User, he died 4 years ago

user, he died 4 years ago.
You didn't forget did you?

Every writer who creates shitty tsunderes deserves to die. My only regret is that I couldn't kill him myself.

Reading his last few tweets made me cry uncontrollably and left me feeling depressed for a few days.

Except she wasn't a shitty tsundere if you bothered to actually read the source material. All this tells me is you're a cock.

Also, I did.


>I want to live

Who. Honestly this series was a fucking mess.

Please stop ;_;

>not creating the perfect tsundere then passing on to be with her eternally

Truly a man of fine ideals.

It's weird I was just thinking of this guy a few hours ago and I wasn't even a big fan of Zero No Tsukaima.

Shut the fuck up and post more Louise.

Can't read Japanese. Did anyone translate his last words?

Sup Forums hates it now

Pretty sad desu

Why didn't she kill the baka maido? She was literally trying to rape him in Louise's own bed


They were friends, but the one that she could've killed was Henrietta.

Too bad the MC was pervy and a cheating mothefucker but there was never going to be harem end.

>My only regret is that I couldn't kill him myself

He wants to live.

Where is his twitter account?

>writes a cancerous series
>dies of cancer


I read the source material. She was more bearable there, but still a shitty tsundere. In other news, Empress Charlotte is best girl.

Louise is not for lewd!

Dominant Louise?

Or submissive Louise?

Lousie trying to be dominant in vain before losing to the dick and becoming submissive.

Dom Louise. Easiest choice in my life.

Amazing taste, Mr. Descartes.

Nothing better than girl struggling to beat the dick.