How do I stop fapping? It is eating away at my soul.
How do you fellas resist the urge to fap?
never started
Use some god damn self control
> How do i control my basic urges
stop being a nigger, woks 100%.
I did it, by just filling my life with stuff to do. However I really recommend starting a sport. Whether it is lifting, running or whatever. Once I completed a strike of 4 days w/o fapping I constantly got boners, and THEN it got really hard not to fap.
Just start going to the gym
I already do lift its not working!
Idk I had to start fapping once a week again because I started getting prostatis symptoms after doing nofap on and off for a year
It's kind of like developing a muscle; you're not going to get ripped in one day. Just hold out as long as you can, then try better next time.
Have a purpose in life. Write down goals. Work from a list. Be literally too busy to fap. If you have an urge, you do something else instead.
If you fail at this, try to restrict it to once a day. Then once every other day. Then once every three days, etc. Celebrate every little improvement even what seems like a set back. Self control is a skill that takes time to learn.
(or just go ahead and fap and realize you're using it as a scape goat)
Oh and I btw I just restarted no fap. On day 3. It ain´t easy bros.
>Once I completed a strike of 4 days w/o fapping I constantly got boners, and THEN it got really hard not to fap.
Stopped jerking it for like 5 days and I get boners when I'm just laying in bed before I sleep and when I wake up my wood is raging
>(or just go ahead and fap and realize you're using it as a scape goat)
get a girlfriend, start off having a ton of sex and not needing to beat off, then watch as it slowly tapers off, and she spends every living second with you, so the shame of beating off to the bizarre porn of your preference prevents you from doing it in her presence, worked for me :')
Faping raises IQ.
Why do you think Sup Forums os 130 IQ avg?
No fap is a meme. A week is the longest time you should go without busting.
Well I mean got to the gym, or do push ups the MOMENT you get a boner. Or go outside for a walk. Trust me, that shit works and alters your mind. It goes from
>show bobs and vagene, cus I need fap
>Holy shit my boner went away and I don´t want to rapidly stroke my noodle to nekkid women
Fuck off with your no fap bullshit. This is a politics board. Only pizzagate and happening threads
and are this way
Just control yourself
>Stopped jerking it for like 5 days and I get boners when I'm just laying in bed before I sleep and when I wake up my wood is raging
maybe you should try not being so thirsty and do other stuff to distract you.
>believing in pizzagoyim
>disinfo faggot
>fucks foster children
Sup Forums is a board of advice that is needed to survive in this current world of politics. That includes fapping and thus the feminisation of men
Fuck off shillfag. We know you're in Comet Ping Pong's dungeon
>fucks foster children
lol what?
Fap 3 times a day keeps the doctor away.
>We know you're in Comet Ping Pong's dungeon
take your pills lunatic.
It keeps the girls away too.
James loves legos and apple juice!
He's not adding anything of value. We've had 100s if no fap threads with plenty of advice. He didnt need a thread of his own
Indeed it's a nice plus! Keeps those vapid beasts away.
Have you tried having sex with women?
You don’t stop fapping. You just tone it down. There’s nothing wrong with showing your gear a little attention.
Im taking all the pills i need
You're not a man if you don't produce every day.
Nice comeback Relaxo.
Lifting increases your testosterone and makes you even hornier all the time. Especially if not fapping. It is good to channel that extra testosterone into flirting with girls/getting laid. You will feel more confident with high test and having not fapped.
Just be yourself. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps. Look her in the eye and give her a firm handshake.
Lifting increases your testosterone and makes you even hornier all the time. Especially if not fapping. It is good to channel that extra testosterone into flirting with girls/getting laid. You will feel more confident with high test and having not fapped..
>James loves legos and apple juice!
>Im taking all the pills i need
too may of them in fact i can see your head spinning from here.
If you can't stop fapping you are a pathetic fucking piece of shit.
>abloo-bloo-bloo i c-can't ;_;
Nofap forums are full of useless faggots like you.
>I can see your head spinning from here
Sounds like you might be having a panic attack. Nervous we're going to find out what you fags are up to?
sudden realization that fapping was as far as i'd ever get. boner instantly destroyed along with urge to constantly fap since then.