Please tell me Salad won't be another Sakura

Please tell me Salad won't be another Sakura.
She's the only redeeming aspect of this show so far.


Seems unlikely, since she has Sharingan and isn't unhealthily obsessed with an edgy asshole.

She's shit. ChouChou is better.

I love the porn of her. You know where Naruto fucks her. Only good thing about Naruto the series.

>isn't unhealthily obsessed with an edgy asshole

Oh user

None of the kids are like their parents

Aside from asthetics

Sadpanda link?

Shikamaru's son and Sai's son seem to be a lot like their parents.


>a 'redeeming aspect'
>in Naruto
That's like saying there's a snicker's bar at the bottom of a dumpster full of used syringes and pictures of your parents fucking.

imagine if naruto impregnated that prime sarada pussy

>massive chakra
>bullshit eyes
>super strength
>talk no jitsu
>sasukes skills
>uzumaki chakra chains make it easy to control a tailed beast


I hope she turns out to be a more useful Sakura, which seems likely since she possesses the Sharingan.

I also hope Inojin has a scene where he transfers his mind into his oil paintings or Metal Lee revealing he can use ninjutsu.

Sort of looks like Gwen

You are such a badass for not liking Naruto.


What do you like about it, then?
The flat one-dimensional characters, '''''''''''''''''''''story''''''''''''''''''''''''' comprised of disjointed and badly proofread soap-opera skits, or the art apparently done by a five-year-old?

>two episodes
>shes had a line

>She's the only redeeming aspect of this show so far.

You are forgetting a certain sassy fat girl that tells it like it is.

Himawari is the only next gen character that matters.

oh, anime started?

did they maintain hinata's bust or cut it like the manga?

She's concealing her power levels under three layers in the movie style outfit.

Well, she did much more in the recent chapter than Sakura did in the entirety of part 1. So, there's some hope.


Salad will suck Naruro's dick. You heard it here first. Screencap this.

Did they spend all their budget on episode 1 or something?

It's Studio Pierrot. They're cheap Jews. Not as bad as Toei, but still very cheap Jews.

How come best girl was born from the union of the most insufferable edgelord and the most useless girl in anime history?
Salad is like one of those flowers that bloom in shit.

>Please tell me Salad won't be another Sakura.
She has a garbage personality either way. You just "like" her because you want to fuck the shit out of female Sasuke.

whats wrong with that? if either naruto or sasuke were girls it would have been greatest love story ever told

>Expecting Kishimoto would make a female character relevant
Oh, you guys...

Fuck, now I want this.

The only thing this show does well; the battles.
When you have a ton of characters in BS you have a lot of battles, so obviously out of the heaps of garbage some will be good.

The gaiden was good though

You sound like you have experience in such matters.

Described every anime in existence.

Yeah, Inojin is especially similar to Sai.

it'd be better if they were BOTH girls.