Where do you think gender relations is heading to?
Where do you think gender relations is heading to?
benis in bagina xDD
Who /hoverhand/ here?
Just now realizing Keanu looks like Jesus. Seeing his palms out like that hits me deep.
To hell I hope
Hookup culture has persisted since the 80s.
Most people are getting fed up with it. It might revert back to the dating scene again.
With the free market for men open, women definitely target those with beauty or those with money. Marriage has dropped significantly, however I expect a reverse in this trend.
I think Women will grow tired of hookup culture, and prepare themselves from birth to adulthood to be with a wealthy, handsome man. Then they'll marry and be homemakers. Why work when you can have someone work for you?
The pendulum swings back...
Who knew fat betas were just securing their own futures with hoverhand
Heading towards a lotta rape so full circle
I don't. I just don't get into a lot of pictures with women.
Ew, imagine being a guy who marries a woman who gave the same thing to a bunch of guys for free.
They're not going to get sick of sleeping around. They're going to get older and realize they have absolutely no sexual value. That's when reality sets in and not a moment before. Women are like cattle.
Was he Weinsteined?
Gender relations?
You mean women dominating and controlling men?
Keanu took the 2dpill long ago
More and more guys are going to realize they are happier living in a sexual bromance. Better conversation, better recreational activities, better sex. I was in a non-sexual bromance with my dorm mate all through college, when we moved in together after college and decided to start having sex things got so much better.
I hope not, he's been acting in some good movies lately.
We will find out in about 10 to 20 years if you are right and if the society doesn't collapse first
Wishful fucking thinking.
We have not even got started yet with this woman bullshit.
Any pics of female celebrities grabbing men's dicks?
The early Millennial women in their 30s aren't reversing.
fucking lol
It's gonna get much, much worse.
Sad Keanu is sad even with roasties at hand.
Keanu is based as fuck. The red pill was real for him.
>Marry nigger bitch
>I think Women will grow tired of hookup culture
They all do the same thing after riding the cock carousel, traveling the world, finding themselves and becoming single moms; find a beta provider they pretend to be attracted to in order to have a stable life after they had their fun. There's going to be at least an entire generation of very unhappy people before things get any better, and that's assuming this trend starts to reverse right now.
Anyone have the webm of Keanu mowing through targets at the range?
I can't find mine
No, I mean literally diddled by Weinstein
>women will get tired of cock and narcissism/social media
i have it on my other pc let me look
why do they do this? I don't get it
are they afraid to touch women or wat?
What a beast
God I hope so because these bitches be thirsty and pathetic.
No, but he legitmately hasn't found love since his wife miscarried, had a divorce, and then died a year later in a traffic accident.
Keanu Reeves had a hard life. Despite that, he is still a class act.
actually she didn't tho
one night stand isn't the same as 9 months of building a baby and years of rearing it
Lol. Nope. Marriage is pretty much dead for millennial.
Fucking aussies.
It's still gross. I don't care about committed relationships, but drunken "hook-ups" are for whores.
Now I like him more.
I too have had a rough lot in life
Guess who isn't going to be accused of rape when all photos of him with women he is hover handing?
Well shit I dunno
found it
no they fucking won't. their lives are already great the way they are. the only ones that suffer are the only ones ugly enough to not be able to snatch a beta when they're near the wall
why do you think they're unhappy though? they have their fun and then they have children when they're approaching the wall. it works out for them just fine
so they wont get accused of rape
>"I don't understand the complexity of the fall of the Roman Empire", the post.
They literally made chasteness a legal thing in order to preserve the Roman Empire. This helped it last a couple hundred more years until the roasties went back to fucking gladiators while their hubbies were expanding the empire.
What even more depressing is, when you start reading up on your history, you realize this shit has been going on since before Rome, and will continue into the future. Take a look at Germany/Sweden for an example of all western civilizations' future. The handlers want there mono-race dumbed down and ruled over. Make no mistake about it; they are pushing for it hard.
I don't think they can sue you for touching a women's waist in a clearly consensual photo (or use it for anything rape related). or can they?
That's pretty gay desu
Of course they can. You raped them. Why can't they sue you?
Taylor Swift claimed she was groped during a picture with some guy. In the picture they were touching which was enough proof for the public to believe her over him.
One day there's going to be a really good movie about his life. Hopefully it has a happy ending.
why even risk it?
>Where do you think gender relations is heading to?
Court room.
Have you not even been paying attention to what is going on in reality?
Now is Keanu a /r9k/bot or he is /ourguy/ and doesn't touch thots?
Its hard to believe someone that based is afraid of touching a woman.
can't get into shit for inappropriate touching if you don't touch. I'd just bunny ears everyone I photo with or flip the bird
The stone age where men had zero commitment and just pumped women with cum making them have babies, but the women in the tribe would raise all the children together while the men did whatever they wanted with no fatherhood responsibilities.
Keanu is dating a tranny. That's the state of gender relations.
White Sharia
>afraid of touching a woman
Would you touch a woman nowadays?
"the public" would've believed her anyway. in court I hope it means nothing
because if you do the hover hand roissy will make fun of you on his blog
Women will unironically behave like Victorian sexual purists to beta males whilst they suck Chads cock and let him abuse them. We are experiencing a beta male purging. There's a reason most of the accused men in #Metoo were unattractive, whilst Chad's, despite being more of pervert since he has an army of roastie enablers, rarely gets accused.
u dum nigga
Because they will have to settle for a man that is settling for them. Because instead of withholding sex and marriage for a good father for their children at the peak of their sexual market value they give it away for free to men who have no interest in marriage. Because they believe that feminism has liberated them from 'oppressive' gender roles that have historically and statistically had the highest percentage of happy women. The list goes on...
What was this movie about?
I remember watching it a few years ago and thought about R9K
Truly /oneofus/
no desu, i can understand kenoo
i rather touch some nice sexy guns instead
would even sleep and had consensual petting with my moist mosin if not that fucking gun laws in ireland
women are a mistake
*tips fedora
Those roasties will sure regret not being with nice guys like us, right my fellow kekistanis?;^)
It is the end result of this sexual revolution stupidity the complete collapse of sexual unions beyond short sighted fucking. You stupid fucks have no clue how women think they just want to fuck over and over by multiple men no husband no prince charming NOPE just fucked over and over and over and over.....
>he has interactions with the opposite sex
fuck off normie scum
Literally fucks the director
How will 10 year olds get sick of something they don't even do? I don't understand. Roasties won't be having kids so how will they teach their children?
Hypergamy has increased in hook up culture as it is easier and easier to contact chad. The majority women are turning into emotional wrecks and the majority of men are turning into socially awkward virgins.
Successfully using pick up and thus going from beta to pseudo-alpha will make the average man sick.
Neo, is that you?
When STD's evolve to become airborne and hoverhands no longer protect you ...
Nowhere... we are heading into a chaotic cyber-punk dystopia where everyone will live in their own bubble.
>There's going to be at least an entire generation of very unhappy people before things get any better, and that's assuming this trend starts to reverse right now.
Very depressing when you put it that way but you are right.
no what i meant you are fucking dumb if you think caveman meme is real
did you ever read a history book nigger? shit did you ever read ANY book.
also we perfectly understand what women want, why you think everyone is so salty
shit u dum nigga
this X 1000.
One of the guys I work with is a Chad. He laughs about the women that let him fuck them in the ass and tell him "I would never let my boyfriend / husband do this". One guy told him he was full of shit, so he took out his phone and he had movie after movie after movie of him fucking chicks in the ass.
The reaction of the co-worker was too funny. He actually went to HR and reported him and said he felt "sexually harrassed". This is the state of soyboys today. Nothing happened to Chad because Chad has HR wrapped around his finger.
I have made the painful realization that Chad's are not made. You are born a Chad. Everyone else can learn a few tricks to trick women into thinking you are a Chad but when they find out they will crush you with the force of the law.
This video sums up Chad vs Gamma males
If you want to know our future, just look at the black community, where the patriarchy is replaced by a matriarch. We are heading there.
If you project forward, the number of marriages is on the decline and shows no sign of slowing. The birthrate of most of western europe is in decline and shows no sign of slowing. The rest of the world is trending towards our situation as the countries start to become 1st world countries.
The legal measures to guarantee the transfer of wealth from men to women via the state are becoming more harsh and the requirements for meeting them are becoming more lose. We already have law going through parliament that grants the rights of married couples (alimony) to that of cohabiting parents, so the men who are smart enough to simply not marry but continue relationships will be start to get stung by these laws in the near future.
The government doesn't know how to solve problems other than using force, that's all it's good for, and so as men retreat more, they will be punished more in order to facilitate restoring the birthrate, leading men to take a hard line on women, no women ever. Governments do not have a mechanism for repealing and giving up laws and relinquishing force, there's no precedent for this ever, only through revolution do governments ever release their grip on society, so it'll only get worse, it'll never get better.
The last thing that happened before the fall of the Roman Empire, the greatest empire before the British empire, is men opting out of society and bachelor taxes on men not wanting to marry, and the state collapsed.
The future is bleak. MGTOW are one step ahead of the game.
I don't think it's gotten that bad in my country yet
that's the point.
It really is amazing. 99% of women are total whores but betas wouldn't know cause it's a parallel world totally hidden from them
that's the thing, women are hypergamous. they don't want the traditional man. they don't like what you call a good man, they don't like the guy that's willing to settle down.
they want promiscuous chad because of preselection.
traditional society where a virgin woman marries a virgin man and they only have sex with each other throughout their life is an artificial construct and I'm not convinced it necessarily makes women happier. it DOES make the majority of men happy since in the pre-marriage state of things which we have now the most attractive 20% of men get the most attractive 80% of women
this. it's delusional karmic thinking, thinking that everyone gets what they deserve in the end. reality is not fair
who cares I got off that train crash over 20 stops ago.
10/10 operator status
Nice joke even when negro women have most jobs they still obey black men with no defiance in Africa or America.
We are heading here. The Millennials will become the same as the generation rebuilding after the Civil war. This crisis will not end like the 1950s. It will be like the 1860s and 1870s.
Awesome dude,
I'm glad blacks are so fucked.
>cause mines in jail for not paying child support and going to get a pack of cigarettes and never coming back
Did Keanu just create two thots out of thin air? I knew his capable but I didn't know he's already that far in training.
Who knows. All you need to know though is that if shit truly goes down all that strong independent woman shit goes out the window.
>muh withdrawing from relationships
except you're cucking yourself into cutting the genetic line that has been passed on for millions of years to get to yourself
that's the reason whites are losing against everybody else, they don't have the balls to bear a risk (being sued) for a big reward (having happy relationships and a family)
note that I'm not talking about marriage that's bullshit and you should do everything you can to prevent bitches from reducing your net worth
>it DOES make the majority of men happy since in the pre-marriage state of things which we have now the most attractive 20% of men get the most attractive 80% of women
Big contradiction here, how can a majority of men be happy when only a small minority have access to 80% of good looking women? This is the frustration I was referring to in earlier posts.
not fair to your limited human understanding you [insert racial slur here]. yeah I never talked to someone from uruguay so I don't know how to insult you. what makes you think that you can judge which is eternal?
Blacks are not cucks like white males they just ignore their women's mind games and fuck them while whites waste their time being victims of their women's mind games and boring their women as a result leading to them cheating on them. Blacks instinctively laugh everytime they hear one of their women say I DONT NEED NO MAN cuz they know shes just trying to sucker some fool into thinking she is pure.
Ah yes, he is quite th capable wizard, despite being so young.
Legend tells that true wizards must retain their virginity, however, Keanu has found a way around that.
Perhaps this is foreshadowing for the next generation
Most of your families are headed by women you dumb nigger. Women inbred black community are disproportionately represented in positions of powers within the black community and have more financial power than BM.. That is a matriarchy.
you forgot to put on the fag flag faggot
Whatever it is, it will have to be thought of from the point of view of a global society.
They are trying to abolish genders or at least gender culture to make people as neutered as possible
However this can be wishful thinking on their part because it's up for debate if they really can warp reality to their wishes or they're just petty lads just like everyone else and there's a supra-force that shapes things the way they are.