>James Damore just filed a class action lawsuit against Google, saying it discriminates against white male conservatives
place your bets gentlemen
>James Damore just filed a class action lawsuit against Google, saying it discriminates against white male conservatives
place your bets gentlemen
2018 is gto be nice
>Want to win
James Damore
>Who I think will win
Goolag. Court's bias is against him and Goolag definitely has the money for better lawyers.
God i hope he wins would set a great precedent in the tech world
He'll lose, but hopefully it'll be a Pyrrhic victory for the enemy.
Even money !!
Good. I've been following Damore since his drama blew up and he seems like a guy with his head firmly screwed on straight. He got fired for trying to bring discrimination to light, which is very illegal. Imagine if they fired a black or female for doing the same. Now we'll see whether the courts are in Google's pockets. This is very high-profile, so if he wins, it sets a strong precedent that discriminating against white males is not okay. Currently they are basically the only class of person that you can discriminate against.
Fucking awesome
>it discriminates against white male conservatives
All of Google's leadership are white male Kikes, with a strong sense of Kike nationalism, which absolutely makes them conservative.
Jews don't consider themselves white and allegiance to Israel does not make one Conservative in America.
they'll settle for a measly sum just to get this guy out of their hair
But they did, they fired a black lady for saying an exclusive group of white males is still diverse because of background and experiences.
Easy settlement win for Damore. The real question is does he have balls and go all the way without taking the hush money.
Like we serbs say "big nose, big pride"
they got fucking schlonged from the start
Please God yes
It's still a legal argument, that's where Sargon's "what do you define as white" really becomes a bitch. Legally, jews loyal to Israel are indeed white conservatives.
Fuck that guy anyway
It'll get thrown out, its literally impossible to discriminate white men.
he's pretty hot tbqh
I think that was Apple
Where? Post it
Is Damore a jew himself? I wonder
Sure fuck Sargon, but what is "white"? Is a jew white?
They can't deny he was right about them discriminating against him in a way they wouldn't to a black guy so he'll probably get some money to go away but everyone will know what that means which is the best we can hope if you are realistic that is still a victory bite and hold tactics mate.
>better lawyers
I bet some high powered jew lawyer would work pro boner for this guy, just be the one that won against Google
>Is a jew white?
fuck off kike shill
your mom works pro boner
Yeah that was apple. That company is fucked in so many ways and not only the CEO's rear
>There can be 12 white, blue-eyed, blond men in a room and they’re going to be diverse too because they’re going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation
No California's muh anti-discrimination laws make it very difficult for google even if you are white
But what is white legally speaking? What can hold as "white" in a court of law?
Surely pic is white? no? What is he then?
He's smart and Jewish, he'll win.
He will die of a heart attack cause by blunt force trauma to the head.
>Jame Damore
>(((White))) male(?)
Oh shit, California is actually based on this and their schools aren't permited diversity quotas.
This guy and that black lady that got fires from apple should team up and help shine some light on (((workplace))) discrimination in the tech industry
he's just fishing for a settlement
you dont want this shit to set a precedent anyway, otherwise every nigger in the country will try to sue their boss (and win) for not giving them a $500 an hour salary
I noticed an interesting pattern. When people want to implicate whites for an issue, they regard thjem as "white". When whites want to be recognized as a collective, they'll go" What do you mean?"
Fuck off, pajeets.
Precisely. (((They))) created the justice system; they know they can masquerade as white while actively trying to destroy whites.
lol look at this fuckin idiot
Yes you are right, (((people))) sure do that.
I hope he uses the money for a nose job
he's gonna kill himself with two bullets to the back of the head while choking
Why didn't the nog sue the shit out of them?
Good luck Jimmy I’m sure you know the California legal system is run by bitter HAPAs and pudgy LaRaza types.
At least he's not a fucking leaf
Google fired him not because they were Jews or similar Sup Forums-tier sick fantasies, they fired him because the degenerated white media whores started the clamour about his memo.
Google is the largest law firm in the world. It doesn't matter if he's right, they will make it something that will never be won by him.
hes right. we should help out the lawsuit with any information we have. any anons who work or worked at google should message the attorney team and if you can think of any way google screwed over some little companies that might be owned by whites, or shit like the search result manipulations that maybe put conservatives below leftists like pic related in elections. blatant discrimination against trump, a conservative white male
Given the absolute massive size of his nose I wonder if it's somehow childhood trauma related. Like his nose isn't just huge it also looks fucked up and broken.
> (((white))) "conservative"
I dont know whose jewing who
bumping with more google bias against conservative white male. hoping this gets back to their lawyers somehow
anyone else remember this shit? infuriating
holy fuck is that a shoop?
not sure what that has to do with this but okay
Is James Damore white? Can a Jew be white? Will they be allowed in to the white ethno-state? What if a unified consensus can't be reached on the question of Damore's whiteness? Could this lead to in-fighting among white nationalist?
that is an impressive nose
i bet that nose really knows
He's white and he's not a Jew.
He will never win this in California, but I support his effort.
more like unintended consequences. equality is a two way street, most people forget this
Jews are white now?
Google wins.
The strategy here is obvious by his filing.
File a lawsuit for 'wrongful termination' and he loses.
File a lawsuit for 'discrimnation against white conservative males', and he wins in the court of public opinion regardless of the outcome of the legal case.
In fact, losing will bolster his movement.
I aposultley want jackbooted SJWs to learn thier lesson
I hope he loses and it ignites a massive race war where white people start killing colored people. It will be a glorious day.
>I hope he loses and it ignites a massive race war where white people start killing colored people
That's pretty much inevitable at this point. The more they keep pushing us into the corner, the more we're getting ready.
there will never be a racewar :(. Marry a white women and move somewhere nice. Dont live in fansty land
If the course continues, then there will absolutely be a race war. Be prepared to fight.
>there will never be a racewar
There's a fucking racewar happening right now you fucking retard. The only thing is that it's almost entirely one sided against white people, because most white people don't even know about the levels of violence niggers inflict on us. If you think we're not going to fight back, you're -dead- wrong.
I like how they set off a silent alarm when he went to Google HQ to have lunch with someone.
Was getting fired part of his plan?
The government cannot legally do business with publicly-traded companies that condone such blatant race, sex, and politicial discrimination against their employees.
This could get good.
very impressive
So fucking perfect(
He actually has grounds because of how fucking stupid discrimination laws in the U.S are. I'd bet he'll win.
We’re not gonna win this, get over it Sup Forums.
He has a bigger nose than his enemies. He will win.
He's a big jew
He will win
that nose. Is he the chosen, or did someone punch him in the nose.
If he is not jewish, then we can use his nose for a "How can jews even compete" thread.
Google getting BTFO would be the best thing that has happened in my lifetime. Please let this work and lets pass anti-censorship laws too.
You mom has a pro-boner
2000 years of selective breeding, what a beauty
I thought American companies were allowed to discriminate against people based on their political views.
Jesus, Google employees and their policies are fucking EVIL
don't they need a boss to begin with?