side of things or other issues like immigration.
Most gays I know are right wing, including me. That's why the LEGBOTIQUE crew won't invite us on their parades anymore. Only a few gays act revolutionary for attention, but they are the ones everybody notices. The fags.
how are they "pretending to be something they aren't", doesn't it ever occur to you that maybe your homosexuality just isn't a big defining characteristic of your self? maybe you're just mentally ill because you let it define you? like maybe you're just a neurotic person who has let their insecurities get the best of them? like I like to fix cars, but I don't let my fixing cars define who I am as a person. that would be very bizarre. so you bone men. ok. if you're going to say that's some central characteristic to your identity though then no, IMO you're the one that "needs to be cured" or whatever. just my opinion.
I'm sorry, being gay doesn't make me mentally ill enough to reject natural laws.
Gay doesn't actually exist. It's a bourgeois fetish that mentally ill people make central to their identity.
There's literally nothing revolutionary about getting your shit pushed in.
and dude I mean I also like to say a lot of racist and homophobic shit on Sup Forums and have all of these views that society detests. but that doesn't "define me as a person" you know? come on dude. just because you feel insecure about something, or feel like something will make you less popular and less liked, that doesn't mean you have to live your life thinking "that's what you are" or anything like that. that's all I'm saying to you dude.
it's just a negative behavior. it's self-harming. it doesn't produce anything good or beneficial or beautiful. it's based in neurosis and negative experiences with the other sex or negative perceptions of the self.
I mean people should do what they want to do, but when I see people like OP and they're so overburdened by their own homosexuality that it's ALL THEY ARE, like it defines them and it drives them to have all of this hatred and contempt and negative feeling towards the rest of society, it makes me sad for them personally.
I am gay and very conservative. I have a liberal bf though and I can say that a large part of the LGBT community is liberals, sadly
*blocks your path*
Well then, I guess we can just genocide you all with no concern if you’re just degenerate assfuckers then! Glad we could clear up that you’re all garbag with no redeeming qualities.
being gay is not a revolution but a disease and all diseases have a end
Faggots like you ruined being gay for the rest of us. Shut the fuck up already with the gay politics jesus christ.
Wat.jpg I put it in a dude's ass and I'm a hard core nationalist and conservative
What do you think of Harry Hay?
obviously there are things very deeply broken and disturbed within him.
If there's any group I'd use violence on is the gay conservatives. They make my blood boil. You are part of a group who detest you for the mere act of loving someone of your own sex.
gay conservatives aren't visible because their orientation is irrelevant to their person. there are a lot so fuck off. most of my gay friends (and i) have become right wing increasingly faster recently. even in toronto
not true. the violence is leftists and muslims
why do you genuinely think conservatives "detest" gays?
also personally I do a lot of things that conservatives dislike and think are horrible, I think we all do, just as we do things that liberals detest and dislike, because we are human, why should that compromise our thinking and ideals on what is right and positive and beneficial to the world?
just looking for your opinion here. trying to understand your views and your hatred and your anger.
Revolutionary Faggotry!
you know dude, the thing is, I can say "wow I think that's really gross" or "wow I think he does that because he's mentally ill" or "wow I think I really disagree with that lifestyle". that doesn't mean I "detest" you as a person. for fucks sake. I think we all have many many many many many things this life that we disapprove of on both sides of the political spectrum, and bipartisanly. the problem is that for some reason, magically, gays want to act like they're above judgement and that nobody should ever be allowed to have a negative view of them for some reason or else its "bigotry" and we know they are actively (and successfully) trying to criminalize that. aside from the fact that its literal thought policing, its obviously messed up in a bunch of different ways.
I mean can't you see where you're off the track here? can't you see what's wrong with your outlook and why its actually counterproductive to your own happiness and your own rights in the future?
OP and the other gays I tried to engage with in this thread just disappeared. the gays never engage in discussions like this. they just say their angry "I WANT TO KILL PEOPLE DIFFERENT FROM ME OR WHO THINK DIFFERENT FROM ME" stuff and then disappear into the wilderness. they never face up to anything.
Do you think this is what today's SJWs will be like when they get old?
dude I have no idea. the "progress" has accelerated so fast I can't even speculate on what the world will be like when younger generations today are older, or if it will even be there for them when they're old. from how things seem to be going you would think they would destroy society for themselves before too long. so maybe they'll be hiding out in caves, buttfucking each other to keep warm from the nuclear winter or some stuff like that.
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dude, do you read this board regularly? Do you really want to associate with people that would throw you from a roof at the first opportunity? Some conservatives may tolerate you if you weren't "faggy" enough, if you behaved exactly like a straight man, but deep down you'd never really be accepted, and in their ideal society there certainly wouldn't be gay marriage or rights.
Where are you from?