This is the greatest asspull of all time

This is the greatest asspull of all time

Still doesn't beat Catapult Turtle.

Duelist Kingdom in general doesn't make sense.

Yeah I'm aware it's before the game existed/Kaz thought of concrete rules but too much bullshit existed in DK.

What the fuck am I looking at and why did this happen?

Ash told Pikachu to electrocute itself and Swellow during a Gym Battle and they became super saiyans.

Hoenn was weird


This is literally the only thing I remember from the hoenn episodes. It was stupid as fuck even by pokemon standards.

I remember that. I thought it was cool and retarded at the same time. But in the end it was made for kids, not like they're going to care.

Only one of Yugi's bullshit Duelist Kingdom moments was so bullshit that its bullshittery was immortalized as its own real life card.

>youre op frog didnt win the pokemon tournament on the eve of its 20th anniversary

jaaaaaapaaaaaaaaaaaannnn yaaaaaameeeeeerooooooo

Wasnt the mammoth arrow fusion with blue eyed final dragon even better?

I would have evolved that fucker to Raichu a long time ago

and put him in a fucking pokeball.

No wonder he's the King of Games when he cheats more than based Bandit Keith

You wouldn't have Ash's OP as fuck Pikachu as such.

you become super saiyan by electrocuting yourself?
fucking awesome I'm gonna try that
is 230 volts enough?

This is an anime so it's going to be going off of jap standards.
I think you're better off going with 100 volts.

But flying is weak to electric.

And that's what makes it the most ridiculous bullshit I've ever seen
Like if it was a pokemon that was immune to thunder or even had a defense against it, it would sorta have some plausibility, but a pokemon with a fucking x2 weakness?
Man this doesn't even make me mad or anything, just makes me confused.

Thunderbolt is called 100,000 Volts in Nipponese so you're going to need a lot more than that.

>stick arrow into spooky mammoth
>it becomes a dragon
What the fuck

I think he used the arrow and polymerase to stick the mammoth into Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon and rot it to death.

meh, how is this a bigger asspull than all the times pikachu defeated ground types with electric type of move

>damage the sprinkler in Brock's gym
>drenches Onix
>thunder it

I'd also say not taking any damage from Lt. Surge's Raichu due to just conducting the electricity to the ground was also a huge asspull.


>And that's what makes it the most ridiculous bullshit I've ever seen
Even more than all the time Pikachu could damage ground and rock type Pokemon?

Wasn't it possible to damage rock type Pokemon? Granted, all the first generation rock type were ground type as well.

Rock isn't immune to electric type. I'm not even certain it's resistant to it.

I checked. Rock doesn't even resist electric types.

i always have a jolteon and I just thunder everyone and they typically die in 1 hit so I never really paid attention to those who resist it.

no this is

Onix is both rock and ground tho

Say it with me

Yeah, I remember something similar with a Pelipper (with x4 weakness to electric) using Steel Wing to negate electric attacks.

>OP as Fuck
>Still can't carry him to a League win.

100V seems reasonable, but what you really need is a lot of Amps.

You get more of those if you peel and grab the cable that comes from the street into your house, or touching the metal conductive plate inside your breaker box.


Eh, that one time he used the horn as a lightning rod wasn't the most farfetched of concepts, as far as the anime goes.
Now shocking yourself until you get a magical armor made out of electricity that doesn't even harm you anymore is something else entirely.

Yugi would have won with Catapult Turtle's burn damage anyways, the breaking the flotation ring thing was just a dumb way to animate it

He fused the arrow with the mammoth to shoot the mammoth into Kaiba's Blue Eyes Ultimate dragon so that it would rot from the inside out

Well, now there's a new attack called Soak that changes the enemy to water type.

It should have been at least a fucking move that wasn't a fire attack that beat it.


>Thunder armor
I can feel my brain melting.

Pikachu used 100,000 volts

I don't mind the anime ignoring certain game mechanics but that shit was way too much. I do wish they'd go back to Pokemon being capable of more than 4 moves at once, at least in regards to shit like tackle or weaker versions of stronger moves they already know.

Pikachu was the MVP of that match.


This was the single most bullshit thing ever done in Yu gi oh

>not beating infinity (already its own bullshit) with infinity+1