Can Sup Forums come up with a way to sell an American ethnostate to the average voter?
FYI "kill them all" will not get you elected
Can Sup Forums come up with a way to sell an American ethnostate to the average voter?
FYI "kill them all" will not get you elected
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Deport them all.
You cant because "white" isn't a nation. You cannot pull on nationalism strings with "white" because nobody gives two shits about race other than niggers SJWs and racists. The only strings you can pull are nationalist strings, which is how say Hitler got into power, but the problem with that is the fact that at least 30% of your entire country (probably even more) are niggers and spics who consider themselves as American as any white person. So nationalism is out of the question, and so is race. Meaning it's impossible.
To where? Jews can go to Israel, and Mexicans can go to Mexico, but what about blacks?
The recent immigrants can just go back to their origin country, but "African Americans" will likely need a new African nation created via conquest. It would have to be serviceable too, so Liberia is out of the question unless the US literally rebuilds everything.
America has been a nationalist nation for decades.
Niggervations in shitty areas of the country. They will functionally similar to Indian reservations, but we'll build them plywood pyramids so they can finally be kangz n shieeet.
Civil war. Whites can't lose small arms wars.
Yes it was, but whites aren't the only nationalists. Blacks and Latinos are also nationalists, have American pride, probably even state pride and all of that. Just as much as white people, in some cases, even more.
So then why are you saying nationalism is impossible?
In the same way a trailer park is full of Nascar watching, pabst blue ribbon drinking rednecks. An ethno-state could be an optional location the "racists" choose to move to, to be away from the minorities they hate.
No i'm saying white ethno-nationalism is impossible, or at least, impossible to ever be popular
Could work, but you'd still have them committing crimes in Bumfuck, Kansas.
Look at the degeneracy surrounding us. We have become unmoored from traditional values. Those values were handed to blacks from whites for the betterment of mankind.
They'll kill themselves, OD themselves, or get their shit together. Either way we'll just build walls around them or surround the niggervations by water.
Forced migration/deportation is considered genocide, so how do you fight those accusations?
>FYI "kill them all" will not get you elected
Not now. Probably later. Give it some time.
But it won't be any elections at that point because of certain people beeing in minority.
>Whites can't lose small arms wars.
Ah, American-level History education
Briar patch the minorities into an atrocious act to move the Overton window to the point where it's acceptable.
We're the Alinskyites now.
how is she so hot for how old she is? are there hotter grandmas in existence?
You want a white ethno-state move to Europe. I'm a black conservative & I laugh at how stupid some of Sup Forums is. USA will never be an ethno-state. Most of you fags on here don't even have a job. Is your race so pathetic that you need a nanny government to sustain your race? Damn white men you used to be vikings & now you're all cucks. If I had it my way I would deport all you poor whites, blacks, browns etc. because you are useless humans that don't contribute to society at all.
Since when is "amerimutt" an ethnicity?
>Let's discuss the real 1% in our society and deconstruct the history of their oppressive tactics. WE ARE THE 99%
>See, they are trying to silence me now... HELP!
This. Amerimutts can only have Civic nationalism or "American nationalism", hwite "nationalism" is retarded and proto-globalist
That's easy, we'll create summer camps for Blacks, trick them into thinking it's some youth group BLM gathering event where there will be lots of drugs, alcohol, sex, free food, free tv's etc. Then when they get there we'll lead them to one giant building and lock them in. Then we spray them with chemicals until they're dead and then we either burn the bodies in ovens or bury them en mass in trenches. I'll call it, the Niggacaust.
>for every family you help deport you will pay -x% tax
>no welfare/aid/funds/donations/charities for illegals or sharia fundamentalists or jewish interests
>ship all jews to madagascar
>Most of you fags on here don't even have a job. Is your race so pathetic that you need a nanny government to sustain your race?
Why did you start talking about blacks instead of whites half way through your post?
>nobody gives two shits about race other than niggers SJWs and racists
Aren't those the 3 categories of humanity?
The holla-caust.
deletet this
>FYI "kill them all" will not get you elected
but it will get you re-elected
I don't care if you're white black or green. NEETs & welfare queens both white and black need to be deported.
>can't into grammar
Finish your GED, you ugly-ass baboon.
Bra+Not enough light=Can't see shit.
Or, we could just segregate and deal with each of our own problems internally.
Why even care, her naked pictures are all over the web
Most spics don't see themselves as American, Just like most Jews don't see themselves as American.
>Meme flag uses nigger.
And they're right.
"We need to give everyone a chance to take responsibility for their own people instead of blaming whitey for everything."
> I'm a black conservative
Good for you.
> Is your race so pathetic that you need a nanny government to sustain your race?
This is beyond the pot calling the kettle black. This is the crack pot calling the kettle a nigger. Maybe you are self-sufficient, but you shouldn't blind yourself to the reality of niggerdom in America.
> because you are useless humans that don't contribute to society at all.
What do you contribute?
I'm cool with that too but some ppl don't want to segregate. I would still deport the all useless humans & NEETs
Ethnostate sounds bigoted, and I suppose it is to an outsider, but it needn't be bigoted toward anyone inside that state.
Japan is an ethnostate
dont have to kill anyone, just build tribal enclaves like we did for injuns. whites could do it too, we were here long before the chinks.
>mfw niggers think just having a job (like at McDonalds) contributes to society
Emphasize Racial differences and encourage the reconquest of Liberia and establish a Western Black ethnostate and give them aid for reparations for slavery. Nignogs complain about reparations and systemic racism in the US so let them govern themselves and allow them to regress back in Africa in exchange for a white ethnostate. Highly unlikely but racial issues are going to continue to get worse and this way could somewhat prevent a future genocide.
Video related.
>kill them all
>deport them all
You both have my vote.
Kill them all will work if you kill them all that disagree with you.
>whites not a race
>whites not a nation
>whites not defined
translating from hebrew to english, whites cannot be allowed unity by blood
It's beautiful
Fuck an ethnostate I want a new global economic Anglo-Nordic order without the kikes.
States rights, no racial bullshit. All you have to say to normies is more freedom and jobs then you can get a white state and vote for white interests.
wewuzzing again
well, she is slovenian.
balkan girls are the hottest.
DOTR =Hollacaust lel
>amerimutt ethnoghetto
How about Canada? They love immigrants and there's plenty of open space to ruin.
niggers wont have that because it cuts off the flow of gibs. honestly there's no reason niggers stay in our country but to steal our wealth and women.
>but what about blacks
Liberia, the country Dixie created specifically to send niggers back home once they were free until those dirty yankeecucks talked them into declaring Independence skyrocketing the price of sending them back and with no government backing to speak of the program died
Thank your buddy Lincoln nigger lovers
>Be a political party (Republicans)
>Get the popular vote (Once you remove the illegals, he did win the popular vote)
>Agree on ethnostate ideology
>Come up with plan to implement
>By creating chaos in your own party (Trump Bannon situation)
>Orchestrate a split party scenario where the actual other party (democrats) don't even matter
>Actually convince liberals to vote for one of the two in the split party scenario
>Actually convince Democrats to put Oprah Winfrey up for president
>All the while deportations are at an all time high
>Finish wall before year 4
>Reference thriving economy and unemployment rate lowest ever -- by actually showing the REAL unemployment rate.
>Shock and fucking awe.
Hey, we're not done winning yet. Want to know what the next step is?
I don't see blacks on Sup Forums wanting to make the USA an ethno-state. Maybe some are but I've never seen it. Like I said if you're a useless human you should leave point blank. I don't care what race you are. You act as if that whole meth/opioid problem doesn't exist in white America & more whites use food stamps than blacks. Most of the Sup Forums-tards want a ethno-state because most likely your race won't be around in the next century. Do you have a family yet? How many kids? I have 3 1 from my baby's mother & 2 from my wife. They ALL live with me. Point I'm making is USA will never be an white state & your best chance at having one is to move to Europe en masse.
>What do you contribute?
I have 2 online businesses that provide a service to paying clients.
kys Sandeep
Take away the legal status of anyone that commits felonies and tell them they are not allowed to live in the United States. We all know who is behind the most violent crimes and naturally we will become more white. Who wants to live with criminals anyways? How is this racist? What do you mean blacks commit more crimes?
It needs to be simple and elegant
floridian here; would like to see a state law banishing felons.
>I'm a black conservative & I laugh at how stupid some of Sup Forums is. USA will never be an ethno-state.
Never heard of Balkanization or Apartheid, have you?
Accelerationism. The more non-White the country becomes, the more desirable a White ethnostate will appear to be.
he's never heard of the suburbs. we have a car culture specifically because we hate niggers
>mfw ofeys think I would ever work a 9-5 JOB in the age of the internet.
I've had passive income since high school NEET.
>more whites than blacks in U.S. More whites use foodstamps. Damn nigga, you dumb.
Just show videos of nigs nigging on tv and the problem will solve itself.
>The First Mail Order
disability doesnt count, neither does foodstamps
First you must define "white". If the definition is le 56% percent face, congratulations, you already have your ethnostate.
Umm who brought up KANGZ! I don't care about Egypt.
nice tits
we'll give you alabama and mississippi an we'll get the rest, spics just go to mexico
The US is finished in terms of some kind of national identity. The future of politics is racial. The idea will sell itself.
Don't call for an ethnostate. Argue for merit based immigration. The fact it inherently favors whites would just be a coincidence.
>but what about blacks?
dude, africa is a huge continent, it's three times the size of the US. why should this failing species get more land than that?
Who wants a race war? Stupid reply that has nothing to do with the points I made.
But in practice it seems to be favoring Indians.
we can either segregate and stop feeding/breeding niggers, or we can watch our country go to shit and china will come in here and deathcamp all of us. they hate niggers more than we do
>Damn white men you used to be vikings & now you're all cucks. If I had it my way I would deport all you poor whites
Just look at japan.
Before we can make it salonfähig, we need to raise awareness.
Most people haven't even heard or thought about an ethnostate.
And what better way to raise awareness than to meme it and let the left wing media take the bait?
Then, once people know about it, they can start thinking about it
Awareness first
Provided all you said is true, then I don't have any quarrels with your world view or your accomplishments. You've got your shit together and you should take pride in that. I wish more nogs did.
> I don't see blacks on Sup Forums wanting to make the USA an ethno-state
They don't have the numbers now and from a historic standpoint. The white Europeans actually do. For however short a time that is.
> Like I said if you're a useless human you should leave point blank.
Completely agree with you. The meth heads will be dealt with too. We need a good working society with as few leeches as possible. As for the food stamps, raw number of whites, sure, adjusted percent though? You may want to go recheck those numbers.
Bottom line is whites deserve a right to live same as any race. North America seems like the last viable way given that Europe's socialist slide is leading it to a demographic impalement too. Moving there would just stall it.
Show them what the left has in mind for whites in the future. That'll convert them.
Never had food stamps or disability. eCom.
Deport them all to the killing chambers. Sir, did you say deport? I meant report. As in, muster them up, and force feed em into the cutting blades.
>poor whites, blacks, & brown etc.
Did you miss the other parts?