> What does Sup Forums think of Hezbollah?
> What does Sup Forums think of Hezbollah?
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>chants death to the west
kill them all
Terrorists and trump will stomp them into the sand with the rest of the arabs
Did nothing wrong. Defend their country from kikes, and they've never done wrong by me.
They're Muslim extremists. That pretty much says it all. They don't even deserve our thoughts. Are we supposed to debate support for them?
They can make a killer expresso.
Fucking based muslim terrorists!
Fuck Them?
Yeah, Fuck them!
Is one really better than the other?
Great goyim.Love them.Our muslim allies.
Fuck ZOG.Fuck Boomer tier mega pedes.
Hezbollah-Syria-Irak-Iran Axis of Resistance.
What you said isn't a word.
>muh based
The only thing I agree with them is that on the hatred of kikery. Other than that, they are still an Islamic party that wants to bring khomeinism into Lebanon and they want to turn it into an Islamic Republic, similar to that of Iran.
Based. Teaches children traditional gender rolls.
Shia seems pretty alright. Don't want them in the west but they should definitely genocide the Sunnis in MENA.
Hezbollah aren't the guys doing terrorist attacks on Western soil. It's the Wahhabist that are.
Low energy faggot larpers
>muh saudi arabia
They’re our allies, Iran is the worlds largest terror state. Fuck off
This, Iran/Hezbollah is on borrowed time
He did that expreszo
A needed militia. To stop kike Expansionism. They did great in 2006.
>chants death to the west
>supporting Hezbollah
Good goy. The kikes are playing you like a fiddle.
They are pretty hype desu. You guys are aware of why they're classified internationally as terrorists right? Cause Zionists got BTFOd trying to take their land and they actually give a fuck about Palestine
Remember who financed Bin Laden?
Hahaha. Do you know what Wahhabism is bro
>an actual response from somone knowing his shit by living there and no responses
Sup Forums is cancer
>irony the post
>Lebanon flag equals excuse to manipulate data
Good goyim
Iran gave aid to al qaeda
>manipulate data
what are you talking about?
yes, iran. bin laden trained in iran and pakistan and then went to afghanistan. google "bin laden iran":
>IraN gaVe aId to Al QaEda BeCaUse thE CIA saiD So
You probably also think Iraq was about WMDs?
This, they shoulda been carpet bombed ages ago but the US was stuck with pussies as president. I’m hoping Trump does something before they get nukes.
>CIA sources quoted by fake news media owned by jews
I think they're great.
I watched the whole video. Give me the exact minute:second where he says "death to the west", go ahead
>0:40 "I must clarify that when I say "America", I do not mean the American people, most of whom are distant and ignorant of what is going on in the world
If they're committing terrorist acts at all, they're not folks I want on my planet.
>Implying Nasrallah hasn't adapted political vision since 1985
They are a conventional army fighting other militaries
USA supports kurds who are committing terrorism in Turkey. And other anti-assad groups who are just terrorists who train children to usicide bomb
Who armed ISIS? Who has illegally created an apartheid state in Middle East? By your standards there wouldn't be too many countries left
refering to
>guarantee public liberties, ensure national unity and protect its sovereignty and independence
i've been to Iran a couple of times last year, and i was amazed to see that they are treated like a fancy football club compared to Real Madrid or FC Barcelona
Literally sandnigger Islamists. But smart ones. They used taqiyya to convince Sup Forumstards to like them because apparently they only fight jews and leave Christians alone. Yeah tell that to the Serbs they fought against in Bosnia.
more shit trump will never do.
They’ve been launching rocket attacks against our allies civilian population in the region for years. They’re terrorists and should be wiped out.
Referring to Islamic Republic. The negative connotation of theocracy which is attached to Iran. Dropped from Hez manifesto quite a few years ago
amazed in what sense?
Did you expect them to be handled like CIA in US, or political party or terror organisation....what were your expectations?
Your "allies" are jews. Why would you care about them?
ayyy strayed a bit too far away from reddit now did we?
Launching rockets against who? People trying to take their land? That's call defending your country m8
That does not matter. America is the leader of the west. Today it's USA tomorrow it's someone else.
His excuse is a joke to me. He wants the death of USA and it's as simple as that.
So I say Death to Hezbollah, Iran, all the Shias and all the Muslims.
>They’ve been launching rocket attacks against our allies civilian population
>civilian population
that's Hamas, not Hezbollah (not that jew lives matter at all, they are devils)
yeah I quoted from manifesto
my original point was mroe that people should more engange with LebAnon instead of cirkelhatejerk
>da joos
Here we go again...
It certainly does matter. You think John McCain represents me? News for you bud, he fucking doesn't
drop the flag shill
Ah gotcha. My apologies m8
I'm not shia, but I respect them and their Iranian handlers only for their anti-zionist and anti saudi stance.
Useful idiot goys, the lot of you. Saudis funded Al-Qaeda and they're in deep with both the Israeli and American governments
Who. Fucking. Cares?!
Death to all these subhumans. Be is Jew, Arab, Nigger, Persian, Mongoloid or Eskimo.
Gas them all.
Mudshits, pic related
Also, you have to go back
I respect the Shi'ites it's just too bad they hate Israel so much.
A Shi'a-Jewish alliance would be so based.
Saudi is funding wahbbist mosques in Europe you dumb yankee.
i had none, it really suprised me to see Hizbollah shirts sell at shops and bazars like Ronaldos shirts at Madrid. also merch
Hezy sympathizers are retarded, these people use schools and holy sites as bases to shoot rockets at innocent civilians because they know they will receive fire back, they then turn around and go SEE LOOK AT WHAT ISREAL DID REEEE
they are scum, isreal is scum too but know that both sides deserve never ending war
Land lost in a war you started and surrendered in is not yours.
If they want to continue their battle in a war with no hippie of winning, I see no reason Isreal can't use any means they deem necessary against them
If a bunch of first nations started suicide bombing places I think even Justin cuckdue would take action.
Their former border might be enough to justify actions for themselves, but they get no sympathy from me.
Irrelevant to Russia, much like bug in garden. If bug come into the kitchen, Russia boot crush them. Russia number 1. Russia strong. Bug is weak.
>Oy Vey! They sell something offensive?! We must shit it down! Remember the 6 GorillionTrillion Jews of The Holocaust!
Brown people on other side of world. Might as well be living in another dimension.
That said, I really like the lebanese people I've met. Much friendlier and less stupid than the arabs and chaldeans around here (michigan). They have the best middle eastern restaurants, too.
No chance of winning*
The United nations wasn't meant to be a do-over button for Arabs losing land in wars they started
They chant death to the west because of american support of israel and iraki war. They dont give a shit about us. They just fiighting for their culture in their countries like we want to do here. They re an exemple before all. We should have this here.
Uhhh no, your government openly supports Hez.
>Meme comment from meme flag that doesn't even address what he said
KYS you LARPing faggot.
..he was just neutral reporting about a visit to Iran.
Shit on him when he actually does it
Better than israel. Any group that is an enemy or brings harm to israel is good.
dude.... come on.... isnt it interesing how they using an organization like Hizbollah to sell merch like Chotinios shirts in Liverpool?
I actually had an argument over this with a friend living in Israel. I contend that the whole region should be exterminated and given to archaeologists. Neither side is righteous. Both claim it as a holy land, but neither is willing to accept that everyone has a right to be there. No religious state should ever exist. They're all terrorists, but only the jews have US approval, which automatically paints the muslims as terrorists, but they're no different. Religion should die.
>Le edgy Sup Forums comment
That's enough for tonight Timmy, time to go to bed.
Because irrelevant puppet. If they are cross Russia though, they are be crush. Russia be gift her enemies with no mercy.
> What does Sup Forums think of Hezbollah?
Iranian overseas division.
>They chant death to the west
All Muslims do that.
Modern day hashashins.
The world needs more people like them.
Are you playing the role of a "vatnik" like in the play? Because your English is very bad, you have to go back.
>They just fighting for their culture in their countries.
They are another Islamic group following the teachings of the Koran to raid and loot because "the only true religion".
really electrifies those braincells
Red pilled
>implying the initial (((soviet intelligence))) that caused Egypt to drag folks into war is an excuse for Israel to ignore international law
It isn't an excuse. Their behavior is incorrect and frankly Israel is becoming a massive liability to the United States
Your point? I don't support anyone who uses the sky fairy as a reason to kill.
Like McDonald's in here. Buncha fake ass burgers
Who are you arguing with? Anyone causing terrorism is a sack of fucking monkey shit. I haven't stated allegiance for anyone. I'm not sure what your point is.
They should be stepped on and ended. Both sides. WE don't deserve their never-ending war. The holy lands should be an unpopulated museum for everyone to visit. It should belong to no one if the children can't play nice.
My argument is you don't understand the nuances enough to apply your definition of terrorism correctly. If you think that Hezbollah are terrorists but military Industrial complex's actions in Libya and Syria aren't then you need to stick to domestic politics
Ah I scrolled up to your original point. Yes one is better than the other. One is defensive one is offensive
Hezbollah is an arab nationalist party and should be supported in their resistance to zionism.
Sup Forums is becoming fox jews tier.
I would go back in timeand restore ghadaffi, but he was caught funding terrorism repeatedly.
Frances actions in Libya, while stupid, we're justified.