2 weeks ago some sandneger (who claimed to be 17 but was actually much older) stabbed his 15 year old GERMAN girlfriend in a supermarket
I even found a Foxnews source

one week later KIKA (a german tax payed tv-station for KIDS) shows a balant propaganda movie, to propagate these kinds of relationships between (obviously older) arab men, and underage german girls

The show claimed that the guy was 17 years old
Now some anons at the Krautchan found a news article of the 2 from 2 years ago where they also claimed that he was 17 years old. (in the show the girl is 16, in the newspaper article she is 14)

Now they corrected the age to 19 on their KIKA site.

I mean I don't care about the petty details to much but its just amazing how you can bring such a show in a kids tv-station one week after achmed killed his gf.

Every morning when I wake up, I thank the dear god that I did not come as a prussian to this world.

Other urls found in this thread:ädchen_verliebt_sich_in_flüchtling_kikafilm/


Death is a solace.

I wonder what people in 100 years will think about all this

how can Sup Forums not love this?

Damn I wish that was me

Oh am laffin!
Germoney is a disgrace

its like the bbc made a show about adult arabs and underaged britbonger girls just right after the sex-scandal came out

even they aren't that ballsy

this my last bumpersticker


your kind is not welcome here

Its the relentless persuit of money. Who cares what happens in one generation? They need to get rich now. Nihilism.


Thanks OP
German twitter is going crazy about this:

They fucked up. :^)

>(a german tax payed tv-station for KIDS) shows a balant propaganda movie, to propagate these kinds of relationships between (obviously older) arab men, and underage german girls
Our governments are illegitimate and are rogue actors

We will view contemporary progressivism in the same manner as medieval Christianity today-- a dominating ideology that, despite it's many contributions to society, ultimately limited the potential of humanity.

BILD journalist tweeting about it

Cuckland is done

i'm watching the video but it's all in german and they disabled translation

KIKA statement
the whole text says absolutely nothing.

How did you fuck up the ages so bad?
In the show he was said to be 17 and she 16, according to the now discovered article he was 18 and she 15 at the time of release.
The website was now changed to say he's 19.
He's obviously older though.

Nothing of value was lost

I blame that fucking whore of a mother

So a heap of germans will be arrested today for posting illegal opinions?

>be muslim whore
>her choice

He will kill her atleast then, when Mivanka or whatever starts more and more to look like her mother

He was 18 according to the newspaper article in OP, which is from 2016. The TV propaganda is from late 2017, he was at least 19 then. Probably 25+, someone should try to find out if he came to Germany without papers.
the fire rises
even german reddit is waking upädchen_verliebt_sich_in_flüchtling_kikafilm/

Unlikely, it's probably gonna be viewed more like communism is viewed in Eastern Europe, as a nation-wrecking force creating poverty and destroying culture. That is if our people will still even be there in a 100 years and if we are it's because people decided to rebel agianst the progressive system.

its not a "fuck up" its the deliberate agenda of the marxists
Everyone involved knew 100%
Jus like the treasonous politicians who stand in front of a crowd of 30 year old blacks/muslims, claiming they are women & children

It's all part of their grand plan

Wow that's an absolute non statement.

He's fucking balding, 30+ if you ask me.

he meant me in my OP
but as i said :
THE POINT IS THAT THIS IS ONE WEEK AFTER THE INCIDENT where a similar couple got achmed'ed

that particular face when nothing works out

I meant OP fucked up.

the point is that the criminal/corrupt elites who control our countries and media are the guilty parties - would this be OK if it was a month later? NO

Listen to the Dalai Lama:

>go to Germany
>don't even speak the language
>think women should be beaten and raped and must wear burkas
>German women worship you and flock to you
>literally date and fuck dozens of German women when German adult men are virgin losers
>kill one German slut you were bored with
>get a slap on the wrist by the German female judge
>feminists celebrate and invite you to their events
>fuck and date dozens of them, bring your Ahmed gang with you
>all the clubs are Arab men and German women
>kill another whore that's boring you
>get 3 years of jail time
>jail has the conditions of a 3 star hotel with conjugal visits AND let's you leave the jail on the weekends
>the parents of the slain girl shake your hand and thank you for the diversity and ask you to help them convert to Islam

This happens daily in Germany, France, and England.

The death of the german race is a good thing. It will ensure that a violent uprising of any form will cease to exist. I can only hope that all of europe will negrify itself in an attempt to right the wrongs of their brutal history.

ahaha look at that german soyboy, I bet he cums every time thinking about the growing warrior in her womb


Love what? Racemixing propaganda? The promotion of the out breeding of the German people? There is nothing to love here. This is agony.

Funny that syria obviously doesn't need strong, fit individuals in their best years to rebuild their country or something.

Nah, fuck that. Germany clearly needs another sandfriend who bangs german teens and wants to be an engineer because, god forbid, we don't FUCKING ALREADY HAVE ENOUGH ENGINEERS!

I'm not going to watch the fucking video but what is the relationship of the blonde twig boy to the girl?

Salty virgin German soyboy detected. Sad. Some Mohammad that has no future and doesn't speak the language and is misogynistic and hates your people and country has no problem with your women and is worshiped by them while you can;t even find one German woman to smile at you.


Because 5 years ago we joked about such things happening, before the great "merkel" attack, as in exaggerated greentext, you understand?

jesus christ, this page has an age limit you know

Beta orbiter, what else?

A burger is writing ethno-masochist cuck fetish erotica. Color me surprised.

Nothing wrong with this. Two people loving each other is always a good thing. Many German girls like arab/darker looking guys and actually a lot of the male refugees are kinda handsome.

I don't blame anyone. If I could date an arab grill I would do so as well.

It's her classmate.


Hey, if that gets you off, then the future of Germany is already MOHAMMAD'D

looks like a a cuck moderator

he looks surprisingly similar to that one german "journalist" who adopted a "refugee" with his "girlfirend"
the pic was a classic here, who has it?

maybe i should work out to look as muscular as this guy

you don't become masculine by working out but by offering your women to refugees
it shows that you don't feel intimidated by their superiority

I'm assuming it get's you off. It's always some American writing shit like that and by now I'm convinced you're all projecting.

He's literally her best friend.

im a mulatto but sadly i dont have a big dick or natural muscles like this sandnegers, im a beta neger.

best friend according to the TV report
nice wordfilter

>best friend
poor lad
oh wait, he'd probably call me a facist that should be sent to a gulag, so...
...poor lad

>one week later KIKA

he actually complained about the shitskin having different values, probably confused and waiting for the shitskin to hit her. Then he can step in and be the white knight. :^)

you are prob some Jafari dirt then, sorry but only death can help you

man that dog every fucking time

do animals have some second sense or something?

it's like IT KNOWS

what is a jafari dirt?

The lust in her eyes, this is the way she is looking at your new overlords, I bet she never looks at you the same way, Hans...

>what is a jafari dirt?
I was in the wrong and thought you were genuine but now I know you are just larping

If it weren't because of my superior brain I would've never noticed

Im not larping, now tell me what is a jafari dirt


>she is looking at your new overlords
it's true digits confirm, but I don't allow her to make eye contact with me she should focus on my pillar of islam

it means you are a dirty shia

thats a white hand, i even see your veins
now my inner Louis c+ck is triggered

Just accept it, Hans, there is nothing you can do about it, the conquering hands of your new masters takes her away and she willingly follows him, you can never be enough for her and satisfy her, your country is lost...

I thought that was a woman

he doesn't even look like standart muslim, but he looks like the even more cunt-y kind of arab who probably also has an Adidas bag and other shit

lol, literally tolerated introduced pedophilia... Fuck this is sick, I am literally dreaming every single day that we live in a horizon zero dawn-like future and we get the FUCK away from these cancerous goverment laws.

Lol, if 6'4 ft tall Hans loses against that midget Arab, then you know something is fucked up...


it's funny how you both laugh at each others women fucked by the same men
in the end we have the last laugh and your women the last moan

german slut girls and their lust, they are the worst

in the end we go full fash and set our people free with the help of the devine

Sweden itself has been a joke for a long time, I actually expected something better from the Krauts tbqh... Isn't your country also the place where a German girl and her bf went outside to sleep in a tent in a park which somehow attracted an African man with a hatchet who robbed them and the girl told her bf to stand still as she chased him and let him rape her in order to get the stuff back... the police later also praised the girl for her efforts...

Globalism disgusts me...


Holy shit, she's so wet. German women literally worship Muslim men. Some Aryan race

>I dream about living in a feminist future that has no white men in it


is this real mutti?

>Your woman
Since when do we "own" woman?
This country is full of boderline cucks who complain about everything (Sup Forums is the best example) but are just scared to do anything in private.
The instincts of a woman strive for an man with a dominant personality and if western countries can't provide them with real men, of course they will fuck around the globe.

>Since when do we "own" woman?
implement sharia law and you do, maybe Germany is allowed to stay light skinned this way only Allah knows

Toll paid
Move along

>Isn't your country also the place where a German girl and her bf went outside to sleep in a tent in a park which somehow attracted an African man with a hatchet who robbed them and the girl told her bf to stand still as she chased him and let him rape her in order to get the stuff back
Yeah it is.
The boyfriend even had a knife, he could have stabbed him from behind, at the moment he left the tent with the girl but she didn't want it and her soygoy bf agreed.
I personally think, the woman wanted to get a bbc.
She didn't resist even a bit, and denied all other possibilities.
This " I've done it, so he don't kill my bf" thing was probably just an excuse for her to cuckhold ger bf.

Starting a civil war would be easier that learning arabic.

don't blame it on the woman, I wouldn't be surprised if her bf asked her to to it

>Starting a civil war
a war against whom? your women? that's where the problem lies

He was jerking his 12cm while his 'gf' got fucked PROPERLY by a REAL dick for once. It was a win win situation.

I'm sorry to hear that, Hans,

I feel you, bro...

>Don't blame it on the woman
I don't do.
As i said, woman know instictively which men are more confident, dominat etc.
If her boyfriend would have been such a men, she could have trusted him to handle this situation, and hadn't let him sit in the tent, calling the police and doing nothing.

So arab mans are good for us ? Do they enrich us with masculinity ?

Plot spoiler: the Syrian 'teen' rapes and murders the girl when she ends the relationship.

In the shorter-term, I agree. I was speculating in about 300 years.

These people are legit selling ethnic genocide by pushing the adult invaders to breed with underage white girls. A slow painful death is going to be too painful for these traitors.

Stop it. Part of my family is from Germany. This is shame. How you can fail so much Germany?