What does Sup Forums think of Bismarck?
What does Sup Forums think of Bismarck?
He had a cool hat
I like his aesthetics but sadly know little of his life outside of ww1
His disastrous diplomacy directly lead to both world wars
Extremely smart and did his job very well. Had a good pragmatic approach. Around gentelmen he was a gentleman and a half. Around frauds, he tried to be a fraud and a half.
Also not to be messed with: An assassin tried to shoot him, but failed. Bismarck wrestled him to the ground and pinned hid down until the police came.
United the german peoples under one flag, pretty based.
he had three moustaches on his face
He managed to do something nobody else really truly managed to do - unite the Germans under one banner. He was an administrative genius, but he was unable to steer the country into the 20th century due to his age and relationship with Wilhelm II.
The flaw in the German Empire was the fact that the Chancellor and parliament more or less had influence and power as long as the Kaiser tolerated it, and Wilhelm II made a plethora of inadvisable decisions in the late 1800s into early 1900s that set Germany on a collision course. The total trust Bismarck had garnered from Wilhelm I which gave him free reign to build Germany into something great was broken, and Wilhelm II's foreign policies which clashed heavily with Bismarck were especially instrumental in the cataclysm of the Great War and all subsequent world history.
>forgot Austria
>forgot Switzerland
Bismark was a confederation of the rhine babby
This is literally the exact opposite of what happened in reality.
the legend says he had "a penis like a horse and stamina like no men before him". it also says that he executed someone by analsex.
Let's not get too greedy here.
Knowing when to stop is an important quality too.
You do know that Austria wanted to be annexed right?
Comes out with a bit of soap.
Literally responsible for the formation of Imperial Germany and a legendary statesman. He's pretty much one of the greatest men Germany has ever produced.
Lol, no dude. If anyone in Germany was responsible it was Kaiser Wilhelm forcing him to resign and then undoing a lot of foreign policy. If Bismarck stayed in and lived a little longer WWI would've been a tiny conflict confined to Serbia.
Good dude. Even tho' as a Saxon I have my reservations against Prussians.
No, Bismarck recognized the German Empire had no realistic chance to establish sizeable over seas empires like the other powers of Europe by 1871, and so focused on garnering power for his fledgling empire at home in Europe. Wilhelm II insisted on branching out which inevitably stepped on the toes of the western leaders, leading to the Agadir Crisis and the permanent souring of relations between Wilhelm II and George V.
But thanks to Bismarck Fr*nce got BTFO. You even captured Napoleon at the battle of Sedan. I really wish Germany had statesmen like these again. Make Alsace Lorainne Germany Again.
The Seven Weeks War would imply differently.
Only based german leader who DIDN'T ruin europe.
no one cared about the mountain jews and Austria was kept out because they would have demanded to be an equal player with Prussia in the German Confederation. Prussia and Austria did not quite see eye to eye.
First time a German has made me laugh. congrats on the humor.
Wrong. His three Emperor's League of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia maintained the balance of power. It was Wilhelm II abandoning this alliance and Russia alligning with France that led to war.
Frederick Barbarossa didn't ruin Europe either.
Exactly. I suspect that if that trifecta had continued probably would've survived to the present day. Imagine a Europe dominated by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Imperial Russia.
the franco prussian war was an inside job by republicans to get back in power.
>t. brainlet
That war was to decide whether or not Austria was to rule the empire
Read the first paragraph
Lolwut. The cause of the war was due to a disagreement on Hohenzollern succession in the Spanish monarchy and because you guys got buttmad over the Ems telegram.
>>obligatory pic related
>What does Sup Forums think of Bismarck?
Thats Hindenburg ya stupid.
>t. brainlet
The virgin bohemian corporal vs the CHAD Generalfeldmarschall
>Austria existed since forever
>prussia comes a long
>seems pretty dominant
>wins wars, makes high demands
>ww1, ww2, jewmany, germoney
yeah, prussia totally kicks ass
Steve Bannon of his day, based
Topics as such are too highbrow for Sup Forums
Shut up, the only thing the Austrians accomplished was fucking the Ottomans out of the balkans
All I know is that he was a cuck. "Congratulations Adolf on your military achievements with MY ARMY!" - I consider him a traitor who caused the Weimar Republic to happen
Based as fuck, unfortunately the Empire was formed about 20 years too late so he couldn't cement its position until Wilhelm II gave him the sack
>be fucking shit in every way
look I like Austria really I do but you guys were shit for most of your life as a country
>being this retarded
Bismarck died in 1898, long before Hitler did anything noteworthy, you absolute moron.
Not an argument, 56%er
We are a way of life, a mentality. Something that gets injected right into your fucking skull.
MY BAD! Muistaken him with Wilhelm, I'll show myself ouy
I know,
You are to dimwitted to even have an argument with
He was Germany's greatest leader
Austria definitely had a chance though, but Prussia was keen on keeping their armies up to date. The Dreyse needle-rifle, one of the first bolt action breech loaders was adopted in 1841. Still blackpowder and only fired a paper cartridge, but MUCH better than a muzzle loader. Which incidentally was exactly what Austria was equipped with. Dreyse can get off 6 shots a minute and you can fire and load it from the prone position. Lorenz rifle? Lucky to get off 3 shots and while it can be fired prone you're basically forced to stand immediately after to load it.
Our military command meant that we can compensate by skilled running tactics and better aiming.
at least I get the oppertunity to post this quote
Lol, you guys learned from the mistake of insufficient fire superiority though. Immediately after the Austro-Prussian war you adopted a breech loader, followed by the absolutely fantastic Mannlicher straight pull bolt actions. Literally one of the quickest firing actions until the advent of reliable semiautomatic rifles.
Bismarck is one of the reasons why, despite all the crap that is happening right now, I am proud to be a German.
Why didn't Bismarck annex Austria or Switzerland?
bismarck was a true german hero and the most briliant diplomat in our history. he unified the german people, won the war against the greatest opponent in a coup de main and also established a period of peace in europe with his briliant diplomacy. the fucking idiots who came after bismarck with this new arrogant attitude in the time of the german economical, cultural and technological rise fucked up his well conceived diplomacy to maintain the peace in europe.
>I like his aesthetics but sadly know little of his life outside of ww1
he wasnt alive during ww1
>know little of his life outside of ww1
Bismarck died in 1898
American education strikes again
because Austria was an empire it would be impossible to annex them and Switzerland is worthless
>I do but you guys were shit for most of your life as a country
American Education strikes again, this thread is going to be a mine of american stupidity
von Habsburgs were one of the dominant forces both diplomatically and militarily for most of the renaissance.
Only the downfall of Austro-Hungary and end of continental monarchies after WW1 stopped their ambitions
Why does it always have to be a burger.
>wealthiest European country
Also, you know, neutral. So that everyone puts their banking there and they even stay that rich. The land itself is really rather underwhelming from an economic and strategic point of view.
Pic related is probably apocryphal at best but it's what I like to think.
Just google history of Switzerland.
Up to 1847 they were pretty much in civil war every decade, even after their federalization in 1848 they were producing pretty much only cheese and watches.
Switzerland was worthless and easily defensible since the invention of modern firearms.
Also not entire Switzerland is german, around 1/4th is, and Bismarck was already trying to finish unification ASAP. If GBR or Russia would stand in his opposition, he would not be able to do it. The war against france was used by him as a unifying factor between northern and southern german states.
Dude this is super complicated and you have no idea what are you talking about. Read a book or at least skim the wiki on unification of germany and how europe was at that time.
>Also, you know, neutral
Austria is the caricature of Germany as a nation.
>Why didn't Bismarck annex Austria or Switzerland?
Switzerland was meaningless regarding his European ambitions, and Austria, while very weak at the moment of their defeat, was a massive nation full of extremely proud individuals and leaders, and annexing them would have required a constant occupying presence that would have tied up a massive portion of Prussia's ressources much needed elsewhere.
It's the reason why Bismarck bent over backwards convincing Wilhelm I. not to humiliate Austria and treat them as diplomatically as possible.
Bismark pioneered the use of custard in pastries.
Also if he would try to annex Austria, France would interfere.
France did not interfere only because Bismarck struck a deal with them that he will NOT annex any land.
And France pushing into rhineland while Prussian soldiers are in Austria would mean end of Prussia as a power probably.
Bismack played entire european theatre of politics like a fiddle.
Yet another in a long line of those who had to learn the hard way.
Unam, sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam ecclesiam.
*licks nigger feet*
If this pope is such a cuck, I really wonder what kind of hardcore the next is going to be.
What impresses me the most about Bismarck is that despite his extremely strong convictions he was able to put pragmatism before ideology. This enabled him to strategically pursue long-term goals as opposed to the short-lived tactics of literally every other politician, to this day.
He was truly ahead of his time.
The Catholic Church is an institution I am bound to hold divine — but for unbelievers a proof of its divinity might be found in the fact that no merely human institution conducted with such knavish imbecility would have lasted a fortnight.
>Bismack played entire european theatre of politics like a fiddle.
He didn‘t understand the consequence of his actions and brought about the end of the continent.
I really want a citation on that
Personally I think he might be the best politician in history.
The whole circus of europe, balancing different powers, first with Denmark, then with Austria was something else.
About the cassus beli for Franco-Prussian war. He used a play on the word in the letter that meant nothing in german, but was an insult when translated to French. Fucking troll.
He was not alone of course. Without von Moltke none of that would possible.
And Wilhelm I even when was not agreeing with Bismarck was allowing himself to be convinced, or left enough wiggle space for Otto to find a way around. They, when discussing matters were supposed to almost come to blows, shouting, braking things or Bismarck slamming doors so hard he tore the door handle. And yet he kept up with him.
It's exacly different.
>One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans
When fired by Willie 2 he warned him that if he will pursue this line of politics, europe will end in flames, and if war between great powers starts all Monarchies will fall.
It's just that after the Titans of late XIX century came the betas of early XX
Germany was ruled by Soyboy eager to prove that he is woth his Father and does not need Bismarck
Russia was ruled by Soyboy everyone was sniggering at, who was manipulated by everyone around, including some drunk monk from siberia
Austria was ruled by a broken old man, who became even more broken after his youngest son was assassinated
France was ruled by entire government of soyboys that wanted nothing else but to get a jab into Germany
Bismarcks greatest failing is that he did not prepare Germany for an existence without Bismarck.
Because he was a staunch monarchist, it was inevitable Germany will at some time end in the hands of a jealous soyboy.
This , about the subjet great statesman focusing to make his country great we can't hate him for that even we
Then why does every German want to go there
Better salary and you can shop in Germoney for lower prices if you live at the border. But generally speaking, the higher salaries of Switzerland mean nothing, if you have to live with Swiss prices.
It's probably true.
It was during Kaisermanöver 1912
Swiss supposedly even made a postcard with "Shoot Twice" written on it, so at least there is evidence of them using it in propaganda
Don't have one unfortunately, but it's fun to use on normies when they joke about Swiss neutrality. Also really makes me wish I had a K11...dat sweet Schmidt-Rubin action