What can we do about the rampant transgender epidemic of the past few years?
What can we do about the rampant transgender epidemic of the past few years?
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enter an age of political collectivism so that people will no longer feel the need to stand out or identify as an invidual, instead being allowed to stand as a part of a greater group and a greater identity making things like "gender", biological sex and sexual orientation less meaningful if not obsolete for all but the most pragmatic purposes (family units/producing offpsring)
Rape and kill
If you ignore them, they will go away. By killing themselves. If anything, we need more POC trannies. Especially Mexicans.
Encourage Mexicans to stop cranking out kids and be faggots.
Keep using the term "mentally ill" and never back down from calling gender dysphoria anything other than what it is: a mental illness
Does anyone know what they call it if it's not a mental illness? I don't think they deny it.
>What can we do
Lay down and watch. Mentally ill people chopping their dicks off and voluntarily excluding themselves frome genetic pool - what can be better?
As our Fuhrer Richard "traps are the spice of life" Spencer said, we should enjoy their "spice" but prevent them from degenerating society by keeping them separate from it.
i.e. chain them up in a sex dungeon and use them as will-less sex toys.
psychiatric treatment
>what can we do
stop giving them attention
I want em to rape my asshole
You could love and accept us as the gender we identify with. Give us support during and after our transition.
Give the good looking ones gud fuk and tell the ugly ones to kill themselves.
We can use them in the fight against feminism. Just ask "what about transwomen?" and watch them fall. Trannies kill themselves or die somehow at 40 anyway.
Suck their dicks, and make them feel like special princesses
What do you think?
Fags are not human they are demons wearing human skin. Regardless of your religion (or lack of it) you must never forget this. LGBT are not human they are demons.
Demons are creatures of lust but they lack a physical body to exercise their lusts, so they constantly burn with passion until they find a host.
Once a demon has found a suitable host (usually a mentally/physically weak individual or someone who was abused as a child) the demon enters and begins to devour the soul.
Soon the host has lost his or her soul entirely and they become a meat puppet for the demonic parasite living inside of them. Unfortunately the demon has full access to all memories and mannerisms of the host making it impossible to differentiate from a normal person.
There are ways of telling a demon from a human, though.
>These things walk the Earth as I do
Demons love to target kids as they are innocent and pure, and corrupting them will bring the most reward from Satan and also give them the longest amount of time within a meat puppet. (Kids live longer.)
Anyone (and I mean anyone) who targets children for corruption or perversion is without question a demon. They are not human.
gas them
Welcome the situation with open mouths.
Children are the key here, as they represent the future and are the key to humanity's survival....or lack thereof.
Jesus spoke clearly about Satan. He comes to "kill, steal, and destroy." This is what demons desire to do, and corrupting/inhabiting children is the key.
>marry, kill, rape
Based eurofag
Demon targeting children.
I’ve had sex with the one on the left. Was p awesome.
This poor boy is likely dead by now. If not then he is probably fully demonized and serves only as a meat puppet for the demons inside of him.
Miserere Domine. Mea culpa mea culpa mea maxima culpa. We should have executed them. We should have beaten them with fists and executed them when we had the chance. Forgive us oh Lord.
>Claims I am a lust puppet.
>Transitioned to feel comfy first and foremost
I see a problem with your meth rambling hypothesis billy bob.
Give trans and trans lovers an island they’ll ruin it and die there. No chance they survive on their own.
Not all demons seek to display their true form in their host. Most hide it behind a flesh mask and simply peddle filth to kids.
Gas chambers
not pay for it, to begin with
Now that's some Sup Forums thinking right there.
One thing God hates more than anything else is bestiality, and demons know this. Of course LGBT demons are no strangers to this perversion, and they are more than happy to use cartoons and whimsical things to entice even toddlers into their filth.
LGBT are not human. You must never forget this. You must know this. They are not like you or I.
The problem is when society is infiltrated by these demons and even our law enforcement are forced to endorse them.
Or worse, our law enforcement are forced to hire them and employ them.
Remember these things are NOT human. They are demonic in nature and soul. They are only wearing a human costume. Meat clothing.
People who think LGBT don't harm anyone. Look at this picture. Imagine the anguish of this father. Imagine how he feels.
Imagine a gun in his mouth and a tear rolling down his cheek as he thinks of his son one last time.
He dies, Satan laughs, and another life is extinguished all for the LGBT demons.
very cute. well done, girls.
This boy used to be normal once. He used to have normal boy thoughts and dreams. Maybe he wanted to be a firefighter or a police officer, or maybe he wanted to be president.
But now he is in the advanced stages of demonization. Not content to stay home and masturbate to gay porn, he must go out and recruit others to his movement. His demonic movement.
Keep in mind he is only a boy. A young soul already corrupted and likely dead by now, replaced by the demon inside of him.
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua.
Honestly, kill them. A few publicly even. It will heavily slow down and maybe even stomp out the problem. Yes, it's edgy in theory, but violence demands immediate results.
This is an ideal scenario for the LGBT demons: Two demons inside meat puppets who are legally allowed to care for innocent human children.
Of course they will not just care for them, but also corrupt them and implant their own demons within the child(ren).
Stop allowing kids to come in contact with gay or lesbian people because those two groups are highly likely to mentally abuse and coerce kids to accept their degenerate lifestyle, the the canadaian tranny's going to schools, very bad idea
Call it what it is...a mental disorder.
During the stages of demonization, the host soul often fights back and tries to retake its body. Sometimes this is successful, sometimes it results in suicide, but usually it is futile.
Pray for the souls that God might lead them to Heaven.
You point out their hypocrisy. Ever noticed how liberals are into destigmatisation of mental disorders? Whenever they get offended someone points out gender dysphoria is a mental disorder, point out that their outrage stems from stigma around mental disorders, thus perpetuating said discrimination.
>Labelling gender dysphoria a mental disorder is problematic.
>We must stop the stigma around mental disorders.
Choose one and only one.
>Imagine how he feels.
hard as a rock?
I've seen this so often, and yet it gets me every time
Some LGBT demons are so prideful and narcissistic that they desire to show their "beauty" to the world. After they have devoured their host soul, they alter their appearance until they are satisfied.
"we" ?
as in pol ?
posting threads here certainly wont do anything
so pol is useless in the face of things to come sadly
Try to see if you can find the demon in this short webm.
Hint: It's not the boy.
I just feel bad for them. Getting old as a tranny must be bad.
And most people seem to see trannys as exotic sexual fetish instead of a human.
I wonder how many straight allies would really have a relationship with them
>tfw repressed tranny driven insane by steroids and forced self suppression and drugs
I fucking love cocaine. I'm gonna explode my heart with this shit
ANSWER: It's the creature who runs up to the boy and begins thrusting at him, only to be physically restrained by another semi-demonized individual.
Full demonization is easy to spot. The person is physically drawn to children.
They cannot resist children. They are like a magnet.
>impossible to differentiate
>there are ways though
Your attention span has been shortened and warped.
Your mind has been altered and programmed.
In order to fight, you must undo it. And rest assured, if you try, God will help.
Fuck em in the boipuss. What else you going to with em?
That one tranny had to stop tbe other one from grinding with that sick and confused child because the camera was rolling. Horrifying. Yeah, in the oven they all go.
Nuclear launch detected.
Anyone who doesn't find trannies and lgbt "pride culture" disgusting has to be ignorant.
Would shat not have the polar opposite effect of what the OP is asking.
Need a poll, troll or brainlet.
Those three dont look so bad, do they?
Then is not rape, fukwit.
Remember all the demons Jesus cast out? They were numerous, in all those small towns. Everywhere he went he cast them out by the handfuls. When I think about all those corrupted souls that are walking the earth now. Maybe 0.00001% of mankind is truly pious. God flooded the world for less... let that sink in.
I feel bad for fapping over the one on the left back when I was bluepilled now that I hate trannies
I only support transgender surgery because I think tricking the mentally ill into castrating themselves and wearing makeup is hilarious
Fuck their cute pink little boip*ssies
Please save us, Alex-desu...
In the end times it was said the women will want to be men (modern career feminist types) and the men will want to be women (traps, sissies, gays etc)
"the big one" is coming, I'm thinking a massive earthquake or volcano eruption.
If they can't pass they have to go.
Use zyklon B
Use their boipucci?
Let them use our boipucci?
I'm out of ideas.
Did you pay? If so how much
it's called "culling". it's nature's way of returning a population to equilibrium. let it happen.
And what if the kid is suffering because they weren't being validated?
Your hypothesis' are full of shit. You would of course change your god damn tune when confronted with ex spec ops that are MTF trans.
>W-War c-changes a m-man.
This trannies do porn. So it's just their job taking dicks up in the ass. At least it's understandable at some crippled point.
femboys>traps>actual females
gas everything else
let it burn out and realize it is better for humanity in the long run that weak men let themselves be neutered
do not weep for those who were suckered into the lies and let ((them)) have fun with their bodies and wallets
a decade or two from now and these 'people' will have aged like carcasses left to rot int he sun and the 'trans acceptance movement' will be looked back upon with all the nostalgia and joy people give to mengele's experiments on jewish twins
as well one should refrain from looking upon the neutered trannies and their enablers as human because they have forsaken that in deciding to neuter themselves and the children of others then abuse our weak society to grant themselves immunity from criticism
pic is shopped but still nice bait
>What can we do about the rampant transgender epidemic of the past few years?
Publicly shame them and wait for them to kill themselves.
nothing gay about cute boys
traps are not gay
Fuck kill marry
>he still (currently) uses "he" as a pronoun
What the fuck is the mother doing, is she brainwashing her kid to become a female because white men are just not allowed anymore? Why do we allow this.
we FUCK them in their bussys
Fuck them good and hard. Then take them as sex slaves.
>rampant transgender
>0,2% of population, its only shown over and over by media
ignore it
Her social circle probably make comments on how she's raising another evil cis white male so she's trying to turn him into a tranny so he's accepted by them
This so hard.
Even someone with a small amount of psychiatric knowledge can see the severely pathological root of this trans movement.
They demand you play along with them and their insane games because they themselves are truly unconvinced of their horrific life choice to permanently chemically alter their bodies. The horrible feeling they're plagued with is their unconscious mind begging and pleading to the conscious the only way it knows how; through emotion.
Like a poor whimpering abused dog locked in the basement, whining and barking to be let out so it can be its natural self - to run and play and be a normal dog.
And when that abusive owner has guests around, they're all forced to pretend they don't hear this abuse, that they can't hear a trapped dog begging for freedom, because that would be 'transphobic'.
It's utterly tragic and genuinely saddens me to think of these poor twisted bastards being enabled and encouraged by spineless flow-going retard cucks to ruin their lives and dramatically increase the chances of suicide...
It's what happens when unstable single mothers want a daughter but get a son.
miles and miles of rope
Theres somewhat passable ones and then there are dudes in wigs like these ones. I don't really care about the passable ones, it's something I'd want disclosed because I'm not comfortable fucking a dude for several reason. As for these witches, thats a different story. Two of them outright look like dudes with no changes outside of their hair. The first one could literally be Justin Bieber if they cut their hair.
it just brings many philosophies in the fucking table. If there is an elf looking bastard walking. It gives it's ideas but in the world where elves were not created then one has a guy with horns all around. It just brings chaos, that's all.
>being overexaggerated on their physical form
the human body is a warfare also, and with this warfare one can deliver a win or a loss.
Just how a blonde is different from a brunette. Blonde will have a higher win. get the point?