At this point, it may be better to reconsider your choices. Any chance could happen that Trump isn't reelected, and you're left with some others that shouldn't make it.
>t. American population
At this point, it may be better to reconsider your choices. Any chance could happen that Trump isn't reelected, and you're left with some others that shouldn't make it.
>t. American population
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But Kanye is probably running as a republican i think he's republican so he has to wait until 2024 to run but if Oprah runs and wins it would be Kanye vs Oprah in 2024. And The Rock might run in 2024 and he's republican too so it could be Rock vs Oprah.
>our only options are nigger entertainers
wish Clint Eastwood was younger
dude squandered $2 million on feathers.
Asking pol of all places to support a guy like kanye? I think most of pol learned their lesson with trump and kanye is like black trump but five times worse
Mr. West would be the only person I would vote for besides Trump, man is a genius.
West is far from a genius....
He squandered $2 million dollars on FEATHERS, man... FEATHERS!
He went broke, on FEATHERS.
He does not give a fuck what people think and he speaks his mind, that's all I want in a president.
We already tried having a useless nigger president.
Complete failure. And the niggers just got more whiny and entitled instead of calming down.
>he speaks his mind
Well, that doesn't take long, does it?
Considering that there's nothing on his mind, or in it, for that matter.
The actual fucking state of libertarians
I thought all along He's probably going to run as a Democrat. He'll probably win (the nom), too, which is scary.
He speaks his mind through his music, try listening to it buddy.
> first lady of the U.S.
> a fucking kardashian
What makes you think that Kanye and the Rock are Rupublicans?
Last that I heard, the Rock would run is an independent.
>He speaks his mind through his music, try listening to it buddy.
I did... here's a sample of his "Work"
E.T. by katy perry and kanye west.
If you check out 0:40, he very clearly says that he's trying to "Bathe his AIDS, in your milky way"
Which I think is some form of biological warfare.
This level of brainletism hurts to read. You must be 18 to post here
Listen to his work, not Katy Perry.
>Listen to his work
I'd rather not, he can barely even rhyme.
Dr West
If you listened to the lyrics you would know exactly how he feels, he spills his heart and soul on that track.
>If you listened to the lyrics you would know exactly how he feels, he spills his heart and soul on that track.
Dude, he's an entertainer with delusions of grandeur.
And he can't even rhyme.
thats the new kanye shit maybe if you listen to his older stuff it will change your mind
>thats the new kanye shit maybe if you listen to his older stuff it will change your mind
did you see that one magazine cover where kanye was wearing a crown of thorns, nailed to a cross?
Like, having millions of dollars from a lucrative record deal is equivalent to the suffering that jesus went through?
I should have put Kanye in the BTFO pile
ay man i talking about music here and its lyrics also that was around the time where he changed
Kanye already said he wouldn't run in 2020, but 2024 if at all.
retarded meme flag, no (You) for you
Fuck this nigger shithole of a mongrel country.
Dude, what the fuck?
It's bad enough that you have to be a narcissistic... but do you really have to shit up our board with your puerile bullshit?
nigga what??? i just got into the conversation chill out man you act like he actually going to have a chance against other contenders
>nigga what??? i just got into the conversation chill out man you act like he actually going to have a chance against other contenders
No, i'm acting like he's a self absorbed manchild, pretending to still be relevant.
Go larp somewhere else, or better yet, learn to rhyme better.
We still have his son, Scott Eastwood.
Not old enough to be President though.
Don't know about his political beliefs but I'm guessing he isn't far removed from his father.
>No, i'm acting like he's a self absorbed manchild, pretending to still be relevant
his is i agree with that but i am talking in the stand point of his music (older stuff)
>go larp somewhere else
>learn to rhyme better
i am not a rapper nor artist
I would vote for Jeezy/Tay
>i am not a rapper nor artist
So, someone else writes all your shit, huh?
Lol if kanye runs, thatll take half of the niggers votes from oprah and trump will probably win again, so yeah.
And this is why democracy ESPECIALLY with multicultural will never woke. Have fun whiteys your going to be in for a hell of a ride
the left is going to be so fucking divided picking their hot meme candidate
nigga i don't post anything what are you trying pull off here?
You stole my line, you filthy tripfaggit.
I wonder if democrats would even consider running a white male
>nigga i don't post anything what are you trying pull off here?
denounce Kanye West.
>You stole my line, you filthy tripfaggit.
The line, is MINE.
I'm afraid the tripfag wins this round, nigger lover.
denounce Kanye west of what? good music?
>denounce Kanye west of what? good music?
if that works for you.... just prove you aren't him.
Denounce the fucker for being a talentless asshat.
>more black are ***(((literally)))""" running for president than white for 2020
why stop now?
Kanye is a Trump fan though...
america needs to be "the leader" still
>just prove you arent him
dude you need to go outside more anyway why the fuck would he be here? arguing with you especially
>Denounce the fucker for being a talentless asshat
his new kanye yea but not the old kanye never
>dude you need to go outside more anyway why the fuck would he be here? arguing with you especially
Pimping his thread, which is about himself.
>his new kanye yea but not the old kanye never
You didn't change, you just rebranded yourself.
dude i am not kanye chill out i am just some random nigga that enjoys graduation, college drop out, and late registration
>just some random nigga
Shut up kanye.
im not even black for fuck sake
>im not even black for fuck sake
man i thought this was a convo about kanye for 2020 or 2024 but instead its about how some nigga thinks im actually kanye wtf
>man i thought this was a convo about kanye for 2020 or 2024 but instead its about how some nigga thinks im actually kanye wtf
So, what do you think about Kanye's "Presidential" aspirations?
You don't even know this dickheads beliefs and picked him only because he's the son of a republican actor and you think it would be based to have 'muh dirty harry' in the oval office
Goddamn, oprah the rock kanye trump, americans are fucking retarted confirmed
if he does run for presidency i would not take it seriously if anything i would treat it like that one episode of black mirror with waldo (basically as a joke)
>if he does run for presidency i would not take it seriously if anything i would treat it like that one episode of black mirror with waldo (basically as a joke)
then why waste peoples time?
for the fun of it anyway he will probably drop out of the race before he gets into more debt
what's up with all the niggers about to become president. you just had a half nigger, that's enough for another 700 years or so
So evil
>infamous for his retarded tweets
Yup, he meets the qualification to be POTUS
Dwayne Johnson has spoken at the Republican National Convention before.
>for the fun of it anyway he will probably drop out of the race before he gets into more debt
you think maybe they are doing this shit to make you into a distraction?
SO that the globalists can continue their evil shit?
> Kanye vs Oprah in 2024
This should happen
2 million is to him is like 20 bucks you dumb faggot. Kanye is a god amongst men
hopefully not since that how that one episode ended
>2 million is to him is like 20 bucks you dumb faggot. Kanye is a god amongst men
he recently filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Well, it was a year ago, I think....
>Its okay if we're 200 trillion in debt as long HE KEEP IT REAL BOI
>implying he won't win.
It's already been decided, user.
>It's already been decided, user.
like the 2017 election?
>it's already been decided
And here are the broofs, fuggers.
>It's already been decided, user.
How much money you putting on?
I made a tidy little wedge on the orange fella.