Why didn't Hitler want the monarchy back? I thought he was all about tradition.
Why didn't Hitler want the monarchy back? I thought he was all about tradition
he hated Kaiser Willy
Would you cut off your leg if tradition demanded it?
It's a personal question.
He thought the Hohenzollerns were inbred degenerates.
He didn't like heredity positions in the government. He respected the German monarchs but he despised class being dependant on your bloodline. It believed it should be based on ability and skill regardless of the class you were born in. Go read Mein Kampf he makes this very clear.
The highlighted part sums up what I don't like about fascism
You mean the Habsburgs. He despised the Habsburgs of Austria but loved the German Monarchs.
They had proven unworthy to lead Germany due to not being able to resist the Jews when they plunged the dagger into the back of Germany
German royalty consists of a few inbred leftovers who are running out of money because oh wow now they have to pay for their stuff out of their own pockets. Culminating in events like how the current heirs of the House of Welf tried to anonymously sell an invaluable historic transcript at Sotheby's to get moar bux than they could expect from Germany.
>implying hitler wouldn't have raised his son after the war to take place as the new ruler for his country.
Because he was a fucking retard?
read his book
The Nazis were against tradition in almost every single sense, they were radical revolutionaries like the communists who sought to build an entirely new type of society no one had ever seen before.
Traditional conservatism and Nazism have almost nothing in common besides some borrowed symbolism and propaganda appeal to a fictional "golden age."
Explains the French Republic
Facist are progressives. They just support very different values than typical progressives.
He wouldn't. Hitler was a type of leader rarely seen. He was completely selfless and only sought to serve his people by ruling them as Führer
After hitler speer would have likely taken over.
Hitler didn't value tradition inherently. He valued tradition that he saw beneficial for his nation.
He was the monarch
The Monarchy favored jew bankers and jews in the bureaucracy. Thus the stab in the back that defeated Germany in WWI.
He was a destroyer of men and nations. And his agenda is still in effect.
Too old. He would have wanted someone like Degrelle to take over
I want sources faggot
No. He hated the conservatives. He saw the traditions of the day as something that oppressed the spirit of the german volk.
>I thought he was all about tradition.
You were wrong.
Oh how Hitler hated Christianity (and even loved Islam)?
look it up. Wikipedia (inb4 you say (((Wikipedia)))) has a ton sources concerning the sayings and memories of Hitlers companions and their diaries, concerning the man himself on the subject of religion.
Kike alert
There are none, weird Hitler quotes are always accepted at face value despite being totally made-up.
The fact that the German soldiers wore belt-bucklers with "Gott mit uns", an old Christian battle-cry, is enough to refute the stupid claims that Hitler would have been anti-Christian
Nope, he was literally paid by the Rothschilds to stop communism.
Because setting up a personality cult doesn't work when there is a monarch. Plus he hated the aristocracy.
Retard alert. Oh wait, the flag gives it away already...
Wasn’t ”gott mit uns” adopted by wehrmacht’s own desires?
Check out all this boomer "education."
>unironically believing hitler was not a progressive
Well, from the point of view of the monarchy Hitler was a low class back country bumpkin that the emperor would dread to share a room with. He would retake the crown with false indignity.
But a lot of it has to do with the emperor. He wasn't well liked. He fled into exile when his people needed him. Many blamed him for the war and its loss. He wasn't particularly apt or well connected.
Essentially, if Hindenburg tried to be a new monarch they'd probably let him.. but he was pushing 90 and fucking hated civil duties. If the Nazis won the war they might have created a monarchy after things settled due to succession issues post Hitler a la Franco.
Monarchies are a scam. What makes them royal?
he was all about power - tradition was just a way to rally the masses and fool them into giving him power.
he was a demagogue - you could not trust much that he said, as he would say anything to gain power. (much like some modern politicians) Once he had a good grip on power of course he did say some things that were true - he wanted to kill all the jews etc, but remember the Nazis invented the Big Lie.
Though he despised Christianity, Hitler decided to use bits of it to carry our his agenda.
The Kaiser was responsible for Germany's downfall in the first place. He literally ran away from his responsibilities.
Nazism was fundamentally anti-christian in its core beliefs of humans as just another animal and based on the racist ideology/tribalism of ethnic groups it preached. Having a belt buckle that says god with us means literally dick since it is obvoiously a historical/cultural term and God simply refers to the embodiment of fate. Notice how is says god and not jesus or any direct christian references.
>Why didn't Hitler want the monarchy back? I thought he was all about tradition.
Being this nf, Hitler was a socialist just like their entire followers.
wow. You really lap up those old lies don't you.
eighty years on and the same old lies come out - don't you get bored? we do.
Correct. But National Socialism is the opposite of Marxist Socialism. I'd suggest putting down the Glenn Beck and learn a little bit.
Found your quote and it's wrong fucking disinfo mate.
If the Arab regime had successfully taken France during the Battle of Tours,[207] while also suggesting to Speer that "ultimately not Arabs, but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire."[207] Hitler said that the Germans would have become heirs to "a religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and in subjugating all nations to that faith. Such a creed was perfectly suited to the German temperament."[208]
According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[207]
Similarly, Hitler was transcribed as saying: "Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."[209]
Goddamn that's some tough shit.
>Hitler was a socialist
no he wasnt. He killed off all the actual socialist in the night of long knives
Because he was a socialist, like Stalin => (lefty scum). The main difference was in racial politics
Progressive in some instances and reactionary in others, actually.
What do you guys think about the parts of his sincerity keeping him out of touch with men and reality, and him raising a nation of hysterics and hermits?
Read Mein Kampf some time. The monarchy was a bunch of fucking assholes who failed to do anything positive because it was too risky.
Boomers and modern "conservatives" think there's only one brand of socialism. That every form of socialism is Marxism, when it's not. You can't fault them for being indoctrinated idiots, as their "parents fought the evil Notseez!"
The progressives successfully demonized the Catholic Church and its place in world war 2
This is such a leftypol image though. Really in terms of economic policy hitlerites were social democrats.
>It is not Germany that will turn Bolshevist but Bolshevism that will become a sort of National Socialism.Besides, there is more that binds us to Bolshevism than separates us from it. There is, above all, genuine revolutionary feeling, which is alive everywhere in Russia except where are Jewish Marxists. I have always made allowance for this circumstance, and given orders that former Communists are to be admitted to the party at once. The petit bourgeois Social-Democrat and the trade-union boss will never make a National Socialist, but the Communist always will. ... Our spirit is so strong, and the power of our magnificent movement to transform souls so elemental, that men are remodeled against their will. ... A social revolution would lend me new, unsuspected powers. I do not fear permeation with revolutionary Communist propaganda.
t. Hitler the "traditionalist"
>The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France.
t. Hitler the "champion of Europe"
>Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers—already, you see, the world had fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing was Christianity!—then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies heroism and which opens the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so.
t. Hitler the "Christian"
Hitler disliked Christianity for much the same reasons people on Sup Forums do today. It is a jewish tool to pacify the European man. Much of the (((tolerance))) of today can be attributed to it.
youre pathological "fuck you dad!" problems are irrelevant to the discussion at hand. Nazism was not socialist in any way and the actual socialist in the party were all killed off. Hitlerism was basically a weird neo-feudalism if anything.
words have meaning user.
hitler is my mimi
We dislike Hitler because he disliked us first.
read this
>This is such a leftypol image though
Its still correct though that Hitler was not a socialist. He didnt abolish private property, or have various unions dictate control of companies, or any of that shit (he actually banned unions)
>Gets triggered at the word "boomer."
Plus you obviously didn't read my post here
Kaiser was way more of a man than Shitler.
>Secularized Europe is gay because of Christianity
Your brain on neo-nazism
No, you dipshit cocksucker, it was actually the Marxists who had co-opted the term socialism from older writers and tried to export Jewish behavior as an economic system. You literally do not know what the fuck socialism is if you bought what the kikes were selling.
>cant articulate a point
>"lol triggered"
so do you have a response or do you concede that you were wrong?
The English translations are shit, along with the French. The French translation was just poorly done and the English was transcribed from the French, not the original German. Also, the original copy of the manuscript was never released and the first publication of the Table Talks left out several entries. And without the originals we cannot even be sure how accurate the versions that have been published are.
TL;DR: the Table Talks are horse shit.
Depends on whether you’re willing to count socdems as socialist or not. Indeed hitler was not a marxist but to a certain degree he was a socialist.
>No, you dipshit cocksucker, it was actually the Marxists who had co-opted the term socialism
No he didnt, he was just another socialist writer who articulated his own best interpretation of the idea, which was first thought up during the french revolution. Also, by your needlessly hostile attitude and paranoid insistence that marxist or socialism is in some way a jewish conspiracy shows that you have no idea what you are talking about. Wither way, doesnt change the fact that Nazism was not socialist
Uncle Adolf was a socialist, not a monarchist.
Hitler actually DID serve the monarchy. The Windsors' real last name is Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. The family has ruled The Saxe-Coburg and Gotha duchy of Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Bulgaria, and now the entire UK too. Before he abdicated the throne after a year of rule, Edward VIII was literally a royal, German Nazi sitting on the British throne overseeing the largest landholdings in the history of the world. He and his political and financial allies sponsored both Hitler's rise to power and the maintenance of his War, including the concentration camps, which had much more to do with profits via slave labor than any ethnic doctrine. The point of Nazism was the maximize wealth extraction from Europe at all costs. Those costs happened, because of the demographics of Germany and her neighbors at the time of WWII, to be taken out on Jews and some other groups.
Mein Kampf is just propaganda and Hitler was just a pawn. He was Jewish anyway.
History is...worth reading? It has...many answers?
Shut your fucking kike mouth.
educate me.
Tolerance is a christian virtue is it not? Europe didn't cuck out overnight, it was a gradual erosion. New testament "turn the other cheek" virtue left it susceptible to subversion. Unless you have an alternative explanation?
yeah, this is about the response I expected from a spoiled child like you. Im done with you
I don't remember stating that Hitler preferred shitskins to Germans, but he clearly preferred shitskins' religion to Germans' religion. Which makes him anything but a traditionalist.
>inb4 Odonism is the true tradition
Only for people larping as Nordics
You look like you need it. But that other user is not good for you my friend. He is pouring poison into your virtual ears. Beware.
>Depends on whether you’re willing to count socdems as socialist or not.
I would consider them to be similar, but even based on that, Nazism isnt close to social democrats either. He basically just ran a welfare state in the form of taxing private companies to fund public works
How’s that not socdem? Also don’t forget the state sponsored workers unions.
Monarchies tend to focus on long term problems, where as democracies look more to the shit term. The problem is if you have a shitty monarch, things are gonna be shitty for awhile, whereas you can vote a shitty politician out rather quickly. Each system has pro's and cons.
>Nazism was not socialist
He literally got all his political support because of the former SDP voters, the conservatives hated the Nazis. Call it what you want, but Hitler's support was clearly of socialist origin.
Taxing wealthy kikes is one of first steps when you wanna drain the swamp.
No Hitler described the Big Lie in Mein Kampf. He attributed it's invention to the Jews, who claimed to be a religion, when in fact they saw themselves as a separate race or tribe.
Socialism is the belief is the abolish of private property, the end of capital, and collective( or state) ownership of companies, along with the people (or unions) owning the means of production. Basically, businesses would work like a democracy.
Hitler did not abolish private property or ended free markets. He did not nationalize all businesses and in fact, returned previously state owned ones to private owners. He also abolished all unions and fundamentally disagreed with the Strasser idea of forming a socialist state. Hitler believed very much in a sort of survival of the fittest/almost feudal system where you do as your superior says without question.
I think it was because the monarchy would interfere in things he had in mind, since they would have the last word and it would leave hitler as just a mere prime minister
>Tolerance is a christian virtue is it not
Saint Louis led a crusade, burnt the Talmud, forced Jews to wear distinctive symbols. He's a saint.
Saint Joan of Arc dedicated her life to make Anglos leave France. She's a saint.
Queen Isabella of Spain deported Jews and remaining Muslims from her kingdom. She was on trial to become a saint before the Church got subverted.
Those three people had a better understand of Christianity than a vast majority of modern European, they were anything but tolerant by modern standards.
> it was a gradual erosion
Funny how it really started showing symptoms when people said "fuck religion".
>How’s that not socdem?
because Otto von Bismark is the one who came up with the welfare state for the express purpose of stopping socialist from taking power. This same system is used in places like Denmark or Norway, and normies still point to them and say "SEE! SOCIALISM TOTALLY WORKS!" even though they arent socialist.
also, socdems have a lot of other things to them regarding social justice and democracy and all that jazz, which Hitler obviously didnt stand for.
Wilhelm II? I like this guy. It helps sum up the difference between a conservative and a fascist. A shame that his dumb ass - and, to be fair, nearly everyone else - wanted the war so badly.
national socialism is literally national socialism
this video explains it very well
he was right and modern Catholicism and Protestantism both prove him so
The conservative knows that we have a king for the same reason that we have a God: if we did not, we would need one.
What makes a king royal? How he is raised. The expectations placed upon him. The forefathers he honours and the descendants he must prepare for. The adoration of a nation.
Are there bad kings? Of course there are bad kings. They are men, after all. But it is much better to have the wrong man leading the right system than the right man leading the wrong system...
Those people had much better interpretations of christianity, but that still doesn't mean that the new testament isn't pacifistic. Look at the catholic church today. The pope doesn't have to invent new verses to cuck out, all he has to say is "love thy neighbor" and suddenly letting the refugees in is a great idea. Don't get me wrong, athiesm is awful, but christian pacifism allowed it to spread in the first place.
Just look at the jews. They stuck to the old testament and avoided cultural destruction. Meanwhile, the goyim were given the new one, and we can see how well that's turned out.
Because national socialism is all about the natural order. And in the natural order, there is no place for human made constructs, like monarchy. In the natural order, only the best will lead the way - unaware of their class, wealth or family & relationships.
Because inbred retards make terrible leaders.
Said by someone, whose country forced germany in a war that was lost for them, before the first shot was fired
Hitler was inbreed though
This is an article that may be of interest to you:
Fun Fact: It was Wilhelm II that gave power to the Jewish bankers. Bismarck had for decades kept a balanced budget and refused to borrow on interest long-term. In just 10 years Wilhelm gave the Jews a fortune so he could build a Navy that was promptly destroyed by the British (who the Jews manipulated to get Israel).
All-in-All fuck Wilhelm II. Literal shit king
If Wilhelm didn't attack first it would most likely be the French. Ww1 was inevitable after 1900