What do I say? "Sorry, I'm a racist."
What do I say? "Sorry, I'm a racist."
Anyways ask her about the production of cotton
tell her that she is a race traitor and should breed within her own race.
Stick your dick in those big ol lips
tell her you respect her for being a doctor but mention that Dundalk is a strange name for a girl
Tell her you aren't interested in bestiality
I roll for digits.
Ask her what her TV show is.
Then tell her you don't get the gorilla channel
Uno mas, por favor. Rollin
Into maledom humiliation?
confuse her between the Martin luther and martin luther and fuck her 60IQ point brain.
Wut a faggot, you should have said "I don't date niggers, spics goat fuckers or kikes !
Hur-dur, I'm a rayssist ! Pathetic !
I laughed.
Fucking underrated kek
Tell her
"Muh dik"
Then Bleach that monkey hole of hers
Ask how many 7/11's her kids have robbed today
Remove "sorry" and you're good to go.
This is a political post.
Thats pretty funny, but I don't want to encourage her.
>can you believe i am so retarded that i actually posted this online dating bull shit to a board that's about politics?
and then delete this post you fucking retard
Whatever you say, use Ebonics. That'll be a good laugh.
this. Being racist is totally fine. It's shouldn't even be considered negative.
Why wouldn't I post something political to a board about politics?
bang her and imagine you are on a slave ship banging a slave
>Sorry, I'm not into men
I admit I lol'd at this.
at least niggers stick to their hoods in dundalk.
>93% match
wtf m8
I don't get it either.
Kill yourself, that's what.
t. Odenton
Send her this image
I'm in Catonsville. I'm from Carroll County.
Oh, in that case just do what some others have mentioned then
MD is a terrible state. Screw your state, it's rain tax and sales tax. DE all day
I have to agree with that. I'm looking to telecommute and live in the middle of nowhere redstate. I'm into homesteading.
Once I graduate from College Park I plan on leaving to the Midwest or something
"You don't"
cool blog, OP.
Fixed it for you
I didn't know fag this new existed
So are you gonna write something to her or just continue being a faggot? How about you write the next du bs response
here's my rolll
>Were you born in Egypt by chance?
Dont fuck girls from Dundalk, they're hoes. Find a Howard county qt
lol. I win. Don't be a faggot OP
The fact that you don't want to bang an ugly Negress is not in itself politics user, though I agree the catalogue is full of this sort of thing.
I clicked pass, so now I can't respond.
Thread is over now. Goodbye everyone.
>"sorry, I'm not into bestiality."
You're a fucking faggot.
She's hideous, but BLEACH her and ascend to the powers of our Founding Fathers. It's intoxicating.
You go to UMBC?
I'm right by OEC.
You say nothing and move on.