what in the actual fuck...this is literally a demon reading to our kids, its not even human
What in the actual fuck...this is literally a demon reading to our kids, its not even human
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Looks like it wants to impale small children with its dildo horns. it might take a lot to kill it!
we have reached levels of degeneracy i did not know were humanly possible...maybe because these things are not really humans
You must not have been here last week when Sup Forums got to vent all about trannies.
Me in the lower left corner. My wife told me to bring her son to this.
>God Emperor memes abound
>Suddenly, Slaanesh manifests physically in our world
Looks more like a kiss fan than a demon
They do this but when I do naked pullups in a playground I get arrested...
Look at that fucking cuckold allowing all the degeneracy being imposed on those kids. He should have chased that demon away and instead he's sitting there like a good goy.
Bulges are hawter for something like that anyway.
Yea what's the deal with that? I mean seriously I cant free ball in a playground while dildo horns tries to seduce my neighbors children??? Hypocrites..
top kek
Fear not goyim! The event which you are seeing photographic evidence of NEVER HAPPENED. It was simply a normal person reading a normal book to children. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening at all. Let your lying eyes deceive you not!
Generation Z is going to be the next generation of extreme social justice warriors.
California is our nation's Sodom and Gomorrah.
no what happened?
it is, i live here currently, at my parents house, neet so no choice
Just fucking take arms and massacre
>It didn't happen
>It happened
ive never seen such a blatantly demonic looking creature....i thought drag was supposed be men dressing like women, which is terrifying in its own right, but this thing pictured doesnt even look female it looks like something strait from hell
The Dildo-Horns will be visiting you soon....
nowhere close to a nig nog
is it homophobic not to want to pucker the lips when there is a male actor on TV shows?
Look at that, a tortured and demonically possessed person is looking at all those children to rape and create more like himself
If you have a problem with this proud servant of Slaanesh preaching tolerance and diversity to your children, clearly it is you who are the problem.
Yes Czechia.
As much as it pains me to say it, technically speaking alot of slavs wound up in America. That creature up there could very well be a piece of your bloodline. Have fun with that information :D
death to slaanesh
Slaughtering satanic servants? Sounds SMASHING!
today i had my first jew exposed in the internet..
>had some discussion about arab spring
>say possible it was us, saudi and israeli secret service involvment that got things rollin
>plays antisemitism card
>plays your claims are insane and calling you out card
>engages in pipul tactic
>changes goalposts constants misrepresents and rephrases my comments
>call him out for being jew bc of (((BERG)))
>blames Sup Forums
>no real discussions anymore
>i am pretty sure i found the (((jew)))
>tranny wants to be a woman
>ok...let me envision what a woman looks like and make myself over to look like that
>gets tattoos
>puts on a dress
>lots of costume jewelry
>dyes hair clown red
>puts on a cape
>all the costume jewelry
>hmm, not quite female enough
>put housepaint on face
>and 5 horns on top of head
that pedo tranny is a satanist is paying homage to the hermaphrodite goat beast baphomet
checked and this leaf will be spared on rake day
>Those runes
Wtf is this user?
Try to be educated in your pagan larp sessions, this is why Rome called you barbarians
the demon in OP's pic reminds me of the demon in this clip
go to 0:30
>"I want you to be terrified of me, but i also want to be beautiful"
That's not how beauty works. These people are twisted on such a deep level that they can't separate beauty from terror. Dangerous freaks.
Chaos is feminine.
Order is masculine.
This pic made me realize we are literally fighting the forces of evil.
Why though?
wow great story ahmed.
Evil dosent exist
Looks more like tampon horns.
It does and evil will cum on your face tonight with you staring at its tranny clown face.
This pic made me hopeful that we live in cool warhammer dimention. Sign me up for Khorne or Tzeench, not those freaks, by the Warp, no.
>Sup Forums gets this triggered by some pretentious performance art piece
Never change lads.
Probably soaked in AIDS blood.
why what?
keep it in a museum or tranny/gay bar, not a school
no man would walk by the side of this creature and not try to shoot it down
>accepting bizzare differences would not be acceptable at this point
LGBT, sexual degenerates = Slaanesh
jews= Tzeentch
Muslims= Khorne
Feminism, sjw= Nurgle
commies= tau
Do you know what she did, your cunting daughter?
A no-pants demon wearing a lace coffee table doily.
Yeah, they truly look sickening.
Remember when you said: "Who cares what gays do, it's not effecting you."
This is what you reap motherfucker.
this makes me want to play Diablo 3
Did this play on full blast while that monster was reading?
>demonic drag queens are teaching kids in schools
>kids are literally being groomed from birth to become degenerate trannies
You're all fucked, you know right?