Guys i just bagged a sweet little filly at the gym. like real fine...

Guys i just bagged a sweet little filly at the gym. like real fine. I haven't really made a move on any women in like 2 years almost so I need Sup Forums's advice. I haven't contacted her yet. what should my next steps be to insure that I psychologically enslave this girl and seed her with child in the next 12 months?

Just b urself bro and clean your room

This board is for polotics not your autistic fanfiction. Sage

it's not fiction and it's political. it's about demographics nigger


You should go to Sup Forums, and then KYS

>Gets on Sup Forums
>Guys guys omg im such a pimp I totally bagged this 10/10 holy shit guys
>I haven't contacted her yet


Okay thanks guys

Go to /adv/ u pleb. Sage

You're getting shit but I'll bite.

Start out the relationship strong. Test the waters, see if she's the affectionate type or what. Quickly "fall" for her. Shower her with gifts. Tell her she's beautiful. Constant compliments. Get her psychologically addicted to your affection.

Once she's hooked, isolate her. Separate her from her friends, ensure she spends less time with them and more with you. Tell her she means the world to you and she's a perfect fit for you. Get to the point where almost everything she does, be it how she talks or her habits, complement yours.

After three months, she's all yours. Give her an initial fairytale and she'll never leave. You own her.