Italian Elections 4 March 2018

The 2018 Italian general election is due to be held on 4 March 2018 after the Italian Parliament was dissolved by President Sergio Mattarella on 28 December 2017.

Democratic Party (PD)
Five Star Movement (M5S)
Forza Italia (FI)
Civic Choice (SC)
New Centre-Right/Popular Alternative (NCD/AP)
Lega Nord (LN)
Left Ecology Freedom/Italian Left (SEL/SI)
Brothers of Italy (FdI)
Union of the Centre (UdC)
Democratic and Progressive Movement (MDP)
Progressive Camp (CP),_2018

I believe this is the closest elections in Europe.

Which one is /our/ party Italian brothers?
Seems Berlusconi is back with Foza Italia, but isn't he corrupt af?

Can Sup Forums make Italy and the rest of Europe great again?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm voting M5S. Fuck Berlusconi.

>both Berlusconi and M5S are gonna give me gibs
>if PD wins i have higher chances of getting a "posto fisso statale"

I'm closing my eyes while I vote, literally don't care

don't get too hyped;instead of coming with boats,the next government will bring niggers here by plane.

berlusconi si the most bluepilled politician ever...if you know what i mean

>>if PD wins i have higher chances of getting a "posto fisso statale"
wait what

isn't Lega Nord a Nationalist party? Thought you guys were more hopefull with them

Noone is going to win and we get another Fi and Pd union with technicians government

>we get gentiloni for 4 years

Lega nord is a party thay wanted a secession of the nord part of the country trying to pose as a nationalist one

>Which one is /our/ party Italian brothers?
Every party is kind of cucked in their own way, but if i would choose it's lega, because
>No anymore autistic secessionism
>It's the one with the most right wing ideas compared to others
>if Salvini get into office could fix some things despite he is kosher as fuck
All other parties are bluepilled as fuck (meme5S) or some disillusioned larper like Casapound or Forza Nuova



Everything is fine for me except M5S.

Best timeline.


Ex SEL voter here. I will vote for liberi e uguali even if they will probably just reach a 5%. I hope that fascist parties like M5S or the right wing coalition don't come to the government because Italy is an anti-fascist Republic and have fashit parties in charge would be a shame for all the partisans that have fought against Fashitsm.
Therefore I really hope that PD (even if they are right wing) and liberi e uguali can manage to form an anti-fascist government for the benefit of our country.

muh partisans is the italian "muh 6 gorillions"

you in Italy and I in Portugal are not living in fascism for more then 40 years, how is it going?
Is your countries people being benefited?
In mine we aren't, only corporation leaders and lazy niggers who just fuck around all day, those get benefits.


I will vote Berlusconi


Fucking anti spam.

Correct me if I am wrong but isn't M5S more toward Sup Forums leanings?

Anti-Migrant and Anti-EU sort of policies.

Has M5S started becoming socially conservative yet?

Thread italiano? Thread italiano!

please make italy pure when my wife and I go for a honeymoon italian anons.

Do a jewish version

That would be Bossi, since he had a stroke because of the blue pill...kek

No, they just like larping as opposition and changing their minds according to polls, but despite this they are pretty bluepilled, often pro-immigration, absolutely not anti-EU and incompetent as fuck

Sounds like Salvini is the way to go, as expected.

How unfortunate, I would like to see Italy finally curb stomp migration and the EU (German) fetish for more migrants.

>Civic Choice
HAH no.

Don't link the PD newspaper.


>Gentiloni I, II, III, IV and V
My body is ready

>implying he didn't have a stroke because he couldn't handle the blue pill

>as expected
>voting for the same party that sided with berlusconi since 1994

ayy lmao, we're fucked.

Vote casapound and stfu.


Kek, thank you for adjusting that on my original file.

Here's the second version of that montage.

Also, dumping my Berlusconi.

Italy is a mess which is a shame because on an individual level, Italians are great.

But they have a sort of collective self loathing that gets in the way of doing anything good together. Italians may hate niggers, but they hate themselves even more.


yeah m8 better vote to have 3/630 people not cucked instead of a government with a rightwing party in it, right?


That doesn't change the fact that lega nord are fucking criminals and did nothing when they were ruling this shithole.

What should i vote as a Neapolitan?


Any Italians tell me more about casapound?

You should watch the movie "1997: escape from new york" and vote for whoever want to do the same thing as they did to New York in the movie, but with Naples instead.


heart is in the right place but they're an AISI honeypot

Should that matter to us?

Seem to turn out good numbers on the street. Met some guy from a punk band, name escapes me, bronson tiger or something. He was clued up on politics, seemed a good lad, told me about them.

Why a terrone like me should vote for Salvini? Convince me Sup Forums
retards advocating for violence attracting all the media against them. They are exposing themselves as the ignorant animals they are.

I'm terrone and i'm voting Salvini.
Because fuck niggers and terronis, they are disgusting

Any Italian that doesn't vote for Lega is a cuck and should kill himself.

>jewanni rana
That's right they may be incompetent faggots but Salvini is the only one that has possibilites of stopping immigration

considering it's glow-in-the-dark AISI niggers we're talking about, I'd say yes

What about the Italians living (((abroad))).

>still counting votes from people who live in other states

Also Salvini is an incompetent racist pig and his party is composed by racist and Fashits. Vote for some of the sinistra area or vote PD.
If you are a Fascist pig you should not be allowed to vote.

Berlusconi was a member of Propaganda Due so whatever.

But why? We're only voting them, we're not part of their group.

Also a big part of our police forces are closet fascists (when they don't get caught...)

But brother don't you like the lazy niggers BE has blessed us with?

Oh wait! Pic related is our PM. FML...

Overall they are redpilled as fuck but at the moment too retarded on their economic view and still too irrelevant for national elections, even as opposition

Lega is a meme party, they only look decent because Salvini is leading them and the M5S is a fucking joke.

>But why? We're only voting them
>voting happens
>oy vey look at all these fascists who voted for Casapound it's anudda shoah meshuggah
>election results get overturned, legge Fiano 2.0 gets passed by EU-asslicker (((interim government)))
see where this is going?

Retarded terroni allied with gipsies and mafiosi roleplaying as ""fascists""

I really don't know who to vote for, I guess it'll be a last minute decision.

I feel that in the next 2 months we're going to listen to some big ass electoral promises.

>this much self hatred
nigga get some help

And nobody would riot for that? I want to think they would.

imho they are still too (((moderate))) to be in this kind of lists, and the most violent thing they did is probably starting a fight with some antifa's
Until they organize right wing dead squad or putting bombs around i doubt they will be under obseevation from glow niggers

>self hatred
Just look at the state of NAPLES, LOOK. I'm just realistic

>and nobody would riot for that?
who would, exactly? things are too comfy for a civil war and normies don't want to look bad in front of their (((progressive))) friends

>implying glow niggers don't want to keep an eye on fascists to begin with after they got purged for being too right-wing

So, this is what is going to happen:

>2018 elections
>Lega Nord and right coalition win
>they uncuck the (((refugees))) situation and spend time and resources in cleaning this country from illegals
>time to fix the economy and jobs
>we need to harden the laws agains fiscal evasion and lavoro nero
>Forza Italia and other (((Italian right wing parties))) join the (((gruppo misto)))
>it's another crollo di governo
>4 years of Gentiloni 2 the revenge

You could be right, but there are parties like Forza Nuova way more right wing and more fascist-larping than Casapound
So if (((they))) are going to shut them down the first will be Forza Nuova

It's unlikely that Gentiloni will be premier again when (((governo tecnico))) happens, he was only foreign minister at the time, so the new PM could be a minister from a right wing party

You deserve to be Blacked

Sadly, it's very true...
We have never seen some worthy politician in our stivale.

No, he doesn't. He wants to be blacked.

Instead you and your redneck fellows deserve only shame because you voted for a Fascist pig like Trump and it is a true shame if you consider all the Americans that died fighting the Fashits.

What is wrong with this?
Today Bologna Meticcia
Tomorrow Italia Meticcia
So we will become a modern country and rid of all the Fashits, the Racist and the Bigots that infest this place


So, who wants to revive the monarchy? What do you wops think about doing so?

Chavez and Venezuela are Fascist communist and therefore not really communism

You should try being more subtle, it's not funny if you go all out like this

Congrats, you're gonna vote for a populist retard who's ALSO a pro immigrant cuck, who believes in (((basic income))), i.e. welfare on steroids, never takes a fucking stance on anything proposed by the other parties in fear of losing votes, can't make up his mind on weather we should stay in the EU or leave, is against nuclear power and unironically thinks you can cover baseload power with solar and wind, and a host of other things.

I hope you get raped and killed by a nigger.

Italians ain't white.

>Italians may hate niggers, but they hate themselves even more.
This. No one will shittalk about italy more than a true Italian.
>pic related

keep dream in your dream world that communism was never done correctly

ma nigga this is 1/10 bait, try in /ptg/ with a memeflag
shut up Russia of the discount



fuck there is a lot of dispersion in Italy, didn't knew that. Seems like Germany before Hitler with 32 parties.

we would love it too, believe me

Question amici...

Is there anyone in Italy who worships and honours the old Gods like Iupiter, Mars and Venus? Even if they are just LARPers.


I was hoping for a reawakening wave of Greece and Italy to the shores of Spain and Portugal too, damm seems the Southern Europe is not awaking anytime soon

no, our traditions aren't so far gone that people start LARPing as pagans yet

You ain't white, Giuseppe. Not even close.
I'm gonna write a service which is going to monitor /pol, parse HTML and reply "Italians ain't white" in every thread with //span[@title='Italy']. Mark my words, Marco fucking Polo.

Why would you worship a pacifist Jew over the true Italic Gods?

>Any Italians tell me more about casapound?

They sure hell can dance.

would you go live in a mud hut if that's how your ancestors lived thousands of years ago?