The Weeknd triggered by H&M and says he won't be working with them again
The Weeknd triggered by H&M and says he won't be working with them again
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i thought the weeknd was supposed to be some sort of badboy lol what a faggot
>coolest monkey in the jungle
literally who is he
Dumb ass hoodie no matter what the race of the person wearing it is
>coolest monkey in the jungle
i dont get it
Children are referred to as little monkeys all the time. What does it say about him that he immediately brings race into it?
i highly doubt H&M were intentionally being racist
>Coolest monkey in the jungle
I can't fucking take it anymore.
I have no mouth, and I must laugh
H&M is Swedish kek
Muh sides
You don't know the weeknd? In what sort of third world shithole do you live in?
Tell me pol
how is this racist ?
We were discussing it at work and came to the conclusion that it isn't.
Just that people with a racist mind-set mad it racist which is in-itself is racist because you (the offended) are making the connection between monkeys and niggers.
Am I wrong ?
Famous blacks getting mad and tweeting about this makes it even funnier... it just shows that they are insecure about being called monkeys.
Exactly, he's an SJW snowflake but he happens to be one of the biggest artists in the world so this is a bad sign for our species now that his sensitive view on this is going to pervade the masses and become even more mainstream. It's going to become even more taboo to use certain words in certain contexts.
Shut up you jungle monkey
He literally sings like a girl how are you shocked that his pussy got offended by a picture
> Coolest monkey in the jungle
>he doesn't know h&m stands for Hitler and Mussolini
Oh my Swedish pride is rising, great job H&M
Is there a single ethnic group in the US that is more unabashedly insecure than the negroes?
>"black people are idiots"
>that's racist
>"black people are coolest monkey"
>I'll stop working with you
Really can't please those leftists.
The funny part is nobody saw it that way until uppity blacks decided to chimp about it.
This. But hey, the perpetually asshurt brigade has to feed their asshurt somehow.
"ape" would have been mildly racist, as everyone with a least a bit of biological understanding knows that niggers belong to the apes and not monkeys. "chimp out" is a misleading phrase!
I just checked him, ok, he sings and has this typical r&b voice, still I don't know why I should have known who is he, even less if his nickname is "the weekend"
another nigger rapper looking for his 2 minutes of fame
>coolest monkey in the jungle
I like the weeknd. Roast me. You cant.
at least they're learning about their own culture
If you already identify yourself with chimps, then the problem is in another ballpark.
Someone at HM loves their job
Holy fuck nigger culture is actually that bad
Blacks were a mistake. The memes are real.
I am here Donkey Kong noises in my head
What the shit? Did her Muslim boyfriend only throw acid on half her face?
People call kids monkeys all the time. Kids are monkeys.
No. Blacks hide behind makeup, wigs and expensive clothes.
kek, someone's been fired and is on his last week.
It was worth it
>a Canadian singer, songwriter, and record producer
a fucking leaf
I unironically want that orange hoodie on the right.
What a waste of potential, these people who live in the US, where in theory it's easier to succeed an have better and comfier life and they just waste it like that, by being stupid, I can't even imagine how they would do in a country where conditions were slightly rougher
Hahhajsnnsjjjkkdnsnnnannfucken a mang
>ex Spanish colony
That's Harambe wife's son you are talking to.
Disgruntled employee now H&M gonna get looted in St Louis
>What a waste of potential
Wrong, there is no potential. Biology states this as fact
says the USAPE
you post thumbnails, fucking retard
Yes me too do you think is it possible to buy it?
They got some fly kids clothes
I think that everyone with a proper education can become something decent (at least) in life
>virtue signalling
if the weeknd were actually black, he wouldn't give a fuck about it. the lady doth protest too much
> "chimp out" is a misleading phrase!
Why? Chimpanzees are apes too, no tail, live on the ground, opposable thumb, etc.
If you only knew how bad things really are
Wild apes.
So will H&M take a hit or will this boost their profits like when those fags tried to start shit with Chick-fil-A?
>I think that everyone with a proper education can become something decent (at least) in life
An admirable belief but no, the problem with the nigger is not his low IQ (though that is true) it is the fact that he has traits such as heightened aggression which amplify his failings. Niggers are good for manual work only and only out of that will the few (like 5%) who are not like the others will rise out of it and do stuff with their lives. This is how the US had it in the 1880s-1950s and they pretty much had that perfectly down
And guys I checked their online shop, they are literally as diverse a company you can get.
Wtf is wrong with the weeknd?
He's a shit role model for these kids anyway
Kids are always active and jumping around like little monkeys and are often referred to as such. They should have had a white kid in the picture, but then that would have been some kind of cultural appropriation. They fucked themselves with progressiveness.
Apparently some faggoty R&B singer who I've never heard either.
What kind of a shithole mind do you have that you think being aware of (((entertainers))) is relevant? Especially some faggot nigger SJW.
Saw that at work today and kek'd.
HM dindu nuffin wrong
Why do they go for the guy with the camera instead of break up the fight?
Big if true
because they know this is what they are, the camera (a white man's invention) is the judging eye into which they cannot hide
Because the man is obviously oppressing them
I imagine that whoever was overseeing the photoshoot had a load of random clothes given to them and didn't make the connection until the black kid had that hoody on.
If he had said anything he would have been called a racist. Lose/lose.
I have a healthy social life, go to parties every other weekend but i have never seen degeneracy like this. How does this come about? Are they capable of planning this or is it a "ooga booga female must spread disease" spurr of the moment thing?
>Hearing about shitty celebs is now a virtue and not hearing of celebs is somehow a bad thing now
Die bugman