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He deserves it for what he did to Tommy

leftist eating themselves


>accept job
>sign contract
>do work

truly makes one ponder

regret = retroactive non-consent.


>I didn't know that being nude for a small amount of money was being exploited
>Now I know that thanks to all of these brave women coming forward
>You raped me

literal fake news

another story created by trump tower to divide and conquer


The state of world right now. Only way to win an argument, or at least not lose it, is to out-victim the other side.

Am I the only one who was expecting the accuser to be a man?

I believe it.
James Franco is Jewish.
Also, he has been seen in spirit cooking events.

There has been a story already in the works about Franco and his acting school that got shut down for being unethical. Looks like it was put on hold because of sexual assault accusations. Either way he isn't going to last much longer.

Remember when Franco was trying to talk a 16yo to come visit his hotel after a broadway play? That was funny

Good, I fucking hate this douche.

If any of you faggots read the blind items you wouldnt be the least surprised by this

Ha ha, I remember as well as Pepperidge Farms.

>Only way to win an argument, or at least not lose it, is to out-victim the other side.
Exactly this. Well with lefties anyway

Seth Rogan being a pervert is an open secret at this point too, only a matter of time before he bites the dust too.

>Sexual Assault Top Trumps
shouldn't they be listening to the girl who was raped and chopped up by the NuSwedes?

Women were a mistake

Kaplan or Caplan is also a surname common among Ashkenazi Jews, usually indicating descent from the priestly lineage (the kohanim), similar to the etymological origin of the common Hebrew surname Cohen. One of the earliest modern records of Kaplan as a family name is that of Abraham Kaplan in 1698. Distinguished bearers of the name include the Polish rabbi and philanthropist Nachum ben Usiel Kaplan (1811–1879), the Latvian-born Hebrew poet Seeb Wolf Kaplan (1826–1887) and the Russian-born Zionist workers' leader Eliezer Kaplan (1891–1952), the first minister of finance of the State of Israel.


I don't know who's jewing who

The four to eight years of Trump is going to lead to some sort of screeching, over-reactive, no borders, no masculine men (except for brown men) stronk womon at some point.

I hate this faggot

>I got hurted more than you did
No I was hurted more
>No me
me me me

It's bullshit. She signed a contract for a part in his movie for a hundred dollars a day. She did it and didn't say shit, now that he's in the news she's calling the contract she signed sexual misconduct. Woman know nothing less than stupidity.

Lmao this kike was involved in trafficking Instagram thots as trophy wives for ISIS fighters among many, many other depravities, a little sexual misconduct is the least of his issues. If you aren't reading CDAN you need to start, Hollywood needs to be burnt to the ground and the ashes salted

When you guys support things like calling the job hiring process like this an abuse of power and the patriarchy, then that shit is going to all of us, I get that you're ironically going to fight for her and pretend like you're calling this sexual abuse, but you need to stop fighting for them out if irony you fucking retards.

whose side do i take... holier than thou hypocritical celebrities or mentally ill women

That's like ironically fighting for the Jews during WW2 when you're secretly a Nazi.

What? I'm saying Franco is involved in some serious shit, this doesn't even register by comparison

>i was abused once
>i was abused more then once
What a way to debate an issue

He may have exploited her but the bitch literally signed a contract.

No, this is facilitating the societal collapse. We should encourage more women to make retarded fake claims and dogpile on innocent men.

audibly chuckled

Right, but can't you see that if he gets in shit for the simple act of hiring her with a contract that she signed and fulfilled then regrets doing it later to the point of calling it sexual abuse and an abuse of power a giant issue? That could affect all of us, it's not like this feminist shit is going away tomorrow, we might take fifteen or twenty years to truly rid of it, don't fight for the feminists because you hate Franco.

Someone else update the chart, it's becoming a daily thing

You get comfy

And if it doesn't collapse we're going to live in a feminist hell for maybe decades before it actually does because of people like you ironically fighting for them. There's no practical difference between Sup Forums pushing a feminist agenda just to fuck with people and the feminists pushing the same ideal.

Jesus, this is why people had sex when they got married.

Ashkenazi, ain't that the fake convert kind of jew? I was doing some reading and I remember reading that they started out around south russia and the people there converted to kikism around 1300.

even James Franco now, American women are crazier whores than Italian slags

While this is probably another woman crying victim and getting an innocent person arrested, I never liked the guy. I don't think there is any celebrity from that crowd that I support, they're practically all corrupt or on the path to being corrupted. If leftist logic backfires on them and gets them knocked down a few pegs, I'm all for it.

we are already in that hell friendo

I think Sup Forums has it's new HWNDU...

Fat cow i know you are reading this

and they will end up childless or social outcasts with niglets.

I cant wait for this world to end. The level of retardation that humanity possesses is beyond all comprehension.

I bet he got drunk! That's the Portuguese curse!

give me a fucking break, nobody ripped your clothes off, sarah. learn some fucking personal responsibility or find a different career.

Not Franko please god not Franko

A room full of Hollywood celebrities applauded a convicted child rapist, Roman Polanski, during an Oscars.
Spread this on social media to remind normies that Hollywood tolerated Pedophilia and still does.

Is this the end of Frames Janco?

What he do tommy?

This 16 year old at the time says she was sexually assaulted on an almost daily basis by this A/A- list mostly movie actor in an acting family while on the set of this movie from not that long ago. She says she complained to not only the producers, but also to this A- list mostly movie actress she was working with on the movie who told her she had to deal with the same things when she was the age of the 16 year old. Her advice was just to try and avoid it but if you couldn't, then to get each time over with as quickly as possible and focus on your career. Definitely sounds like the advice who married a predator.
Actress: Zoey King
A/A- list actor: James Franco
A- list actress: Kate Winslet
Movie: "Zeroville" filmed in 2014

>Sorry about the violent anal rape, but a couple of times some guys whistled at me so I totally know how that feels sister.

Post vid not pic or both but not just pic

> survivor

gets me every time

gonna be epic

Hopefully. Along with Seth Rogen and the rest of their Jew posse


He play Tommy wiseau in the disaster artist

Charles did nothing wrong


They disabled comments and hide likes for obvious reasons.

Why are Jews so much funnier than goys, take for instance this movie or 40 year old virgin.


you're thinking of khazars
ashkenazi are the uberjews

I know that feel bro.
I loved Pineapple Express but I won't be able to watch it anymore because of this.

I heard Harrison Ford signed the petition but he actually looks disgusted here.
Any idea what's going on?

Ouch, she's pulling his pardon she temporarily gave him for the crime she decided to let him commit. A woman does not have volition fo course, so basicly she's throwing the future rights of women to sink this guy. Sucks to be liberal. Cold shit.

> nuh uh i was raped moar than youuuuuu

Trump's tweets mentally rape me every day. #MeToo

Jesus Christ. I was waiting for something salacious. She accepted money to appear nude and now she things that's abuse ?
This woman is in serious need of some actual abuse.

>not using tomorrow
Also, what board is that?

Crazy that this comes out just as the Net Neutrality repeal is being passed into law and Trump's tax changes take effect. I can't believe the coincidence!

the other parts of her twitter are pretty hilarious

It's not close to that bad, communist regimes lasted decades before their collapse. We haven't entered, we're almost at the gates but we haven't started knocking.

I'm sorry but I can't take anyone seriously when they just admitted that they signed a contract to undress and only bring it up when it's convenient for the news.

That was pretty shitty. He couldn't have skipped thanking some movie studios and let Tommy say a few words?


What would Tommy say? The award was for a movie that was about how awful a filmmaker he is. He should be happy to even be on that stage.

Plot Twist:
Tommy Wiseau is the Hollywood leaker.

I don't even think he thanked the guy who wrote the book. He already had to deal with having his ugly manlet brother play him


Condescending cunt

He didn't even get a chance to talk before Tommy went for the microphone
You'd have more of a point if he pushed him away at the end

Maybe you won't laugh at survivors when you've LITERALLY had to let a guy touch your butt so you could survive.

Surviving is NOT a laughing matter

>educate yourself
hoo boy I fucking hate that line
anybody have the screencap of leftist suppression tactics? It also had a really good breakdown of "check your privilege"

post the nudes

Tommy is an old, mentally ill / brain damaged westaboo that left Communist Poland and France that managed to make enough money to fund his shitty movie. Let him make a fool of himself and have fun

Another (((One)))
It's like Larry David said on SNL, they're all Jewish. Why. Franco is a gd pedo. You know he's fucked girls younger than 17. Smoke there's fire.

Reminder: Franco's agenda with The Room/Disaster Artist is to ironically non-ironically debase American culture, where Bad is Good, and Down is Up, where Pedoshit is healthy, not sick. I know The Room is funny, but we see this agenda in Jewish modern art, it's a troll against Western Civ. The agenda progresses gracefully, like a pleasant party that grows debauched so gradually it's like a frog boiling.

People like Franco would create Pedowork Blockbusters if they could. They have no limits on the destruction of America. Including its women and children. Gentiles are their playthings. Gentiles pay them money to further corrupt Gentiles. Franco deserves prison. I hope it all comes out.
t. Californiafag

he's referring to nic cage's godly performance as the Kaufman brothers in Adaptation

/pol is lost if this post was this far down...
I thought he was DB Cooper...

>dude weed the movie
Maybe you should leave

she hasn't responded to my request for the nudes on her pinned or latest tweet. will keep you update.

The award was for James, not Tommy.

>whamen in a nutshell

of course they are "converted jews", like all of them. the "original jews", or rather Judeans from the Christ age stayed in Israel and got islamized in later ages. therefore todays Palestinians are the closest nation to original Jews...
Pszemek get your facts straight kurwa. ashkenazi descend from khazars, you should know as we live so close to their rathole.