Jesus fucking christ
It's true though, the punishment becomes several magnitudes more than the crime
I don't ever plan on being in jail, but I find somebody getting murdered or raped for even nonviolent crimes reprehensible
And the felon system is an egregious infringement upon the constitution
Prison rape is a meme
It's not, it's just not *that* high
And we aren't even talking about violence, which is way more widespread
This. It's actually a well documented phenomenon that people's sexuality, much like gender, can be very fluid and change selectively in accordance to the environment. In places where there are only men such as ships, prison, engineering colleges, and the likes, it's very common that they engage in homosexual intercourse without being gay. It isn't rape because they're actually liking it, but then they get all tsun tsun and try to save face once they return to an environment with women.
t. I have spent 35 years of my life on prison
People dont rape other people in prison for sexual enjoyment, they use it as a tool to project power
People don't rape other people in prison at all retard. How many decades did you spend in prison by the way?
you ever gave cheese over a hand of cards
>t. watches too much tv
I never spent time in an american prison, which is what i was talking about
>I was talking about shit I know nothing about
Fucking Colgate.
Says the spic talking about gender fluidity, pls show me your scientific research on that subject
> t. I have spent 35 years of my life on prison
>it's very common that they engage in homosexual intercourse without being gay
I dunno user, that sounds pretty gay.
>50+ year old Mexican posting on Sup Forums
I support this message, replace prisons with gulags
>you get free food
>a room for yourself
Sometimes being in prison is better than wageslaving
Prison itself isn't so bad, I think most NEETs would appreciate the situation. The problem is that you have to share that environment with violent niggers.
Who gives a single fuck about it infringing upon the constitution? No one fucking cares about that old document unless it's in relation to the amendments or bringing up an old addendum that is relevant to the current political state. Fuck off Ancap Nigger, always going on about the constitution when people only rightfully care about the first and second amendments.
>sex between men is not gay
>gender is fluid
>t. I have spent 35 years of my life on prison
you should be sent back there tbqh
> t. I have spent 35 years of my life on prison
Flag checks out
>it's very common that they engage in homosexual intercourse without being gay
If you put your penis in another man's ass, that's gay dude.
>nobody cares about it
It still has an effect you literal subhuman
It's still wrong even despite the constitution. Either kill the fuckers or keep them from killing each other in jail. The sentence is not "10 years plus permanent brain damage"
It's supposed to be a deterrent. DUH.
>t. I have spent 35 years of my life on prison
Mexicans consider not being able to hop the boarder "prison."
future dreamer ladies and gentlemen
I spent 2 years in prison for felony assault with a deadly weapon after defending myself from a nigger who was trying to kill me. The court didn't see it that way. I should've just killed him with my rifle instead of beating him with it after he broke into my home.
Prison is cake, unless you're a pedo. You stick to your own kind and stand up for yourself and no one bothers you. Rape is a meme, I don't know of any rapes while I was in. If you are a pedo though, you'll be outcasted by everyone, and expect regular beatings. Pedos are treated like the worst scum in the world there. Even guys with murder counts in the double digits hate them.
It's not a meme in black cities
t. PREA compliance for 6 years in Louisiana
It's true. I don't plan on committing any crimes to land me in prison, but if I ever get wrongly accused and sentenced to prison for something I didn't do, I would just kill myself. Your life is over once you get sentenced to prison.
Swedish style prison sounds like heaven on Earth, but American prison scares the shit out of me.
Just kill every violent criminal.
Obviously never been to prison.
It's no summer fucking camp.
Been there done that .
It's a fucking nightmare that you never wake up from. You want to talk about PTSD, spending every waking moment wondering when and by whom you are going to get attacked.
That said. 95% of inmates claim their innocent, 2% actually are.
I deserved what I got. And most inmates deserve worse than they get.
Prison needs to be a hell hole to prevent re offending. And obviously it's not because 80% once out find their way back in.
> doubt
Prison wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't full of niggers and mestizos.
See: every prisons in Western Europe. They don't have to be a bad. It can be a great time of peace, solitude, relaxation, and learning. That is, unless it's full of subhumans.
US prisons are fucking horrendous, though.
3rd world tier in some places like California, where they just fill up a gymnasium with bunk beds and put 400 people together like cattle.
Kind of like the mouse utopia, right?
guys, what does .t mean ? and what is JUST ?
i'm new to this board
But what if it's a feminine penis?
>t. I have spent 35 years of my life on prison
we already knew that
>engineering colleges
Why the hell do I get a swedish flag? Worst insult ever. Am norwegian.
youve never been to prison, youre a god damned idiot, being a homosexual in prison is like being a pedophile in prison, dosnt matter whos doing the fucking if you commit homosexual crimes you will be outcast and dealt with accordingly
source: sentenced to 20 years when i was 16 and did 4 behind bars, currently on parole until 2026
Lurk more. You'll eventually get it.
t. the rest of the board
>sweeden anexxes norway
>Norwegians are literally worse than rapefugees
Free man 2026! Stay strong, prisonanon.
>But what if it's a feminine penis?
The system has clearly and correctly identified your true nationality.
I work on ships and I can tell you that you're a fag. We make jokes about gays frequently but as soon as we're in port half the crew leaves to find a brothel or pick up some dirty skank in a bar. You're full of shit
Give me good reasons why this should be any different.
You want to behave like a nigger you are gonna be sent with the niggers to manhug you in the showers
fixed it for you
Whites have the ability to reform and adapt and niggers are just niggers?
>Spics bragging about prison time
>Well I spent more time in prison than you faggot
Yeah, pretty much par for the course
its not bragging stupid fuck, its like an idiot like you bragging about going to college longer than someone else in a related field of study, you think like a nigger
>steal a pack of gum and get executed
Punishment should fit the crime
Why do you expect more from your fellow mutts?
Judicial system is bullshit, we see people go to jail for stealing a crate of eggs but triple digit murderers and corrupt politicians that steal billions are doing house arrest on this country.
And of course niggers roam free because after police catches them some fucking judge releases them easy.
>needs to be a hellhole to prevent re offending
>recidivism rates are higher than countries where it isn't a he'll hole
I posted a link about it here # , potatoanon
Dont break the law asshole or you get put in time out with other assholes eho, because they're assholes, make your asshole sore. Not too hard to understand and avoid, don't be an asshole and avoid other assholes. Woooah. Whew boys, some davinci code level genius on my part.
Have been to prison, can confirm hype is just hype. It's mostly just boring as fuck. You basically just sit around and watch TV and learn to become a better criminal if so inclined. Have to deal with loud niggers all goddamn day. People get fucked only because they fuck up really bad or because they put the man pussy out there for the fucking. Child molesters are ruthlessly fucked with no matter what level of facility you are housed. It's actually not really that bad, just boring as I said earlier. Now COUNTY JAIL...that shit sucks. People live in prison so they act accordingly (clean up, clique up, mind their own fucking business). County jail has just a bunch of temporary visitors. Is usually dirty as fuck, food sucks, everything is more expensive as far as phone/commissary, and no chance to get a job and earn some money to pay for your shit. I got transferred back to county for a court date and just wanted to go back to prison the entire time.
Thats so young user. 20 Years? Sounds like you turned it around. But why such a long sentence?
i hate people who use the line "wouldnt use it on their worst enemy"
they are the same asshats that want their worst enemy dead and scream nazis at anyone who disagrees with them yet when its something that hits close to home they say that crap.
I want the jews in this land that bring suffering upon all races to suffer a fate worse then jail. I want blacks who beat and rape innocents to suffer a fate worse then jail. I want pedophiles who prey on kids to suffer a fate worse then jail. These are my enemies.
I think we should drastically cut down on what crimes are jailworthy, though all violent crime should get you locked up. And then do away with sentences. When you go to prison, you will stay until you have proven to the satisfaction of prison officials that you have turned your life around. And there is no parole or any chance to get out until you yourself make that effort. Though maybe you can keep a minimum sentence I dunno. If
Hopefully that would stop the tendency from certain groups to view prison as a rite of passage. It has to be a catastrophe from which there is no escape until you have reformed yourself.
look just because you live in mexico and we want to build a wall does not mean you live in a prison it just means you are a shitty neighbor who cant keep your old cars and dog shit off our lawn
Execution it is then.
99% agree. The 1% of disagreement is in regards to the violence level. You have to work to avoid it. If you click up with lifers who are all involved in the prison power dynamics, you will be expected to put in work.
What state did you do time in?
"Torture" is a pretty loose term.
Forced hard labor of psychopaths would be considered, by some, as torture. It would be considered mandated redistribution of energy, and justice, by others.
Sorry OP, it's not literally torture as you are putting it. In that sense my daily commute is torture too.
With that said, it is unpleasant. It is boring and monotonous. It can be dangerous if you cross the wrong person or group. But I would most certainly wish it on my worst enemy. Maybe even my 5 "Most Wanted" enemies.
Down for 35 years? Damn! Who did you run with? What institutions?